"Really! That's great."

Seeing Wei An agree, the excited Hood just grabbed Wei An's hand and cried with joy, and at the same time it hurt his hand.

He was helpless and could only use his free hand to wipe her tears with a tissue.

She also did not avoid such intimate movements, waiting to watch Wei An's gentle movements.

I only feel happy

"But don't be too happy too soon. The costs of making different ship equipment are also different. Every time you want to make something, show it to me before I know the specific price and cost."

Just like cooperation is also different. There are two modes of cooperation between Wei'an and Hood.

One is that he fully demonstrates his ability to make ship equipment, and then gives the sales channels to Hood and others, and he is only responsible for manufacturing.

But in this way, he will spend a lot of energy on making these ship equipment, and at the same time, the number of precious ship equipment in the market will increase, which may lead to a drop in prices.

The other is what Wei'an told Hood now.

It is more difficult for him to make ship equipment, and the output is limited, so he uses hunger marketing. Hood and others make ship equipment, which is equivalent to custom-made. Each time different ship equipment has a different price. He is relaxed and can also deal with it in the middle to relieve his own pressure to make money.

This time Hood found that the fact that she sold ship equipment also reminded him that cherishing ship equipment and selling it on a large scale is indeed easy to attract other people's attention.

Fortunately, it was Hood who discovered it.

"It's okay, at least we have hope, right?"

"So do you have any ship outfits you want to make? And how are you going to use the three pieces of ship equipment a month?"

"I won’t use it for the time being. There are other ship girls in the E-link headquarters who need powerful ship uniforms more than I do. You can talk to me after they all change."

Her goal has always been to strengthen the E-Union, but her strength improvement has been limited.

"Then tell me when you have thought about it."

The resolution of this worry also allowed the relaxed Hood to finally recall what happened with Wei An today.

His heart beat faster involuntarily.

【He kissed me, wiped my tears, and hugged me】

【Woohoo~ How could I be so bold, how could I hold his hand? ]

When Hood was thinking wildly, his eyes stopped on the hand she was holding with Wei An. It should be said that it was her holding Wei An's hand.

She had just exerted force due to excitement, and now there were red marks on Wei An's hands, which she could clearly see.

So now there is silence between the two of them.

【but...How come the uncomfortable feeling disappears when I get close to him?

It might be because Hood's heartbeat was too fast and her body was gradually heating up, making the little cutie in her arms feel abnormal.


The two people who could hear the quiet breathing were suddenly awakened by two cat calls.

At this time, Hood, who wanted to cover up, was too late.

In Hood's shameful and Wei'an's surprised eyes.

From her Two cat heads emerged from the collar, and then jumped on the table.

Her originally larger breasts also shrank rapidly at this moment, and now Hood felt like she wanted to escape from him. All embarrassing things have happened, whether it was an unexpected kiss, sitting in his arms, the appearance of defeat and desolation in the battle, or even her biggest secret now, Simao has been known to him.


Ginger and Fishcake licked their fur on the tea table while looking at the strange man holding hands with Hood.


"It's okay, I understand, but this Hood is unexpectedly cute."

If Wei An is asked to describe Hood's current appearance, it can no longer be described as a steam girl. It should be said that boiling a kettle is more suitable.

Not only is there smoke on the head, but the small mouth is also breathing heavily, and there is no trace of whiteness on the face. The place was red.

Looking at the shriveled airport, Wei An felt a lot more coordinated. Just when he was holding Hood, Wei An had already felt Hood's restless chest, but he didn't expect that ginger would be there today. The fish cake jumped out directly in front of him.

Hood, whose brain was shut down, could no longer even think at the most basic level.

Wei An's compliment was like a life-saving straw for her.


I can only answer Wei An’s question subconsciously.

"Well, very cute! This kind of Hood also has a different charm."

Looking at the back of his hand that had been scratched with blood by Hood's nails, Wei An continued to praise.

He understood what what had just happened meant to Hood, and her private affairs were known to him.

Although he had already known it.

"So, do you like it?"

The string of reason was broken. Hood looked at Wei An looking at her smiling face and her gentle words.

She was ashamed and wronged and somehow asked this sentence.

"I like it, I like the look of Hood."

It was like a bullet that broke through her psychological defenses.

【he likes....he likes...】

He has always been calm when facing him, the most powerful flagship of the E-Union Department, Lord Hood.

Under the gaze of a young man, she fainted on his shoulder, but she did not let go of Wei An's hand when she fainted.

Looking at Hood who had passed out, Wei An was also startled. He immediately checked Hood's breathing to confirm that she had just passed out, and Wei An breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, he fainted because of such a little thing. Dede-chan is still more concerned about these things."

Just seeing her holding his little hand tightly, Wei An sighed silently.

It hurt, but he couldn't pull it out.

And she would definitely not wake up for a while. After today's exercise, his ship girl They all fell asleep when they entered the ditch and couldn't get out within a few hours.

Not to mention that the E-Union flagship felt like he was on a roller coaster, and his physical and mental exhaustion were superimposed. If he didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to wake up. It was almost evening when they came back, and now that the sky outside had darkened, he couldn't leave Hood on the sofa outside.

"Dede-chan, don't be angry, this is to let you have a good rest."

Thinking about it, Wei An had already taken action.

When Hood woke up, the sky was already dark, and everything she could see was black, but she could still observe some things through the moonlight.

She was in a strange room. , on a strange bed.

In the silver-lit room, Hood turned around and saw the boy resting beside the bed, and the palm clenched in her left hand.

【Is this his room? ]

When Hood woke up and found himself in a strange place, he had already checked his situation and found nothing unusual.

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