Especially on the day when there were slightly more sales, he showed his little tail and was caught by Hood.

And now the airdrop is a transparent resource, and how much he can get depends entirely on his ability.

And what is his strongest battleship?

It's an aircraft carrier.

In terms of the combat capabilities of warships, aircraft carriers are undoubtedly very offensive. It is actually disadvantageous for the aircraft carrier to stay on the island to rest.

And the resources of just one island are not enough to satisfy his appetite.

After this assessment, he will need to face the problem of building a garrison. By then, he will need more ship girls and more resources.

If he accumulates more now, he will be able to make a bigger snowball by then, and there are not many opportunities to make money in such an honest way.

As long as your fist is big, you can get more resources.

And looking at Songlin who was following closely behind, he couldn't possibly let Songlin continue to score easily.

He has always focused on the confrontation with the battleship.

It also weakens the role of the aircraft carrier

"Madam, please gather everyone here."

Wei An, who had already made his decision, summoned all the ship girls to his side.

"The admiral has already read today's air investment resources. They are worth 600W blue coins, which is equivalent to 12 battleship cores and can embody the hull of a destroyer."

"And such resources will be airdropped for 9 days! On each island, if we hold on for the remaining time, the resources we get can materialize two battleships."

"If we want the Admiral to make ship equipment one by one and sell it, then we will need more than one or two o'clock, and it will also seriously delay the speed of other sisters' ship hulls in the future."

"So for the next nine days, we probably won't be touching land again for most of the next nine days."

"Maybe we are either fighting or on the way to fight every day"

"This may be the most serious injury I have caused to everyone since I became the Admiral in so long."

"This time the opponents we face are no longer one or two deep seas, but dozens or hundreds of other admiral's warships."

"You may have to face many opponents by then."

"But you only get one chance like this, if we succeed"

"After it is completed, we can have more partners, and by then we can go to the sea anywhere"

"So in the next 9 days, it will be hard for everyone."

After Wei An finished speaking seriously, he waited for the answers from the group of girls.

As Wei An's ship girls, they were chatting and laughing at first, but with Wei An's words, they gradually calmed down and waited quietly for Wei An. An's order.

Even Shimakaze, who is usually the most childish, looks serious now.

"It is the duty of a ship girl to obey the admiral's orders."

Yixian said

"As a sister, whatever my brother wants to do, my sister will always support you."

Xue Feng said

"It was the Admiral who gave me a new life, and now it's time for me to repay the Admiral."

Clemenceau said

"Although it feels very troublesome, you are the commander, so just tell me what you want me to do."

Saratoga said

"As a maid, your orders are everything to you, my master."

Shropshire Road

"Comrades, let us fight for a bright tomorrow together!" said boldly

"Whatever the admiral says, Shimamiao will do. This time, I must let the enemy see how powerful Shimamiao is!"

Shimafeng said

"Commander, leave everything to us and wait for the fruits of victory with peace of mind."

Lexington said.

Although everyone said different things, their thoughts were the same.

For their admiral, they were willing to

"thank you all."

Weian wiped the corners of his eyes with some emotion. These are the girls he loves deeply. They are a little silly, but very cute.

Then he quickly calmed down and became serious.

"The original plan was to slowly eat away at the opponent, but today everything will change"

"The resources of an island are simply not enough for us to use, so we will not log in to the island again in the future."

"Until the end of the assessment, unless a warship is damaged and needs to be put into the canal, we will stay on the sea. Everywhere we look, there are enemies."

"Commander, what should we do?

Lexington asked promptly.

"Sea areas No. 1 and No. 2 are too far away from us, and the transfer time is relatively long, so they are temporarily used as backup plans."

"Next, our main activity location is the central sea area surrounded by five islands 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7."

"We will fight back and forth in this sea area and control other warships to approach these islands"

"Among them, the admirals of islands No. 5 and No. 7 must all be eliminated, and all accessible sea areas must be blocked, and the energy should be focused on islands No. 3, 4, and 6."

"Understood, Commander, shall we set off now?"


Vian's combat plan this time is to divide the assessment sea area into north and south, and the middle point is Sea Area 6.

His target is all the islands in the north. Relying on his aircraft carrier, he can seize air superiority and control the actions of other admirals' warships.

So when possible, other admirals of the E Union are his opponents.

His opponents are not limited to the admirals of the J Union. The warships operating in his target sea area are all enemies, just as he said.

And one advantage he has over other admirals when he has an aircraft carrier is the ability to decapitate, specifically bombing the flagship, so that a fleet will have to withdraw.

Although Yorktown, who parked his plane on the Lexington battleship, couldn't hear what Vian and the others said on the island, he knew that something big might happen from their usual relaxed look becoming very serious.

While she was still thinking about what Vian was going to do, the entire fleet had already set off, no longer at the leisurely 20 knots like before.

At the same time, Shropshire and Saratoga, who had not summoned warships, also summoned their own warships.

If Vian wants to complete the control of the sea area, he cannot do without aircraft carriers, so Saratoga will certainly not be able to hide.

And with an additional aircraft carrier, the escort must also be pulled up.

So Shropshire and Saratoga have summoned their warships.

Looking at Vian's complete fleet, her shock is still a little indescribable.

Guessing that Saratoga is here is different from her actually coming out to fight.

At the same time, she also felt that there were some differences in this fleet, and the difference of Saratoga.

It seems that the speed of this fleet is a little faster, which has exceeded the normal cruising speed of more than 20 knots.

It's 30 knots now!

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