Wei An is very clear about his sister's character.

Her fatal question was no problem to him.

Wei An briefly told Xuefeng about his affairs with Lexington.

"So, did you and Lexington kiss too?"

When Wei An decided to become an admiral, Xuefeng knew that this day would come sooner or later.

Now she has a new sister, and she is also her brother's favorite aircraft carrier sister.


Wei An has always been very honest with Xuefeng and never deceived her.

"But we haven’t kissed for a few days, so let me make up for it now."

Originally, Wei An was ready to accept the scolding from Xuefeng, but she didn't expect that her brain circuit would become even more bizarre.

"Sister, aren't you jealous? After all, we now have very little time to spend together."

Holding Xue Feng sitting in his arms, Wei An said a little apologetically.

"What's the use of being jealous? It will only make Xiaowei sad. Lexington is also very helpful to you."

"As a sister, I have to be generous"

"But now the time belongs to me, don't think about anything else."

Xuefeng said, and then blocked Wei'an's words with her little mouth, not letting him speak or refute.

Wei'an could only gently stroke Xuefeng's purple hair again and again, and respond to her at the same time.

Return Xuefeng's kindness well.

"Is this where Juguru-chan sank?"

Under the endless sea, inside a deep-sea submarine with purple lines on the hull, a girl with golden eyes and white hair murmured.

Because the academy repelled the deep-sea, the navy and the ship girl jointly broke up, so now the Middle East The waters near the strait have returned to the control of the Ship Girl Alliance.

Compared with the long-term navy stationed here, the Ship Girl Alliance only has a few ship girls stationed here every day because it has more places to investigate and defend. Come to cruise.

Therefore, after a long period of reconnaissance here, she discovered the cruising pattern of the submarine girls and the submarine girls while they were away, and sneaked in with her submarine girls, which is where she is now. The location where the Golden Cruiser sank

"Why do you sink?"

The golden light cruiser turned on the induction of his mental core to the maximum inside the submarine.

If the strength of the purple deep sea is similar to that of an ordinary ship girl, then the training level of the golden deep sea has exceeded level 90, and at the same time, the ship is even more powerful. Even the ship girls with the same level of training could not defeat them.

After humans began to fight back and take back the sea area, the high-level conscious Deep Sea also noticed these humans who had previously looked down on them and learned about these humans who had awakened from the purified mental core. Ship girls.

Compared with the endless and irrational ordinary deep seas in the sea, these ship girls have their own consciousness and thinking as soon as they wake up, which arouses their attention and curiosity.

That is why these advanced deep seas have their own consciousness. After absorbing the power of other deep seas in battles, we are what we are today.

And the ship girls can easily gain consciousness, so how can we not let them pay attention?

There are not many deep seas among them who can fully control the world. All areas on the sea.

So they also need to contact these ship girls, fight, and observe them to see if they can gain anything.

The Deep Sea Patrol came here to clean up the disordered deep sea in the sea area under their control, but they did not expect that they would lose their lives..

Compared with ship girls and humans, they also have fights and friendships in the deep sea, and the two of them are good friends.

Compared with their boring life of fishing and sunbathing every day, the human world has rich entertainment options.

It attracted them deeply, and the two of them also formed a deep friendship because of their love for reading the human world picture books.

She didn't know why there were so many endless stories in the human world, except that she came here to explain it this time.

The second reason for the sinking of the Deep Sea Patrol was that she brought the notebook that the Deep Sea Patrol entrusted to her.

During the process of thinking, she was still using her mental core to sense the remaining information in the salvaged loot. The core of the battleship is already pure and flawless.

What she senses is the stripped deep sea material, and she can detect the information remaining inside.

This ability can only be used after reaching the golden deep sea, and she also needs to compare the sensing of the other party's deep sea material.

Only when they are familiar can they try this method. Finally, two hours later, she finally sensed a faint message and a faint light emitted from the lightless seabed.

The submarine opened the hatch, and she dived into the bottom of the sea alone, and the black mass was rapidly consuming and shrinking.

She could completely see the images flashing through the burning light, which was the golden cruiser. The memories of the battle were scattered.

She saw the golden cruiser being beaten, the mines that were laid during the escape, and her unwillingness when she finally died.

"Let me see who sunk you."

Looking at the unburned deep-sea material, her heart moved.

The next moment, the unburned deep-sea material disappeared violently, and a new picture appeared in the light.

The slowly sinking battleship could observe a black-haired man on the sea surface. The boy salvaged the loot from the sinking of the Golden Heavy Cruiser, and there was a strange-shaped battleship beside him. He also saw the process of slowly clearing the mines, but in the process, the material of the Golden Light Cruiser was already burned out.

Got the information she wanted to know

"A strange human and a battleship"

"But it turns out that I didn’t sink you head-on. I let you get used to using your powerful ship to bully others without using your brain. Now I’m the only one left."

She was relieved to see that it was sunk by a sneak attack by a mine. If there is a warship that can sink the golden deep sea, they need to pay attention.

This is also the purpose of her detection, to see if there is a powerful one. The ship girl has appeared.

Now that she has the information she wants,

Wei An will be amazed if he sees her actions here..

She opened the ship's equipment space, took out a few notebooks, and quickly soaked them in the sea water.

【What has to be said about Bismarck and Nelson. 】

The cover of the book shows Bismarck banging Nelson against the wall.

"I haven't even read Mrs. Bei's latest book yet. I'll give it all to you now."

The Golden Light Cruiser endured the pain in his heart and tore up the soaked book into pieces and threw them into the sea.

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