The golden light cruiser sitting inside the deep-sea submarine summarized the news obtained during this period.

"A war is about to break out in this sea area. Those humans are really strange creatures. Can they help us clean up the disobedient deep sea?"

"If we have to fight among ourselves, it will be difficult for us to deal with those troublesome deep seas in the future."

If the Deep Sea Heavy Patrol is closer to the Ship Girl Alliance, then she is closer to the Eastern Navy.

Her Deep Sea Patrol has also detected the affairs between the Ship Girl Alliance and the Navy during this period.

"The information is almost collected now. It would still be a bit of a headache if they integrated the power."

"Let's go back to Lord Barbarossa to see her decision first."

The deep-sea submarine slowly sailed towards the uninhabited area, just like she came quietly and now leaves quietly.

But she also remembered the culprit who hit the heavy patrol in her heart.

The time for the assessment is gradually approaching, and the admirals of the Admiral Academy are actively preparing for the war. Wei An started his next plan through the information collected and integrated by his ship girl during this period.

Although it was the selection of admirals by the joint headquarters, he also learned from some old admirals that this was also a rare opportunity to show his strength.

After all, only some of the admirals can be selected by the joint headquarters every year, and the rest of the admirals are not in vain.

Especially for first- and second-year admirals, this is also a way for them to try their best to show off the strength of their ship girls in the assessment.

After all, during normal studies and missions, there are rarely occasions like this where admirals show off, let alone a competition between admirals across the entire academy.

If the admirals who are looked down upon by the Liaison Department perform well in the assessment, their evaluation by the academy will be improved.

Therefore, everyone is working hard to improve their own strength. The ship girls who have embodied the ship body are working hard to change the ship's outfit. Those with enough resources will build new ship girls. Each of them has a bright future.

The information that Wei An has been asking his ship girls to collect during this period is about the classification of most admiral ship girls.

As Wei An expected, there are only a few admirals with large battleships, and most admirals mainly focus on light patrols and expulsions.

However, it was not without news that surprised him. This time, there were slightly more admirals who owned aircraft carriers.

Most of them have been built recently, and the shipment rate of aircraft carrier ladies has been a little higher recently.

But this is good for him.

Aircraft carriers are great, but the most profitable thing is the aircraft carrier outfit.

If admirals want to quickly improve the strength of their ship girls, the easiest way is to change their ship uniforms.

Although most admirals are not as wealthy as Wei An, the admirals who can't bear it and dare to take the assessment are all very strong, and they are also willing to spend money on their own ship wives.

Not to mention that Wei An's goal of selling ship equipment this time was to target other powerful ship girls who came to the academy and his biggest opponent.

The E-Union Department will provide resources to help him grow quickly, not to mention that the admiral of the J-Union Department has been favored by the J-Union Department for a longer time and has more outstanding talents.

Moreover, according to the information he investigated about previous years, every time during this period, the price of ship equipment traded near the academy will go up a bit, and a large number of ship equipment from unknown sources will appear.

There are many people who have the same idea as Wei An.

In particular, many admirals who have left the academy will save some of their ship equipment after they have their own garrison, even if the pressure on resources is not too great, waiting to be sold at this time.

You can earn a little more.

This has also benefited Wei An's dumping of ship equipment. Even if someone notices it, he is not as worried as before.

After this time, the number of his warships will already reach 8.

A week has passed since the Lexington hull was realized, and Wei An did not waste any time during this period.

Now he has【BTD-1 Destroyer (Purple)】,【Quadruple 380mm Cannon] has been successfully imitated through exploration on battleships.

But selling Clemenceau's main gun or style is still too obvious.

So Vian spent some time improving Clemenceau's original main gun.

The understanding of Clemenceau's main gun through the study of physical data is unmatched by other ship-mounted data.

So Wei An made two improved models in this week, and also slightly changed the turret style and armor painting for them.

Get the purple ship uniform of [Twin 380mm Main Gun·Modified], and the golden ship uniform of [Triple 380mm Main Gun·Modified].

Except for the internal data of the main gun, which is similar to the one used by Clemenceau, it looks very different from the surface.

However, Wei An also spent 10,000 energy, leaving only 28,000. As for his wallet, he only had 20W Azure Coins left.

Even Elizabeth and Hood are very eager to get the 380mm main gun, not to mention the other ship girls coming to the academy this time.

According to the normal price, the cost for Wei'an to make a large main gun ship equipment is 30W.

The 380mm main gun is also very scarce in the market. He once tried to ask Lexington and the others to look for it but could not find it.

Large main guns of this size are basically given priority to use by oneself. It is too difficult to appear on the market.

So the price depends entirely on him, provided that it can be sold.

After all, caliber is the truth. The larger the caliber, the farther it can hit and the deeper it penetrates, the more results can be achieved.

And there is also the BTD-1 Destroyer package specially prepared by Wei An for those aircraft carrier girls. This time he must plunder a wave of other wallets.

"Lexington’s largest ship consignment order this time is how many ships?"

"473 ship equipment"


Wei'an suddenly felt that his layout was a little small. Others sold 473 ship equipment once a year.���That means at least more than 200 ships were sunk in the deep sea.

At first glance, it looked like it was on consignment from a frontline admiral.

So Wei An also had a rough idea of how many ship decorations he would make this time.

While giving priority to large main guns and carrier-based aircraft, small and medium-sized main guns are also fully loaded.

This time, he didn’t make any other ship equipment. He made all the most expensive ones and the ones that most obviously improved his combat power.

However, to ensure safety, he only sells the same ship equipment once for the time being.

He decided to sell the first batch of 380mm main guns, which are also the most scarce among most ship girls.

He can only make 9 ship outfits with his current energy.

For this reason, it is divided into 3 triples and 6 twin main guns. As for why more twins are produced, it can be compatible with more warships of different sizes.

After all, the smaller the number of installations, the smaller the space occupied by the turret, and some petite warships can also be equipped with it.

There are many people who like boats and cannons.

At the same time, Sanlians with small quantities are more likely to sell at high prices.

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