"Can we form enough combat effectiveness before the assessment?"

Hood stared into Wei An's eyes with a serious look.

"What about the other admirals? There are more people in J-Union than us. This will affect their performance."

Wei An did not talk about his own problems, but talked about other admirals who were interested in the E-Union Department.

"So that's why I came to you"


"Elizabeth and I both believe in your talent and ability, and even the chatty ship girls in the E-Union Department are quite optimistic about you."

"Nagato is right, we can't delay your growth, so we have this plan to limit your growth in the academy."

"The knowledge that other admirals need to learn, illustrated books, taking care of ship girls, etc., seems not applicable to you. Even the growth trajectory of your ship girls is different from that of ordinary ship girls."

"In less than a year after enrolling, we have six ship girls who are ready to fight. In the history of the academy, only two admirals have reached this level."

"One left the KanColle Union and became the current governor of the Northern Theater."

"The other one was killed in the sea expansion in the Eastern Theater. At that time, he had a large fleet of 30 ship girls and was a truly powerful admiral."

"And you are even better than they were back then."

"This is our E-linked department's opportunity, and it is also your opportunity"

"I am very willing to believe in your ability to make the E-Union strong again."

"So I convinced others to pass this plan as a flagship guarantee"

"We don’t have much, but we have a lot of money and nowhere to spend it. We didn’t support many admirals in the past, so this time we have an admiral who is willing to operate with the E-wing fleet."

"No matter what the final result is, you can go to the academy to receive 1 million blue coins. Although there are not many admirals who intend to join our joint department, there are still many independent admirals who come to experience and learn, as well as those who are not favored."

"Their joining can also delay other fleets for some time."

Looking at the pretty face that was getting closer, Wei An was calmed down by Hood.

"But if this is the case, will the Ship Girls Alliance not care?"

"Now the KanColle Union is managed by our various branches. If they don't like it, they can learn from us. However, there are so many admirals willing to join the J and G branches, and they don't have that much money to spend."

"Although we are all ship girls united by ship girls, we still have to fight for the interests of our joint headquarters. Just like Nagato comes to you, our joint headquarters rarely supports the admiral, and the basic talents we like are all good."

"So they have taken a fancy to you for the development of their own joint headquarters."

Wei An was really shocked by Hood.

Maybe there are not many admirals with 1 million blue coins, but most of the admirals in the same period with him still only have one ship girl.

They took their ship girls to fight in the deep sea With only a few thousand resources, he can easily obtain 10,000 resources.

Why can he start faster than other admirals?

Isn't it because of the inheritance left by his parents, the support of his own ship mother ? , and is he capable of making money?

His battleships are also stronger.

Unlike other admirals, even destroyers can be modified to have strong combat effectiveness, and then they can accumulate resources little by little. The new ship type is a destroyer with relatively weak combat power.

So why is Songlin so favored by the J Joint Headquarters? He is so lucky to have a total of 4 battleships in 3 years. How many ordinary admirals can only look up to the strength of the fleet. Weakness means that the ability to fight in the deep sea is not strong, and the speed of obtaining resources will be slower, which is a vicious circle.

After all, the main sources of resources used by the ship girl are from mining in relatively dangerous seas and salvage trophies.

This ability to make ship equipment is simply a bug among bugs.

For Wei An, this one million is just a matter of two ship equipment, but for an ordinary admiral, if he has many destroyers without hulls. , can manifest 4-5 ships, which can greatly strengthen the strength of his fleet, and can gain more by fighting in the deep sea, or sending ship girls on expeditions, escorts, etc.

Therefore, the admiral academy is also very cruel and has a very cruel temperament.

However, they don't have the qualifications to enter the academy.

If they don't have enough talent (admiral ability), luck (building Europe and Africa), and funds (purchasing ship equipment, modifying ship girls), they will be seeking death if they go to the front line.

In a stable sea area, they can do some relatively low-value tasks to maintain the operation of the garrison and live a better life than ordinary people.

This time, it is conservatively estimated that the number of admirals who participated in the assessment is between 200 and 300, and in the end only the first 10 were included. You can get rewards from the ship girl union, and you can freely choose the joint department you want to join.

The rest can only depend on whether the joint department is willing to recruit, because this is the threshold, and each joint department also has its own recruitment standards.

It took De's words to shock Wei An.

He didn't expect that Hood valued him so much. After all, he usually tried his best to hide his special features.

"Hood, is it worth it, Miss? If I lose...."

Hood used his reputation as collateral to support him, which made him feel very complicated.

"It's normal for you to lose. After all, the opponent is a third-year admiral. But if you win, it's good for you and good for me."

"Can you gather 8 battleships before the assessment?"


"Isn't that right? Even if you lose, I won't lose. I am a first-year commander of 8 battleships. Doesn't this mean that I have good vision?"

"All right."

Wei An felt relieved after hearing what Hood said. No matter what the outcome was to Hood, she would still be fine. She is worthy of being a ship girl in charge of a joint headquarters.

"So don't let me down. I still feel bad after spending so much money."

What Hood didn't tell Vian was that part of the money came from her and Elizabeth.

Vian was eating the soft rice of the rich ship girl without knowing it.

"You won't be disappointed"

"Prepare well, I won't disturb you anymore, I look forward to your performance."

As soon as Wei An finished speaking, he saw Hood saying goodbye to him in a panic. At the same time, he covered his straight chest and left quickly in small steps.

At the same time, Wei An seemed to feel that he heard the sound of a cat meowing.

Then think about it. Regarding Hood's matter, Wei An looked at Hood's back with a strange expression.

【It's not like they really stuffed a cat in there, right? It's only that big after stuffing ginger and fish cakes, so how barren it must have been originally. 】

Watching Hood walking away, he quickened his pace a little, as if he wanted to escape from here

"Xiaowei, where did those two cats escape from Hood?"

Xue Feng, who had just woken up, saw two cats running out of Hood, one with tabby pattern and one with black and white pattern.

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