If the Lexingtons caused most of the shock, they were less impressive as battleships.

Then Clemenceau was really shocked when most of the people present were battleship girls.

Whether it is Veneto, Richelieu, or Bismarck, they can rely on the power of their battleships and their relatively high level of training to fight against many.

That's all if the number of opponent's warships cannot be higher than one level.

The number of opponents Clemenceau and the others encountered this time, even if they were allowed to come, there would be no good solution.

But this situation was resolved by two battleships.

How to calm them down.

Faced with Veneto's words, Richelieu could only sigh in the end.

Just now, she had been thinking about whether she could do better than Clemenceau in the same situation.

After several rehearsals and calculations in her mind, she found that when she faced this situation, she might only be eliminated.

Even if she is a legendary ship girl, the most she can improve is the control of the battleship and the level of gunnery. By improving the battleship, the battleship can have better performance and upper limit under the same data.

But it cannot exceed the limits of the battleship itself.

Because she uses the same main gun as Clemenceau, her shells can also hit a position of 16 nautical miles, but her hit rate may not be much better than Clemenceau.

It may be worse than Clemenceau, not to mention that the speed of the battleship cannot be compared to Clemenceau.

If she was really allowed to fight Clemenceau one-on-one, she really had no chance of defeating Clemenceau when Clemenceau had the speed advantage and the initiative in the battle.

And there is more than one such battleship Wei An

"Hood, such a powerful admiral cannot be accommodated by your E-Union Department. We can discuss his ownership after the assessment is over."

Because Veneto had spoken first, Nagato's eyes lit up and he attacked Hood.

After she finished speaking, the other joint flagships present were a little moved.

Just like a girl can't do anything until she meets a girl who truly loves her. They categorically said that they must only like boys, and they were still like this now, before the emergence of Wei An, an admiral who surpassed all others, they could still maintain their own self even when facing some talented admirals.

But now everything has changed.

Wei An has only been in school for less than a year and can overwhelm all the old admirals. If Wei An is given some time to grow up, it will be unimaginable for them. How powerful will it be in the future? If we recruit this admiral into our joint headquarters, how much stronger will the entire joint headquarters be in the future?

There is competition.

Otherwise, why are the J and G liaisons taking turns in the first liaison department? Isn't it because the admiral and the ship girl are stronger and have more capital?

Are you just waiting for the E joint headquarters to sit on the first joint headquarters?

So now that everything has not been settled, the flagships of the joint headquarters are communicating with each other tacitly with their eyes.



Hood slammed the table and roared.

As the flagship of the E joint headquarters, Hood was not happy. Nagato's behavior was to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.


"Don’t forget, this is a ship girl alliance. Although we are for the development of ship girls, it is also our rule that we cannot force the admiral’s personal wishes."

"What's more, don't forget, he is the first one this time! The choice is only in his hands! Have you forgotten about Commander Yunhai?"

Hood stared at Nagato fiercely as he spoke.

The other flagships also fell silent, recalling the past.

The rule that the admirals were allowed to freely choose the joint headquarters during the joint assessment was only set after that time.

At the same time, the academy still has In the past, the ship girl assigned a garrison to the admiral for the better development of the alliance.

Admiral Yunhai was an outstanding admiral in that joint assessment, and his talent was also extremely powerful, which could increase the overall strength of his ship girl by 10%. , and at the same time improve the affinity of the battleship.

It is even more terrifying than the current Songlin. His talent is still limited to the J Alliance, and Admiral Yunhai is the ship girl who has contracted with him.

For this reason, all alliances can take effect. It can be said that it took a bloody fight and several private joint exercises to decide who Admiral Yunhai would be.

But the bad thing is that Admiral Yunhai is a bit special because of his battleship affinity. They are all big sisters, but he is a complete lolita fan, and he also has a little girl he fell in love with at first sight, a vampire.

But because the stronger joint department has the right to choose first, he was chosen by the J joint department as expected. The distance between him and his vampire sister is getting further and further.

For this reason, he strives to go to the weaker AU alliance, but there is no accident that the ship girl alliance will not let such a talented admiral go. After all, there are only a few ship girls in the AU joint department, and it is a waste to put him there.

However, under such circumstances, he still did not give up on fishing for vampires..

Since he is not allowed to enter the AU joint headquarters, it will be no problem if he takes away the other party's little flagship.

As the flagship, she cannot easily abandon the other sisters in the joint headquarters, but she is not willing to reject Yun Hai. She could only put aside the thought of arranging everything before leaving the AU joint headquarters.

Nothing unexpected happened.

The AU joint headquarters was relatively weak. She also used the destroyer as the flagship to lead the development of her joint headquarters and encountered him. I can only wait for her bad news in the J League.

I can't develop in the league I like, even the ship girl I like.���Can't protect it.

He left in grief and left the Ship Girl Alliance.

By the time the Ship Girl Alliance received news from him again, he had already made a name for himself in the northern war zone.

As a free commander, he sat all the way to the position of governor of the northern theater, and he was not afraid of the shipgirls joining forces to capture his married destroyer.

The Ship Girl Alliance also sent someone to ask him why he wanted to leave, and the answer he received was

"If I had been around a vampire at that time, maybe everything would have turned out differently."

The old story was brought up again, and the Ship Girl Alliance discovered that there was such an admiral, flirting with the destroyer under the nose of the Pie Team.

The other joint headquarters lost to a destroyer.

It was also at that time that the Ship Girl Alliance began to reflect on itself , formulated new rules in accordance with the admiral's personal wishes. Just as he said, if he was there at that time, facing more than ten ships in the deep sea would not be a problem.

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