Another shelling made him understand that now was not the time to be in a daze.

"The fleet is moving forward at full speed, don't stop, start bombarding when you find the target!"

"They only have two warships. Although they can hit a distance, they are not as deadly as aircraft carrier bombing. If they can be repaired, they will repair it. If they cannot repair it, they will stay in place to attract their firepower."

"Reloading the two battleships takes time"

"I don't believe they can fight us with so many warships!"

After saying that, Huhe actually jumped from the deck of his battle patrol to the deck of the expulsion team.

"I am with you in this battle, fight for me!"

With the aggrieved elimination of Pine Forest, he certainly would not choose to sit still and wait for death.

But Clemenceau on the opposite side still did not tolerate him, and the 30S round of bombardment came as scheduled.

When he commanded the destroyer fleet to sail to meet Clemenceau, When Monceau and the others were six nautical miles away, 17 minutes had passed, and in the process, Clemenceau and the others had fired at least 30 rounds of bombardment, especially as the distance got closer and closer to 10 nautical miles.

At this time, the hit rate of Clemenceau's battleships had increased significantly.

Neither of them was interfered by the carrier-based aircraft of the G headquarters, because the decks of the three aircraft carriers at the rear of the fleet were already full of holes.

None of the carrier-based aircraft could even take off.

Not to mention the destroyers heading to Island 4 that were under Saratoga's care.

All of them had their power systems blown up and could only float on the sea waiting for rescue.

Ann did not always command Clemenceau and the others, but after witnessing the battle between Lexington and the others, they also understood the importance of speed in the battle, so when they hit the enemy warship, they had to confirm the opponent's speed.

When it came down and was out of their shelling range, it switched targets and attacked targets farther away.

In this situation, Huhe, who was just about to command the shelling, rushed to 6 nautical miles. The hull was also penetrated, and the speed was reduced. What happened?



The sonar of the Huhe ship kept showing that something was approaching. Target!

"Admiral! There are torpedoes, so fast! So fast! We can't avoid it!"

The little ship girl looked at the two torpedoes approaching her hull, but she was powerless. She could only watch her hull being penetrated again and completely damaged.

When the battle cruiser following behind arrived, the heavy cruiser was still While on the way, when they arrived, they saw the destroyer fleet of the G Joint Headquarters, floating on the sea with billowing smoke, not to mention that because of his own recklessness, Huhe asked his ship's wife to follow. He was forced to eliminate them all.

The number of remaining battleships was less than 25.

If the destroyers of the J-Union were blown up in frustration on the way to the pursuit, then they were named one by one on the way to the charge.

The distance between 16 and 6 nautical miles was only 10 nautical miles, but Clemenceau was waiting for them there, but they could never reach it.

But they couldn't catch it.

10 nautical miles was like a natural chasm but they could never cross it.

The 30 warships could only swallow this sigh of frustration and helplessness.

It was much larger, and the number of bombardments it could withstand was much greater, which put a lot of pressure on Clemenceau and the others.

But the next moment they saw the hull of the ship aiming at them to bombard Clemenceau and Yixian as they entered 8.

After reaching a shooting distance in the sea, Clemenceau and the others directly turned the ship and sailed in the same direction as them.

Although there were a few fewer main guns that could be fired, it was still much better than the G-Union Headquarters where they could not fire at all.

What made them even more disgusted was that one of the two battleships was actually equipped with a torpedo.

Two battleships just couldn't avoid it in time and directly waited for rescue.

Then the distance between them was reduced to 12 nautical miles.

After that, they deployed their hulls to launch a round of bombardment against the G fleet.

Clemenceau and Yixian truly took advantage of their speed, fire control, and main gun advantages, without resorting to other warships at all.

With help, they disrupted the attack of G Alliance's fleet, just like Yukikaze and the others.

After confirming that Clemenceau and the others were fine, Wei An safely dispatched Lexington's bombers to other places.


With one more admiral, his resources will be more dangerous.

In order to protect the safety of resources, he can only give in to the other admirals.

At 2 o'clock, Clemenceau and General Yixian's G fleet.

All the initial power disintegration of the warships was completed.

At 3 o'clock, the two warships had completed the last attack of 20 warships.

At 5 o'clock, all the warships of the G coalition had been eliminated, and it was also announced that the No.

4 island was also added to the bag.


5, 6, and 7 were controlled by Yukikaze, Shimakaze, and Kokang.

After confirming that the G Alliance was unable to save the day, Saratoga allowed timely support to control Island No.


His original goal had been completed.

Completed the control of five islands, and did not lose a single airdrop.

It also made him feel a little relieved.

The five islands could bring him 50,000 airdrops of each resource in one day.

At the same time, he also started to calculate the remaining airdrops.

How many admirals are left? He had already received the news during the battle with the J Joint Department.

There were about 80 remaining admirals including those who had not been eliminated.

Now that J and G have been eliminated, plus the admirals eliminated by Lexington during this period, there are already 64 admirals.

Then there are probably only 16 admirals left near Island No.

1 and Island No.


However, there were still some mistakes in his estimation, and the ship girls who were listening to today's report outside fell silent.

They were silenced by the achievements of Vian and Clemenceau.

"The third day is not over yet! There are only 10 admirals left who are still in the sea area assessment. There is no need to talk about it. Anyway, there is no suspense about his first place."

"What's important is his talent. Hood, you can't grasp it."

Richelieu listened to the report from Yorktown with a complicated expression, and knew which battleship was the most powerful in the assessment.

Her youngest sister, Clemenceau.

That child who was inferior and loved to show off.

"Hu De, I hate you so much! Little Weiwei can't be taken away by you alone!"

"Is it reasonable? Is it reasonable? I won’t say anything about aircraft carriers and expulsions!"

"That Clemenceau! Sister Richelieu! A battleship of the same model as hers, how can it hit so many targets at 16 nautical miles?"

"And that speed, is it reasonable? The observed displacement is more than 5W tons, and the speed can exceed 40 knots! Is she expelled?"

"Richelieu, speak! That's your sister!!! Veneto

, jealous of Hood, decided to choose an ally.

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