Such a huge move by Hood and the others directly caused an uproar in the academy.

Especially the admiral of the J-Union Department almost cursed after seeing it.

After returning from the front, Songlin told them that this time they would eliminate those from the E-Union Department first. The E-Union Department was their main opponent in the assessment.

But I didn't expect that the counterattack from the E-Union Department would come the next day.

And he's still so wealthy that he spends money to win people's hearts.

"Minister Nagato, look at this."

Song Lin frowned and asked Nagato after listening to what the admiral of the United Department said.

"It's okay, don't they just want to be together? Are you still afraid of those admirals with destroyers?"

"That's not true. When they meet Ise and the others, they will know how different the ship types are. How dare Yinghuo compete with Haoyue?"

"Just follow the original plan, but I didn't expect that the U-Union Department always liked to use the means, and now the E-Union Department will also use it. It's not a big deal to have money."

When thinking of the rich E-Union Department and the U-Union Department, Nagato felt a little sad.

Because their J-Union Department and the G-Union Department are relatively strong, they recruit the most admirals and spend the most resources, not to mention that the garrisons they manage are mostly in the east and south.

The two war zones with the most serious turmoil in the deep sea are also a huge pressure on them.

If they were not strong enough, the shade of the trees was large enough, and the E-Union Department and the U-Union Department were more selective, otherwise they would not have been the first candidate.

Compared with the E-Union Department and the U-Union Department, the ship girls of their two departments are a bit war-crazy, especially the G-Union Department, which is more aggressive than her. They also love fighting.

So they are not so good at business.

Unlike the U-United Department next door, where Santiago is responsible for the logistics and finance of the U-United Department and runs around the world to make money for the U-United Department all year round, and the E-United Department has a simpler vision and its own noble pride.

There are not many admirals recruited each year, and the sea areas controlled are mainly in the west and the north, which are relatively stable.

They go to the deep sea to withdraw money regularly every year, and the losses are relatively small.

Slowly accumulate money and you will have money.

There is a reason why Vian is so well-liked by Hood and others. His parents are from the E-United Department, and Elizabeth also works in the E-United Department, not to mention that Shropshire has become his ship girl now.

"I didn't expect them to be so protective of their shortcomings. It's just to vent the anger of the admiral, so you should be careful in Songlin's assessment."

"Don't worry. Judging from his posture, that guy may not be very strong. He may have some talent to protect him."

"After all, he is only a first-year admiral. How far can he grow in less than half a year?"

"Careful sailing is a thousand-year-old ship. Can the admiral be so simple that those people in the E-Union Department who have eyes higher than the sky can like him? It is said that the U-Union Department and the I-Union Department are also trying to contact him."


Song Lin curled his lips, and his disdain for Wei An deepened.

【I want to see how talented you are? What can a first-year admiral become? 】

After all, Songlin himself was only two ship girls in his first year, and then he was accompanied by his seniors in the assessment of which term.

So he was a little jealous of Wei An.

In the first year, I was able to attract the attention of the E-Union Department and receive funding from the E-Union Department. I am still a wealthy Liaison Department.

That's why he ran against Wei An.

Each joint department will support the admiral of the joint department for a different period of time, some for one or two years, some for four or five years, and the longest may be ten years.

There are many people in the J-Union, so each of their admirals gets less. However, the ship girls in the J-Union are strong enough to ensure the safety of their garrison, so in exchange.

So this person comes out of nowhere and wants to share his cake. Can he be willing?

Especially when he is sure to win this year.

He wants to teach Wei An what it means to respect seniors

【You will be eliminated first in this assessment. ]

Also because of this matter, the current admiral of the college also learned about it from some admirals of the J-Union Department.

The reason this time was that the E-Union Department fell in love with a new admiral in the academy, and this happened because of the conflict between him and the J-Union Department.

Therefore, the admiral of the college is also very curious about what kind of magic power this admiral named Wei An has.

With a few simple words, he asked the E-Union Department to spend 300 million for him.

As for why the Ship Girl Alliance doesn’t stop money-spending like the E-Union and U-Union.

The Liaison Department has independent jurisdiction without being influenced by others. Most ordinary admirals will eventually enter the central jurisdiction.

Didn’t all the money they spread end up in the bags of ordinary admirals, helping them improve their strength?

Isn't this just a disguised way of jointly distributing benefits to the ship girls?

Each year, only ten admirals can receive the rewards of the ship girl alliance and freely choose to join each alliance.

There is only one chance to enter the rankings, and there is only one chance to obtain the precious resources of the joint warehouse in the easiest way.

There are rare ship outfits that can’t be bought outside, and there are precious cores that can’t be found outside. Even if you have a favorite ship girl, the Alliance can provide you with information about this kind of free ship girl. Whether you can get the ship or not depends on you..

You can also have powerful ship girls directly stationed in your garrison to spend the most difficult time in the initial stage of building your garrison.

Therefore, in this joint assessment, not only the admirals are competing for their own rankings, but also the joint headquarters are competing for rankings.

The more admirals you like in the rankings, the more precious resources they will receive, the faster they will grow, the stronger they will be, and the more feedback they will have to the Liaison Department.

Some admirals even feel that they cannot use these precious resources for the time being and trade within the liaison department to obtain more usable resources.

Just like the 380mm main gun, it is difficult to find traces outside, but it is different inside the joint warehouse.

There are also many ship girls who are stuck at 100 levels but cannot get up to it, and special cores are very rare. The joint warehouse is an opportunity.

In this way, in order to improve the chance of winning the alliance, use it in vain.���use.

The Liaison Department spent money to gain rankings and rewards for its favorite admirals, and ordinary admirals also received part of the resources. It was a win-win situation.

So why stop it?


December 21st.

This batch of ship equipment was not as precious as the previous ship equipment, so it was sold out one after another within seven days.

Now Wei An holds the 30 battleship cores that Shropshire and the others exchanged as planned, as well as 10,000 of each of the four resources, plus the remaining 52,000 unspent blue coins, and is ready to start working hard.

However, when exchanging resources, they also attracted the attention of Elizabeth and the others, but they didn't think much about it after knowing that Shropshire and Saratoga were selling ship uniforms.

After all, they didn't know exactly how many resources the two legendary ship girls had.

The only pity was that he did not find suitable 280mm main gun and 300mm main gun, so he could only use the 300mm main gun given by Hood.

This time his three battleships appeared at once, transforming Shropshire and Saratoga at the same time

- ps: 2000 words outside.

Protagonist resources:

Oil: 22640

Ammo 20910

Steel: 297640

Aluminum: 19910

Battleship Core: 30

Mental Core (Heavy Cruiser): 0

Azure Coin: 902700

~ It feels like I haven’t built a ship for a long time. The one with the most votes last time was Tizi , so I thought about whether it should be built~or salvaged~

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