Who is Saratoga's sister?


They were all waiting for her. Now that Lexington appeared in front of her, how could she not be shocked?

Unlike the humans in this world, when they wake up, the ship girls will bring with them some memory fragments and their own memories of the past.

Saratoga remembers her sister.

As a descendant of Lexington, she also remembers Lexington.

So after Saratoga woke up, the aircraft carrier girls in the U.S. Department were waiting for the day when Lexington woke up.

But she didn't expect that Lexington's first appearance would be next to a human admiral.

Even the appearance of the battleship has changed.

If he hadn't remembered his responsibilities, York City would immediately want to run to Lexington and call him senior.

【I don’t know if my sister and the others will be happy if they find out about this. ]

In order not to interfere with the progress of the assessment, York City suppressed the excitement in his heart.

However, York City did not tell Washington about Lexington. After all, her heart was also towards the aircraft carrier.

And Lexington being a human ship girl is also a very serious matter.

She needs to think carefully about how to tell the other aircraft carrier sisters in the U Joint Department.

After all, Lexington is not only the sister of Saratoga, but also the big sister of other aircraft carriers.

At night, after Wei An arranged for Shropshire and Saratoga to take turns on guard, he took the other girls to rest.

At the same time, other admirals also made the same choice as him, trying not to conflict with others at night.

When the sun had just risen the next morning, Wei An received news from York City.

This is also the message received by all admirals.

Only 140 admirals were eliminated on the first day. At the same time, the scores and rankings of the first day were simply reported.

First place: Wei'an 90 points, E joint department.

Second place: Songlin, 71 points, J joint department.

Third place: Hohe, 57 points, G joint department.

Fourth place: Ouluo, 54 points. J joint department.

Fifth place: Rococo 57 points. Branch J Joint Department

Sixth place: Xu Ying 43 points U joint department

Seventh place: Min Yue 29 points J joint department

Eighth place: Ganglong 18 points G joint department

Ninth place: Kuang Di 14 points F joint department

10th place Name: Xue Shangyu 11 points I League Division

When he saw the rankings, Wei An thought that his score should be in the top three, but he thought that he easily reached the first place.

At the same time, the pine forest behind him also gave him a sense of crisis.

He was able to score so many points on the first day all because of the conflict between the admirals of G and J, and he had the opportunity to intervene.

Based on his knowledge of Pine Forest, he must have gone through several battles if he could not act alone and could still score so many points on the first day.

After all, he has other teammates.

At the same time, several admirals with relatively high scores on the list are all members of the Liaison Department, which also proves this problem.

Secondly, in the following time, airdrops of materials will be carried out on 7 islands at 12 noon every day.

It is also a reward for the admiral who has the courage to occupy the island.

But Wei An understood that this was because the current admirals had shrunk by half on the first day, and most of the remaining admirals had already joined together.

It is possible for a group to occupy several islands. Once there are resources, there will be distribution problems, which may intensify the conflict between the admirals.

Wei An just doesn't know how much of the airdropped supplies are there.

And York City made it very clear that each island will have a batch of supplies, which will be protected by the referees of the ship girls.

So the most important thing for Wei An now is to defend Island No. 5 and see what he can gain on the first day.

So Wei An and his wife, who had just washed up and had breakfast, immediately cheered up.

Different from the situation on other islands, they may still need to divide and fight for it, but now they are the only one on Island No. 5. As long as they defend it, all the supplies will be his.

The same admirals who were drifting at sea also immediately asked the ship girls to turn around and head to the island closest to them.

At the same time, Song Lin, who was ranked on the other side, frowned.

At the same time, the previous relaxation and comfort completely disappeared.

Feeling very bad.

He originally thought that after this big victory, his ranking should be firmly ranked first.

But he didn't expect that the thorn in his side would quietly surprise him.

If he hadn't been told about the ship girl alliance, he would have been kept in the dark, and Wei An might have secretly picked the peaches.

But now that he knows that Wei An has been ranked above him, it is definitely impossible for Wei An to get points easily.

At the same time, he also thought that the E-Union might give benefits to those admirals and let them give points to Wei An.

But there are not many admirals left, and if Wei An gains a few points, he may be in danger.

Although he can also score points from his teammates, this is the last resort after all.

So he decided to take the initiative and start searching for traces of Wei An.

And Wei An doesn’t know all this yet

"Madam, let’s start today’s reconnaissance and release all the fighter jets."

""Okay, Commander."

But what surprised Wei An was that he had already arrived at the airdrop time at noon, and he only encountered a warship near Island No. 5.

Lexington easily solved it.

He got one more point.

At the same time, the sound of a plane roared in the sky, and he knew that the express delivery had arrived.

But what surprised Wei An was that there was not only one fighter plane carrying out the airdrop, but 20.

Ten of them were carrying cargo, and the other 10 were escorts.

Looking at the large box of resources slowly coming down, Wei An knew that the quantity was definitely not small.

Sure enough, when he opened the supply box, he found out how luxurious the airdrop was.

Four resources are 10,000 each.

The value is 6 million, and this is the airdrop of one island per day.

Then, after 10 days of assessment and 9 days of airdrop, there are at least 300 million to 400 million blue coins.

Wei An was full of enthusiasm.

In particular, the 10,000 aluminum resources also solved his urgent needs, which can increase the number of carrier-based aircraft on his aircraft carrier by 2 times!

"Commander, I didn’t expect the Alliance to be so generous to you."

Saratoga, who was staying next to Wei An, looked at the resources in the box and drooled.

The resources Wei An got here in one day were as much as she had earned in a long time.

"Well, so it can’t be so easy anymore."

Wei An is moved, and he is very moved by the airdrop.

If an island provides 6 million blue coins a day, then if he sticks to it for 9 days, he can get 54 million blue coins.

How can this make him not be moved?

After all, he is It still takes a lot of time to sell 2000W Azure Coin resources.

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