Although she had no doubt about the strength of the warships under Wei'an, the question still remained, what if the J-Union had too many warships at that time?

One punch cannot beat four hands.

It takes time for an aircraft carrier to fly, time to return, time to resupply bombs, and time to generate fighter planes.

If Songlin and his men exchanged injuries and forcibly broke through the defense circle of Wei'an's gunboats before that, what could the two aircraft carriers do?

Wouldn't they just be beaten?

Last time, she was shocked by the ability of Wei'an's warships to strike with lightning, but when facing so many warships, it also takes time to generate torpedoes.

How fast can his warships generate torpedoes?

This is all a question mark.

So now she can't help but worry. Wei'an's strength is not not strong enough, but she is afraid of being dragged down.

Perhaps the only thing that makes Hood happy is that Wei'an is at least ahead in the score now.

Next, it depends on whether he eliminates more people alone, or whether the J-Union gives more points to Songlin.

One is a single brush, and the other is a group brush.

And the next time will not be so calm.

After dealing with the admirals of the J and G Joint Divisions, Wei An certainly couldn't stop.

After all, the early stages are all about picking on the weak. If you can't accumulate enough points in the early stages, how can you improve in the later stages?

Unlike other admirals who need medium-range bombardment, he is safest when he is sailing on the sea, when you can't see him.

On the contrary, staying on the island is more dangerous, and the risk of being discovered is much higher.

So until the sunset, Wei An collected tolls between Island No. 7 and Island No. 5.

He eliminated another 6 admirals, a total of 15 warships, earning him 31 points.

He alone almost cleared out the admirals of the two northern islands.

But at the same time, on the other side, the admirals of the J Joint Division led by Song Lin had already met the E Joint Division.

When Song Lin received the news from his own aircraft carrier, he was ecstatic.

This time, the opponent he valued most in the assessment was the admiral of the E Joint Division, and the person he wanted to teach the most was also in the E Joint Division.

Isn't this a godsend?

So after a simple thought, he ordered the fleet of the J Joint Division to approach and attack.

When the two aircraft carriers met, they had already roughly scouted the strength of both sides.

The J-Unit had 34 admirals with a total of 161 warships.

The E-Unit had 43 admirals with a total of 107 warships.

At the first sight, it was found that although the E-Unit had more admirals than the J-Unit, most of them were sophomores.

The quality of the warships was also obviously not as good as the J-Unit.

The J-Unit could clearly see that it had some large warships, while the E-Unit had much fewer.

However, as the No. 6 island in the center of this sea area, there must be more than just the two fleets.

The imminent battle, the larger number of warships, and the better quality of the warships made the J-Unit invincible in this chaotic battle.

At the same time, when the two sides were fighting, a small fleet was also watching at the edge of the battle area.

They were the admirals of the G-Unit, but their other admirals were scattered. Now they only had 10 admirals here, and they did not dare to intervene directly.

They were afraid that rushing in would give points to the J-Unit.

At this time, Song Lin, who was leading his fleet to the front, rushed.

The sisters Ise and Hyuga were venting their firepower violently.

The E-Union warships in front of them were basically destroyers and light cruisers, and heavy cruisers were rare.

When they opened fire, the opponents could only watch and get beaten.

However, the position was different. As Matsubayashi's flagship, Ise had gradually slowed down her speed.

Hyuga was with Haruna, and Hiei was still moving forward.

On the way to continue cutting in, they were followed by three small destroyers.

Yukikaze, Kagero, and Tenjinkaze, three Kagero-class destroyers. Kagero Tenjinkaze , as the best-equipped of the three destroyers,

Yukikaze followed Hyuga as an escort.

However, what made Matsubayashi more confused was that he didn't know why every time they were engaged in an exercise or battle, it was Hyuga who was more seriously injured.

On the contrary, Yukikaze, who was more adventurous and aggressive than her, was not hurt at all.

Atago stayed with Motoaki and took care of each other.

And the light mother eagle did not actively attack the E-Union warships, but was only responsible for helping Matsubayashi's ship girl relieve the pressure of air defense.

After all, she was built by Songlin not long ago, and her current training level is only 5.

This is the result of Songlin's diligence in training her.

So now she can launch 7 carrier-based aircraft at the same time.

The strength of the battle can be known at the beginning of the battle.

In just 20 minutes, some of the warships in the front of the E-Unit have been damaged, and a small number have been severely damaged.

The J-Unit is still attacking with unstoppable force.

The other admirals in this area did not dare to come over to take a look.

They were afraid that the explosion would happen on their warships in the next second.

But they had already expected the result of the failure of the admiral of the E-Unit.

She flexibly dodged the shells aimed at Yukikaze, and at the same time used her own torpedoes and naval guns to counterattack the attacking warships.

The E-Unit saw that the attacks aimed at Yukikaze were unexpectedly missed, so they cursed.

They could only temporarily give up this flexible and lucky little guy and aim the muzzle at Hinata.

On the other side, Songlin on Ise saw that Yukikaze was only slightly scratched after each battle, and then looked at her current performance.

He felt a little regretful.

The battleship Yukikaze was built after Ise, so it has been with him for a long time.

Compared with the other Kagero-class destroyers, her ship equipment is obviously better and her strength is also stronger.

But what puzzles him is that so far he has

���Xuefeng was not injured at all.

On the contrary, the battleship closest to her was often injured, and he had specifically verified this.

Let Yukikaze partner with different ship girls to attack. As expected, most of the attacks can be avoided by Yukikaze, but the teammates staying with her will suffer.

So he liked and felt sad about this ship girl at the same time.

What I like is that I am lucky, my combat ability is good and I am relatively strong in expulsion, but I am sad that I am useless to my teammates.

After all, even battleships of the same model have different personalities brought by different mental bodies, which will determine the battleship's combat style.

Even Xuefeng is more thoughtful, careful and steady.

So he sometimes wonders why such a good ship girl is a destroyer.

It would be great if it was a battleship like Hinata. Compared to Yukikaze, Hinata was obviously much more reckless.

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