"However, Admiral Wei An is different from Yun Hai. He is more talented and should go to the powerful joint headquarters. Is there anyone he likes in your E joint headquarters?"

"If our J and G Joint Departments go all out to train an admiral, your E Joint Department will be incomparable."

Nagato still wanted to fight for it.

But her words reminded Hood instead.

They reminded her of the night with Wei An.

"Same, he is mine....."

But Hu De didn't say the word"admiral". Even if she wanted to be a Wei An ship girl, she would have to sign a contract with Wei An before she could do it, so her confidence was a bit lacking.




"Hood you...!"

Although she spoke softly, none of the ship girls present here were powerful and had sensitive hearing, so they looked at her in horror.

"He is mine, from my E-Union Department!"

Now that they knew what he was thinking, Hood immediately and boldly declared Wei An's sovereignty.

"ah! Hood! I didn’t expect that you had already taken action! You old woman has actually blossomed!"

"Woohoo, little Weiwei is gone, I’m so sad."

Hood's words completely made Veneto unable to hold his nerve.

How can we argue? The E-Union even has its own flagship. It is not the flagship of a weak alliance like a vampire, but the fourth most powerful one. The flagship of the Joint Headquarters.

But the Prince of Wales and War-weary who were following Hood had not been taken away by other admirals for a long time, and they had subconsciously assumed that Hood would not leave the Joint Headquarters.

Hood and Wei An usually communicated a lot and they didn't think much about it.

Even when Hood came back late before, they thought he was discussing with Wei An about joining the club, but now they were told that their flagship master had turned his elbow outward.

Okay, how can I calm them down?

"Hood, are you with him?...."

War Exhaustion is a bit hard to accept. What if Hood leaves the E-Complex?

"I will explain this to you later."

Hu De's words finally sealed Wei'an's matter completely, leaving the other ship girls in the joint headquarters to sigh with regret.

Only Hood is extremely complicated right now.

She originally wanted to wait until everything was arranged. I'll tell everyone after that, but when she thinks about Wei An, she can't calm down, and her heart goes crazy.

And in her eyes, Wei An doesn't know about this, and now she's not at all complicated. A lot.

On the other side, Wei An has controlled 5 islands, has completed the collection of resources, and is launching an attack on the last two islands

, without the obstruction of G and J. It was obviously much easier.

On the fourth day, the resources of the remaining two islands were also taken into his possession. At this time, there were only three admirals left, including himself, who had witnessed Wei An's strength. He didn't dare to show his submarine head.

As for the other one, he was eye-to-eye with Wei An, and his wife was also controlled by Wei An's wife.

In order to gain more wool, Wei An also used it.

On the fifth day, I went fishing with the ship girl.

On the sixth day, I played beach volleyball with the girls.

On the seventh day, the assessment turned into a vacation.

Nine days , vacation.

By the end of the assessment, Wei An had gained two pounds, but the other girls who had been paying attention to the assessment had a dark look on their faces.

I have seen such admirals and assessments before.

The previous one was not full of passion, but on the third day, it was already extremely harmonious, and there were only a few people left in the entire sea area.

The referees who were required to guard were all gone, so there was no suspense at all.

"Let's go, ma'am."

Weian patted the sand on his beach shorts and confirmed that Lexington and the others had collected the resources.

"good commander"

"We will be busy during the next period of time."

Weian counted the resources he got this time.

Oil, ammunition, steel, and aluminum each received 56W.

What a concept, the ship equipment he has sold for so long does not have as many resources as the resources he got this time.

So many resources Not only can he build new warships, but he can also materialize them. They are guaranteed to be 5 warships, or warships like Clemenceau, Lexington and the others.

When they come out, the exit position has already been blocked. It was packed with people.

Not only were there the flagships of the E Union Department to greet him, but

Wei An could recognize many of them just by looking at their outfits, especially Veneto's red eyes. Staring at himself made him feel a little strange.

Although he missed VV very much, he still looked like he was going to eat him after just over ten days.

"The other admirals have already chosen the joint headquarters they want to join, and have returned to the academy after distributing rewards."

"So Admiral Wei'an, have you made your choice?"

On the exit island, Bismarck came up with a box and handed the contents to Wei An.

A form and 30 bitter tea seeds were his reward this time.

Just when he was about to make his choice.

Veneto couldn’t help it.

"Well, Xiao Weiwei, do you want to consider our I-Union Department, although our I-Union Department is a bit weak?"

"But your mother and grandmother also came from the I-Union Department, and they are still closely related to us."

Veneto, who had been holding back until now, finally unleashed his ultimate move.

Except for Hood, who knew something about it, the other flagships glared at Veneto.

They really didn't expect Veneto to be here. Waiting for them, there was Hood claiming sovereignty, and now there is her playing the family card, so they are all redundant.

"Commander Wei'an, your initial ship is Xuefeng, it is more appropriate for you to come to our J-Unit."

"Commander Wei'an, Clemenceau is the sister of Lord Richelieu. You will definitely get the best training if you come to our headquarters. With Lord Richelieu protecting you, no one can bully you."

"Commander, come to our U Joint Headquarters. We are rich and have many aircraft carriers. I guarantee your satisfaction. They are all good friends of Saratoga.~"


Wei An was immediately surrounded, and many ship ladies from the joint headquarters were chattering in his ears.

"Senior Lexington! Come to our U-lead department, other sisters need the guidance of seniors!"

"Shimakaze, Shimakaze, hurry up and persuade your commander, we still have many little sisters from J Country."

There are even many people who have their eyes on the Wei'an ship girl.

A world was born where only the G-League was injured. Wei'an has all kinds of ship girls, but there are no G-League ship girls.

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