After dealing with these informants, Akagi immediately mobilized the remaining bombers and headed towards Nagato's fleet.

"Sister, what happened?"

The sudden change did not allow Kaga to react.

"Nagato betrayed the Kanji Alliance. She has always been our enemy. Now time is running out. Help the G Alliance to deal with them."



Because Nagato has been at G Joint Headquarters for a long time, the other aircraft carrier girls staying with Akagi and the others were a little flustered and caught off guard.

The battleship of the carrier girls who were companions a second ago is now in the process of sinking.

And Akagi She did not place her hopes on the other ship girls sailing with her, but sent some carrier aircraft to explain the situation to them, and then commanded Kaga to start the attack.

After all, her sister was the most trustworthy person.

"Kaga, leave 20 fighter jets above us. If there are other aircraft carriers that want to take off, shoot them down directly."

"OK, sister."

Kaga, who had been following Akagi since he woke up, did not doubt Akagi's order.

After all, the two fleets in front had already engaged in battle, so one of the ship girls must be the enemy. The distance of 6 nautical miles is very close for a battleship, especially a battleship controlled by a ship girl.

Especially the two joint units are the strongest in the entire ship girl union.

Fierce artillery fire swept towards Bismarck.

However, she was not afraid of the attacks from the J-Unit gunboats. Instead, she boldly turned the bow and sailed to a position parallel to Nagato and the others.

Exposing the entire battleship to the maximum extent under the artillery fire.

Nagato used the special Type 91 armor-piercing shells. If this round of artillery fire hit her, it would at least cause considerable damage to Bismarck.

The dense rain of bullets was approaching, and Bismarck did not change color at all for these shells. The only target in her eyes was Nagato across the sea.


As the flagship of one of the strongest alliances, she will of course give herself the best ship equipment.

So her ship equipment is of course the same 410mm main gun as Nagato.

After all, Nagato has already appeared, and she is the flagship Of course there is no shortage of Kuchako.

The cannon she uses is the same as Nagato!


When Bismarck's ears can hear the sound of the cannon!

"Front defense!"

【Battle Line Defense]: Eugen's legendary skill, with itself as the center, other warships within a 3-mile radius will be immune to the next attack for 3 minutes, with a cooldown of 2 hours.

A cry came from the G-Union fleet!

Invisible energy spread from the source of the sound until it enveloped part of the G-Union warships within a 3-mile radius.

When the shells touched the G-Union ship, they disappeared in the energy shield formed by the invisible energy wave.

The first wave of sneak attacks from the J-Union failed!

All the bombardments were blocked by Eugen's legendary skills!

"Lord Bismarck, this legendary skill can still last for two minutes, and the next use will be two hours later!"

Ogen said as his delicate body was surrounded by circles of blue energy halo.

Ogen's wife

"sorry to bother you!"

"G-Union counterattack!"

"Does Nagato look down on me so much? You don’t even need legendary skills, so now you have a taste of my power!"

"Tirpitz, judge the situation yourself."

Bismarck said solemnly.

At the same time, a blue halo appeared on her body, just like Eugen.

"Flagship killer!"

【[Flagship Killer]: Bismarck's legendary skill, attacking the flagship of the opponent's fleet increases the lethality of the shells by 30%. Within the range of the shelling, one round of shelling will hit one of three.

When Bismarck's target was Nagato, her entire battleship changed.

Particles gathered into a bright blue light at the muzzle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The pouring shells also changed from normal colors to shells covered with blue light.

The trajectory of flying in the air is like a meteor with a long tail.

What is Bismarck better than Nagato?

Her battleship is bigger and longer.

So even if she installs the same guns as Nagato, she can install five, 10 guns.

Although the superstructure of the entire battleship is a little crowded, it can still squeeze in.

Compared with other ship girls, she is a real practical school. As long as this makes her stronger, she doesn't mind sacrificing other performance of the battleship.

After all, her legendary skill is also to strengthen the ability of her main gun.

10 meteors streaked across, faster than normal shells, more powerful, and with a higher hit rate.

When Nagato, his old rival, saw the meteor flying over, he knew that the Bismarck on the other side had used the legendary skill.

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy for Eugen to break through your defenses."

"Pillar Island Fleet!"

【[Hashima Fleet]: Strengthen the large-caliber main guns equipped by itself and increase the effect by 20%.

Nagato, who did not give in, also used his legendary skills.

The four main guns simultaneously emitted brilliant red light.

What does it mean that the 410mm main guns have been improved by another 20%?

It can hit farther and cause more damage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shells fired by the strengthened main guns are no less effective than Bismarck's artillery fire.


Her legendary skills only strengthen her main guns, and her hit rate still depends on her.

Bismarck's legendary skills are special attacks on flagships.

When both sides have similar training levels and Bismarck has more main guns.

Both sides began to maneuver and dodge quickly.

What is a legendary skill? It affects the battleship with the special power of the ship girl.

Not to mention the shells that are now blessed by the Bismarck flagship killer.

The same maneuver.

Nagato was hit 6 out of 10.

She was hit 2 out of 8.

What's more, she is now protected by Eugen's legendary skills and can be immune to damage for a period of time.

In a head-on fleet confrontation, an extra legendary ship girl can affect the entire battle situation.

Now a large number of warships are pouring fire on each other, and one by one, the warships are also being damaged rapidly.

Under the protection of Eugen, Bismarck and the other main battleships were not affected at all.

Although she knew that Bismarck's legendary skills were weird, it was the first time that Nagato saw the shells that she had avoided, turning and hitting.

The shells that were originally avoided were forced to hit, and the shells that could not be avoided continued to hit. She was hit by 6 consecutive shells, and they were reinforced shells, and the result was that 5 of them penetrated.

Part of her superstructure was blown up, and the thicker armor near the main gun was not destroyed, but it still affected some of the performance. The original ammunition depot was penetrated and exploded. Fortunately, she was a ship girl and had no ammunition depot, so she was not afraid of being exploded.

There were also 2 shells that penetrated directly from the side of the hull to the lower layer of her hull, causing considerable damage to the internal space.

Some of the warehouses began to flood.

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