Although he knew nothing would happen, Yixian's words also made Wei An put aside his worries.

"How much steel was used?"

"125,000 for the hull frame plus the buildings on the ship."

As he spoke, Yixian handed over all the remaining resources to Lexington.

At the same time, Shimakaze and Kokang also gathered around.

Now that their hull frame has been completed, what is left is the battleship's armament. What is needed is The ship equipment made by Wei'an.

For these ships, Wei An has already started to produce them one after another, so it is not a problem at all.

There are 3 power systems and

6 3000mm main guns. , 9000 energy.

There are 16 twin 128mm high-level dual-purpose guns with 8000 energy.

There are 12 quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns with 6000 energy.

The three warships are equipped with two kinds of radars with a total of 4500 energy. , 12,000 energy.

After careful consideration, Wei An planned to equip Yixian with his improved 3-gun 380mm main gun.

The quad-mount 380mm main gun is too obvious, it is exactly the gun used by Clemenceau and Richelieu.

There is no problem for Clemenceau to use it himself, but the question is where did Yixian's modified ship girl come from?

And this time the triple 380mm main gun was purchased at the Azure Bank near the academy.

Navian sent Lexington before. They were lucky enough to buy it after being out for so long.

This ship equipment consumes 9,000 energy of Wei An, a total of 51,500 energy, but it is not a problem at all for Wei An who has 90,000 energy, so when these ship equipment are taken out. At that time, a dazzling light shone directly on Wei An's face.

As for why he didn't make torpedoes for the two destroyers, it was because Wei An planned to modify the torpedoes used by Shimakaze and install them next. They also received their own ship equipment and required resources in the previous order and began to use them one by one.

Wei An already knew the resources consumed by the ship equipment, which were 6300 each. The ammunition is 2600, and the fuel is 500. The Yixian has a little more.

8100 steel, 4300 ammunition, and 1000 fuel. Soon, Kokang and Shimakaze are more towering than Yukikaze.

The guns stand on the deck, and four anti-aircraft guns that Xuefeng has not installed are also installed on both sides of the superstructure near the middle of the battleship.

The Yixian's armaments are obviously much more terrifying than those of the Kokang.

With the main battle cruiser, three 380mm main guns in the same battle array are neatly installed on the central axis of the battleship, and

8 secondary guns are distributed on the front and left sides of the superstructure behind the main gun.

The last two secondary guns are installed on both sides of the middle of the battleship, ensuring that a total of five secondary guns can attack at the same time.

Yixian's deck space is more abundant, allowing her to install six anti-aircraft guns and neatly install them on both sides of the front, middle and rear decks of the battleship. The armament installed on them is denser than that of Xuefeng and the others, so the hole space for the vertical launch system reserved by Wei An for Yixian is only a little larger than that of Xuefeng and the others.

There are 160 vertical launch units, and this is because Wei An also used the edge of the battleship's deck.

But even so Wei An is already very satisfied.

Under the current circumstances, it is faster than conventional destroyers, has better armor than conventional battle cruisers, has more firepower than conventional battleships, and can continue to take care of what light cruisers need to do.

Air defense and anti-submarine security have not been forgotten, and even security with the ability to engage in close combat has not been forgotten.

That's right, Yat Sen still has two torpedo tubes that are not equipped with the torpedoes that Yukikaze and the others are waiting for Shimakaze.

Even the ability to detect enemies is not comparable to that of other ordinary ship girls. It can be used anywhere.

A single battleship can set sail without having to worry about the villains under the water or in the sky. When facing most ordinary ship girls, who have the first-mover advantage, it can still have more firepower than most battle lines.

Wei An packed Yixian's body with weapons and equipment, which could also alleviate her fear of lack of firepower.

Only Wei An understands how powerful the ship girls of Country C like Yixian are.

Moreover, even under such circumstances, Yixian can still add 3 more main guns, which are the targets of the battleship girls and battlecruiser girls in the hands of most admirals.

As for Clemenceau, her target is not an ordinary ship girl at all, but a deep-sea flagship.

After watching Yixian use all the ship equipment, Wei An could sigh as he looked at his wallet that was gradually drying up.

"Admiral! Admiral! You see, the island cat is stronger!"

Shimakaze, who completed the use of the ship's equipment faster than Yixen, had already run to Wei An, grabbed his arm and shook it.

"Our Shimafu is the best!"

Wei An stroked Shimafu's little head like a child and praised him.

"But Shimao’s favorite torpedo is gone! Admiral~"

"I want torpedoes, I want torpedoes. Sister Yukikaze has torpedoes, and I want them too!"

Even Guo Gang stared at Wei An with expectant eyes.

After they finished using the ship's equipment, they discovered that Wei An had not prepared torpedoes for them, but when she saw Xuefeng's presence, she also had doubts.

As a A sensible girl, she did not question the admiral's decision. After all, Wei An had made her much stronger than before.

But Shimakaze's mention was of course what she hoped for. After all, everyone wants to be stronger in the end. Yixian, who came back, didn't have the same expectations as Guo Gan. She was very satisfied with her current self.

She never thought that she would have such a day.

She couldn't believe that this was the reality. She abandoned her once weak self and replaced her. With a new cannon and a new body, she was no longer able to hit others, couldn't run away from others, and could only fight back.

Now she could do her best for the admiral who gave her a new life.

She doesn't want to live up to the investment the admiral made in her.

【If you want to hurt the admiral, just go through my body. 】

If Yixian was the most shocking, then the second was Shropshire.

She never dreamed that they were both cruisers, why there was such a big difference.

And Yixian was nominally a light cruiser, larger than her heavy cruiser.

Is this reasonable? Is there still a law?

And what is the main gun of Yixian?

If she is not mistaken, isn't it a modified version of Clemenceau's main gun?

So she chose!

"Commander, I also want such a big cannon."

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