It wasn't until Hood's figure left quietly that Wei An slowly opened his eyes.

He was already awake when Hood pulled his hand back, just to see how Hood would react.

He didn't open his eyes, but he didn't expect to know such a surprising result.

If Hood wanted to leave, he wouldn't be able to keep him on the spot, otherwise he wouldn't dare to think about what would happen to Hood and could only wait for time to settle.

The sun had not yet risen in the sky, and Wei An decided to rest a little longer.

On the other side, Hood, who had just come out of Wei An's room, was seen clearly by a pair of blue eyes. He didn't come out of the darkness until she completely left Wei An's villa.

At the same time, she was also a little cautious. She even looked back in the direction of the canal room. After confirming that no one else had returned yet, she quietly opened the door of Wei'an's room.

The sound of the room door opening and closing startled Wei An, who quickly looked around and could only see a head of golden hair.


Wei An thought it was Hood who had gone and returned. After all, his ship girls were still in the canal room. Because they needed to go into the canal for a long time, they could also take a bath in the bathhouse used by the ship girls to rest and sleep.

After they got some sleep, they had completed the repairs on the battleship.

Normally, no other ship girl would dare to attack him at night except Yukikaze, but the ship girl who entered the room now was obviously not the short Yukikaze.

"Miss Hood? Commander~Is it her?"

Of course she knew what was going on in the room with Wei An and Hood just now, but she was hiding it very well and showing her surprise.

"There is nothing happening yet, why are you here, madam? After getting closer ,

Wei An realized it was Lexington wearing navy casual clothes."

【Madam? The commander and sister are so fast. ]

Saratoga smiled and walked to Vian's bedside.

"I just finished entering the canal and found that everyone was still resting, so I came back to see how the commander was doing. Commander, are you feeling unwell?"

Hood has just left and now"Lexington" is here. How can we keep Wei An from feeling guilty?

His girls are cheating, but he is accompanying other women. What a scumbag.

So Saratoga can find Wei An Her breathing became a little heavier, and her spirit was tense.

Her observation ability was stronger than that of the battleship girl.

"Nothing happened. I was just scared by you, madam. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just haven't seen the commander for such a long time, and I want to see him.~"

【My sister usually likes the commander so much, silly, so she should be like this when facing him. ]

Saratoga thought about the knowledge she had learned in the book and put on a shy look.

The shy look of a little daughter confiding her concerns was very cute in Wei An's eyes.

Compared with Hood, who was unclear, he and Lexington had already confided in their hearts, and what happened between him and Hood today was indeed a little bit exciting.

As a hot-blooded young man, can you still remain indifferent when you see your girlfriend acting like this in front of you?

Swallowed a bit

"Sorry, madam, I have ignored your feelings during this period. Soon we will have our own townhouse when we are done."

Weian said and took her into his arms.


【Sure enough, my sister had been secretly getting along with the commander before I knew it. ]

Saratoga, who was held in Wei'an's arms, tried hard to control her body and not let herself be exposed.

At the same time, I recalled that my sister was like a completely different person when she was getting along with her during this period.

The sister who had been in a daze before was gone. Instead, there was her who giggled from time to time. She had already seriously suspected that her sister was getting along with the commander.

If she wanted to say which day it changed, she only felt that it started from the day Lexington showed up, or when she went to prepare food for them, and then everything changed.

So tonight, while Lexington was still entering the canal, she secretly came to Wei An to inquire about the situation, and at the same time, she also had some little thoughts.

"What's wrong? Mrs? Did I hug you too hard?"

Feeling his soft body and his familiar fragrance, the boy couldn't help but hug him tighter.

Just like"Lexington" said, she missed him and he missed her too. This paragraph Lexington doesn't want to disturb him, so they usually have very little physical contact.

The main reason is that although Lexington's perfect appearance is so different from her in private, how can one not love him? Fang Gang's boy, a wife he likes

"No, I was just a little surprised suddenly, Commander...."

Saratoga didn't need to think about it to know that her face must be very hot now, although she knew that there was a small breakthrough between her sister and the commander.

But she didn't expect the two of them to be so bold in private.

They hugged each other so naturally.

But for a young girl like her, this is something she has never been exposed to before!

So she could only try her best to stay buried in Wei An's arms

"Sorry for scaring my dearest wife. I still miss you so much that I can’t help it."

"Usually when I want to hug you, I am afraid of being seen by others."

Vian apologized softly to"Lexington", while stroking her golden hair with one hand, comforting his lovely wife, placing his chin on the top of her head and snuggling.

If it is really Lexington, Dun was okay, but it was Saratoga now.

She just wanted to see the progress of her sister and the commander, but she didn't expect to be shocked by what happened between her sister and Wei An, and now she has to eat. Although she was in his arms now, the commander was thinking about another woman, even though she was her sister. But on the other hand, Wei An was like this.

The look was something she had never seen before. This side was not as gentle as when she faced other ship girls.

It was full of loving tenderness, so she could only look at Wei An blankly, not knowing how to face him.


She had never experienced anything like this before, and now her mind was completely blank, and the things she had been thinking about when she came here had been put aside.

I can only murmur unconsciously

"Well, what about Mrs."

Looking at the rosy complexion, watery eyes and shy look in his arms, Wei An said softly.

His wife is still so attractive, testing his bottom line as a veteran cadre every day.


Saratoga now felt like her brain was broken.

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