The arrival of this day made Wei An's ship girls very excited.

Especially Yixian who was added at the end.

When Wei An placed the battleship drawings they needed in front of her today, she couldn't even speak.

I could only cry silently.

Although she is a cruiser, she is the smallest in size and tonnage among all Wei An's battleships.

Not even a destroyer can compare.

As the two people who knew Wei An best, Xuefeng and Lexington often told her not to worry, Wei An would help her complete the earth-shaking transformation.

Because there were a lot of ship girls who embodied the ship this time, it was rare for all the girls to gather at Wei'an's first dock.

Snowwind, Clemenceau and Shropshire are already listed here.

The youngest among them is Shropshire, but as a legendary ship girl, her strength cannot be ignored.

"As I said last night, today Kokang will be the first, Shimakaze the second, and Yixian you the third, come one by one."

"First, the hull frame is embodied."

After Wei An finished speaking, he asked Lexington to start allocating resources.

When he decided to reveal the ship today, Wei An had already helped his ship girls to improve the mental limit.

Both Kokang and Shimakaze used three warships. The core increased by 15,000 tons, while Yixian used 6 to increase the number by 30,000 tons. With Xuefeng's previous experience in constructing the hull, the resources that Kokang and the others want to use are now very clear.

The construction requires a total of 49,000 steel resources, and the two battleships are 98,000.

As Vian's secretary ship and financial controller, Lexington also allocated the resources to Kokang and Shimakaze as needed, and then they stood up at their respective ship positions. Embodiment of the hull.

Are there any changes to their hull?

Because they haven't yet realized the hull, the battleship drawings Wei An gave them were also modified like Xuefeng's.

The power system and propulsion system will be able to run up to 47 knots based on the current displacement.

There will also be some minor changes in the ship's equipment.

With the experience of several predecessors in designing the hull, Kokang and Shimakaze can easily make their own. The hull frame was now completed. Wei

An nodded with satisfaction.

They were docked right next to Xuefeng. The three warships with the same style and appearance were docked together, which was very neat.

An nodded to Yixian.

She walked towards her ship's station with some embarrassment. Although she already knew that the ship she would use in the future would be as high as 30,000 tons, it would be false to say that she wasn't nervous at the time.

I felt a lot of embarrassment when I knew I was going to use a 1,000-ton battleship in the future, and her span was twice as high as Xuefeng's.

Isn't it because of her battleship that she had been silently doing her part for everyone. Is it very weak?

The main gun carried by a cruiser is 150MM, which is not even as good as some destroyers.

The maximum speed is only 20 knots. It is weak in all aspects as a cruiser. Can it be compared to Yukikaze's original battleship? A battle of wits and courage is a matter of course.

And today she is about to undergo a transformation.

In terms of expectations, the expectations of others are no less than hers, especially the fourth ship designed by Shropshire. Wei An also told them very clearly that the drawings used by his battleships and cruisers will be of this specification.

Shropshire will also use the same specifications as his battleships in the future. The mainstay of Yixian is to combine the hulls of two warships.

Because this is the first time that Yixian's hull has appeared, he doesn't know how much resources it will require, so he gave Yixian 16W of steel in total. Shimakaze waited longer.

Yatsun separated himself from the original hull, and then used the drawings to construct new data in his mental core, sketching out the hull of the battleship one by one.

At the same time, when she closed her eyes in reality, the outline of the ship's hull began to appear around her.

Compared with the destroyer, Yixian's hull was larger, and in order to allow Yixian to install a 380mm main gun, it could also take into account other weapons. It is more suitable for multi-scenario combat.

The width of her battleship has also reached 30 meters, which is only one meter lower than Clemenceau.

The length of the battleship has reached 250 meters.

Compared with several other gunboats, it appears to be much bloated, and the consequences are also very obvious.

Although they all use the same series of power systems, her speed limit is even lower than that of Clemenceau, which is only 40 knots.

But it can also satisfy the use of the security fleet.

Yixian's ship is taking shape, and the consumption of resources is also very obvious.

After a while, Wei An saw that more than half of the steel placed next to Yixian had been consumed.

Until Yixian opened his eyes, there was only a handful of steel left.

"How are you? Do you feel okay?"

Yixian walked up to the landing platform of the dock three times while turning back. Wei An looked at her with concern.

"Well, I didn't feel any discomfort, I just felt that my calculation ability had improved."

Wei An is no longer surprised by the increase in the mental computing power of his own shipgirls. The more their mental upper limit rises, the stronger their computing power becomes.

In battle, they can control their own ship in a more threaded manner.

But for gunboats, the amount of calculations they require is still much lower than that of aircraft carriers.

One only needs to calculate the calculations used by its own main gun to hit the enemy, while the other needs to maintain the operation of its own hull and continue to do so. She can operate different carrier-based aircraft according to the battle situation, and Wei An learned from Saratoga that every time her training level increases, she can feel that her calculation ability has improved, although it is not much. It is a real increase.

If reflected in the data, Wei An also discovered some changes in Saratoga.

Her mental core limit is not locked and cannot be increased like the gunboat. Her current mental state. The upper limit is not 36,000 tons like the previous Lexington, but 43,200 tons.

According to Wei'an's calculation, it is exactly one more carrier-based aircraft, and the mental upper limit is increased by 100 tons (for the convenience of statistics, after all, each carrier-based aircraft is increased. The weight of the aircraft is different, and the difference between full load and half load is also huge.)

The increase of 7,200 tons is exactly the number of 72 more Saratoga aircraft that can be flown at the same time.

In other words, if Vian is given to Lexington. By pre-purchasing the extra mental limit, Lexington can skip the leveling process required by other aircraft carriers.

It can directly show its terrifying hangar. One ship is better than four, but it still needs to be verified by Wei An..

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