This battle between J Company and E Company lasted from dawn to dusk and then to dark.

The E-Union went from being highly motivated and doubting themselves to finally losing their will and being completely eliminated.

It only took a short 5 hours.

Among them, many J-Union warships were destroyed and eliminated, but the results were still acceptable.

The 107 warships of the E headquarters were replaced with 25 warships. No matter how you look at it, it is a bloody gain.

Moreover, the battleships that were basically eliminated were also destroyers, because they rushed too fast and were vulnerable to the concentrated fire of the E-wing warships in the most dangerous positions.

As for the powerful Songlin, it was no surprise that he eliminated many battleships with a few battleships.

What made him a little worried was that, as expected, Hinata was the most seriously injured this time.

We have arrived at the center, but nothing happened to the other battleships.

But now it's evening, and it's time to take a good rest.

And they also successfully occupied Island No. 6.

He can radiate to other places through the central island No. 6 in the next period of time.

Unless he decided to take a detour, he would definitely pass through the sea near Island No. 6, and he would not be able to escape his eyes.

The only thing that made him a little unhappy was that he didn't see Wei An among these E-alliance admirals.

"That kid was so lucky that he escaped. But now that I have captured Island No. 6, what are you going to do next?"

"Do you want to continue to avoid me?"

At the same time, the referee ship girl who was responsible for observing and recording notified Matsubayashi and the others of the results of the battle to Nagato and the others.

""That kid Songlin really didn't disappoint me."

Nagato looked at Hood provocatively and said with a smile.

As the other party in the battle, Hood looked tense.

She had been mentally prepared when Songlin and the others were fighting, but she didn't expect the gap in strength between the two sides to be so big.

The battleships were hit with a loss ratio of 1 to 4.

Not a single admiral of the J-Union was eliminated, but their alliance suddenly lost more than half of its people.

And then the J-Union took Island No. 6, and their other admirals will gradually approach Island No. 6 to meet up.

By that time, it is a question whether the J-Union's battleships will exceed 200.

In this case, how many third-year admirals are left among the more than 30 admirals left in the E-Union, and whether they can still pull up a fleet of more than 100 battleships is a question.

So how can she not look tense?

"Sure enough, Nagato, the admiral you chose is quite strong, but unfortunately his talent is too suitable for you."

"Otherwise, I would even want to try to poach you."

Washington was also very surprised when he heard about Pine Forest's battle losses.

"I just don’t know if it will be so smooth in the future."

"Hood's monster admiral is so powerful, can he surprise us?"

"And with that guy in Saratoga, I probably know who that aircraft carrier is, and now I have to make people pay attention to it."

As the flagship of a joint headquarters, she knows most of the important ship girls in her joint headquarters quite well, so Saratoga is a homebody, with the same personality as Bismarck's sister.

But she doesn't have things she particularly cares about. , as long as the senior officials of the U-Union Department know that she has been looking for her sister, and when Saratoga left for the last time, she said that she was looking for her sister.

As a result, they now see that Saratoga has become a victor. Ann's Ship Girl

【Lexington, if York City knew it was you, how could they lead the U-Union Department? ]

Washington thought silently.

Some ship girls have unique relationships with each other, like Lexington and Saratoga being sisters.

Yorktown, Enterprise, and the Bumblebee sisters are the same.

As the flagship of the U-Union Department, she is different from Hood in being promoted by everyone.

My family knows my own affairs, and although the U-Union Department is also very powerful, it is less united than other United Departments.

Their joint team is obviously much more scattered, or in other words, there is not enough cohesion.

They can stay together just because they have common interests.

To be honest, most of the living habits of the ship girls in their joint headquarters are similar to those of the ship girls in the E joint headquarters.

The reason for the lack of cohesion is also very simple.

There are relatively big differences among them about the difference between aircraft carriers and battleships.

She was pushed up by the gunboat's ship's wife, but the aircraft carrier's ship's wife did not approve of her very much.

However, the quantity and quality of the aircraft carrier girls of their U joint headquarters are not comparable to those of other joint headquarters.

Even the J-Union Headquarters has an aircraft carrier flagship.

Why does the U-Ministry take such good care of Saratoga?

The time it takes to wake up is obviously relatively short among the aircraft carrier girls of the U-Union Department.

Even though her talent is very good, she cannot do without the help of other aircraft carrier girls.

The trust placed in her is definitely not bad.

It's a pity that Saratoga is too arrogant and stays at home every day, unable to shoulder that responsibility.

Not comparable to her sister.

In this case, she knew.

The aircraft carrier ladies in the U-Union Department are all waiting for someone.

A ship girl whose reputation and status are worthy of that position.

Their carrier pioneer, the Lexington

【I hope Saratoga you just have a good impression of this admiral. If it is really Lexington, the U-Union Department will be disbanded. 】

After all, those who are more convinced of her are gunboats. Even among the gunboats, there are some traitors who are heading towards the aircraft carrier.

The E joint headquarters is headed by Hood, and there are other ship girls assisting her in completing the management of the joint headquarters.

G Joint Headquarters, everyone listens to Bismarck's words.

The J Joint Headquarters also divide and conquer, but they have Akagi as the aircraft carrier and Nagato as the gunboat.

The dazzling light of Richelieu, the F-Union, made other ship girls have no choice but to be convinced.

For the I-Union Department, Veneto's fist is big enough.

As for her U-Union Department, the situation is similar to that of the J-Union Department, but there is now one person missing from the other side.

And Washington's concerns are not unfounded.

On the sea at night, looking at the calmness of the surrounding radar, Wei An also knew that there was probably no other admiral on his side.

He stayed on guard from dusk until night, and no other admiral showed up on Island No. 5.

Considering that his wife had been sailing for the past two days and it was a bit hard, he decided to go to Island No. 5 to rest temporarily tonight.

He could also relax this night.

During the voyage, his shipmates gathered together on the flight deck of Lexington and chatted in the sea breeze.

He paid no attention to the Yorktown fighter parked on the Lexington deck.

But just because they don't care doesn't mean others don't care.

On the other side, York City, who was in his command room, rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Watching Saratoga holding a woman who looked similar to her and calling her sister.

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