Her clothes were intact, except for her boots, which had been removed, and her glasses were placed next to the pillow within easy reach.

Recalling what happened this afternoon, she sighed inwardly.

After calming down, she carefully thought about everything today, and she finally discovered what was wrong with her today.

Her mood swings when facing Wei An were not right, whether it was concern, disappointment, sadness, sadness, or even every move she made when she came into contact with him.

She exudes strangeness in every aspect.

As the flagship of the E-Union, she had come into contact with hundreds if not thousands of admirals, and the feeling Wei An gave her was unique.

She was able to come into contact with many admirals who were interested in her when she first joined the Ship Girl Alliance. At that time, her goal was to attack the deep sea and become stronger.

Later, the ship girl united with ship girls from different countries to work together to survive and fight. At that time, she was a ship girl from country E. The skills she awakened after the legend were very powerful and could bring huge changes to the battlefield.

More and more E-country ship girls are willing to cooperate and fight with her, and her reputation among E-country ship girls is also rising.

Until more and more ship girls joined together and formed a large group, the ship girls jointly decided to form different joint headquarters based on these ship girls joining together.

Let these ship girls manage it alone.

It is indeed easier for ship girls of the same culture to live together and manage together. In such a situation, there must always be a leader in the joint headquarters.

And she was pushed to the flagship position by virtue of her reputation and role among the many ship girls of the E Wing, leading everyone in the E Wing to fight hard.

At the beginning, other coalition headquarters could not select their flagships as easily as the E coalition headquarters, so the combat efficiency of the E coalition headquarters, which already had unified command at that time, was not comparable to that of other coalition headquarters.

Under her leadership, they became the strongest alliance for a time.

Because her legendary skills are so powerful, the results of increasing her speed are very obvious.

Whether it is tactical transfer, support, fighting to gain a favorable position, evasion and defense in battle, etc., her legendary skills can be enjoyed by all ship girls within the range.

However, it gradually declined under the G-Union Headquarters led by Bismarck and the J-Union Headquarters led by Akagi.

Compared with them, the quantity and quality of the admirals and ship girls of the E-Union Department are not as good as theirs. Now the U-Union Department has surpassed them and is challenging the G-Union Department and J-Union Department.

The longer she served as the flagship, the stronger her sense of distance from others became, and her focus and goals gradually shifted to the construction of the E-Union Department.

This is her hard work, and she has no time to worry about anything else.

There have been countless admirals who have tried to salvage ships, but without exception they have failed.

So she understood what was strange about her today.

She didn't resist Wei An's contact, or in other words, she was still taking the initiative to contact Wei An.

The proof was that she was still holding onto Wei An's hand now, she could feel how tight she was holding on to him when she woke up.

Just some small actions on Wei An's part can cause her to have violent mood swings.

She will also be more concerned about some important things that happen around him.

When he might be in trouble, she took the initiative to find Elizabeth to find a solution.

She didn't know when it had become like this.

After witnessing the departure of each of her sisters from E-Union, she calmed down and realized what changes had happened to her.

Something she hadn't noticed, or had been expecting, was gradually coming to her.

Most of the admirals who salvage ships in this world are basically ship girls who fell into it unconsciously.

She understood that she had fallen into this emotion.

As a ship girl, her body is getting used to being safe.

When I'm nervous, I unconsciously want to hold on to Wei An, because there is some inexplicable peace of mind around him.

Although her mind hadn't figured it out at the time, her honest body had already made the choice for her.

【Admiral? 】

She knew that she was gradually embarking on the same path as other sisters in the past, becoming a person's ship girl.

Unlike Shropshire, who can still deceive herself, she has experienced too many things, and she is very aware of her changes.

【If there is an admiral, what will everyone in the E joint department do? How should they make a decision about him? ]

Hood, who was lying on the bed, had complicated eyes.

Compared to Shropshire, who is just a little maid who can leave E-Union and start her own life without any burden, she is the flagship of E-Union and everyone's beacon.

She has been leading the E-Union Department since its establishment. It has had its glory years and its troughs, but now that there is new hope, she has changed.

So she was also confused.

Becoming someone else's ship girl means that she has to leave the E-Complex. Even if everyone is reluctant to let her go, they still have to leave, because this will affect her judgment, her admiral, and everyone in the E-Complex.

The Federation of Ship Girls is, after all, an organization of ship girls.

But if she continues to choose E-Union, what will she do now?

She could feel that it was already past midnight and the sun was already coming out.

She had never slept so peacefully in all these years, and the reason was that he stayed by her side.

In the past, she couldn't understand why the ship girl cared so much about the admiral she recognized, but now she understood.

They are war machines, but they are just ordinary girls. They are not fearless and do not need an admiral. It is just that the person who touches the depths of her heart has not yet appeared.

Now that person appears.

With him by his side, she didn't want to think anymore. Staying like this, she felt inexplicably at ease, and the warmth of his hands was transferred to her body.

The loneliness that she had not cared about for so many years was so sad at this moment

【Give me some time, and I will definitely stay by your side when the time comes. ]

Hood looked at the face illuminated by the moonlight with gentle eyes, and then fell silent quickly.

At the same time, she quietly and carefully pulled back the little hand that was holding him. As the flagship of the E-Union, she still had a lot to do.

Using the moonlight, she dressed herself neatly and kept silent the whole time, so as not to disturb him.

But when she quietly walked to the door of the room, she felt a touch of sadness in her heart.

Looking back at Wei An's back lying on the edge of the bed, she took a deep breath.

Then he quietly helped Wei An onto the bed, took off his shoes for him, covered him with a quilt, and finally looked at his steady breathing.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little disappointed inside.

Looking at his fair face, her eyes showed tenderness that she had never seen before.

Place a gentle kiss on his lips

【Wait for me, Commander. 】

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