The blond girl in a red dress walked into the trading area of Azure Bank with a calm expression.

She is Lexington, but anyone familiar with her current attire would definitely recognize her as Imperial.

Veneto-class ship No. 4.

Although Wei An now has more ship girls and is no longer afraid of exposing some of his abilities, he still avoids some troubles if possible.

As for his ship girl Hood, they are all familiar with it. If he sells so many ship outfits at one time, they will always have suspicions in their minds.

So Wei An thought of a joke from his previous life.

Mrs. Red (Empire) and Mrs. White (Lexington) look very similar, so now Lexington pretends to be Imperial to trade.

The main reason is that the 380mm main gun can attract too many people, and the ship girls who need these ship outfits are relatively powerful, so you can't be careful, and there are a few golden ship outfits.

Through observation of recent ship-installed prices, the same ship-installed prices will increase by 20% compared to before.

After briefly looking through the ship equipment list in the trading area, I confirmed that there was no ship equipment with the same 380mm main gun.

Lexington skillfully took out the ship equipment that needed to be traded this time and filled in the prices for them.

The gold triple 380mm main gun is priced at 200W, and the purple main gun is 90W.

After that, Lexington sat down and began to carefully observe the ship girls coming and going and the new ship equipment that appeared during this period.

At the same time, Lexington had already seen the ship girl that he usually saw at the E headquarters.

There were many admirals and ship girls coming and going, so Wei An's ship equipment list had already attracted some people's attention as soon as it was sent out.

When they saw the ship's equipment above, they all gasped.

What did they see?

The large main gun is not the 280mm and 320mm small-caliber main guns, but the very rare 380mm main gun.

Many powerful and famous battleship girls may not necessarily have main guns, but now they are placed in front of them, and there are nine ship-mounted ones, a total of 21 main guns.

"I am not wrong, right"

"This time, the newly released ship actually has a 380mm main gun. Which powerful admiral can’t use up all of this?"

"No, I have to tell them quickly."

The movements of these people also attracted more people's attention, and they rushed to look at the ship equipment list released by Lexington.

One of the tall ladies saw the ship equipment above and just glanced at her. Tear down the three ship equipment lists.

They are all purple main guns.

Three ship equipments have been sold in just two minutes, and you can already know the appeal of this main gun to other ship girls. This is because the price set by Wei An is already more expensive than normal large main guns. The normal and more mainstream 356mm main gun, even if it is a golden ship, basically ranges from 60W to 90W.

You can know that Wei An. How expensive can these ship suits be?

But there is no way, if you miss this village, there will be no such store.

Some girls ran out of the trading area as soon as they saw such ship suits. I went to notify my large battleship friends.

During this waiting time, three more purple main guns were taken away from the table that Lexington had hung up.

Only three golden ships were left hanging. People are drooling.

They also want to buy it, but if they have a ship-mounted 200W, they have already bought a twin-mounted 380mm main gun.

After all, the twin-mounted one can already meet the basic requirements of 2 in the front and 1 in the rear. Layout, replacing all the main guns on their ships with purple ones is better in terms of cost performance. Although it is a bit painful, it can also increase their firepower to a higher level. The firepower density may not be enough, but the distance is better. That's the rule.

You have an advantage if you fire first, so everyone in the remaining golden ships was waiting.

After more than ten minutes, there were footsteps outside the trading area.

The ship girl gritted her teeth and took away a golden ship uniform and emptied her wallet.

After all, she missed it this time and she didn't know how long it would be before she would have another chance. Money could be made, and if the ship uniform was gone, then it would be real. No more.

As expected, the newcomer is someone familiar to Lexington. As a powerful ship girl from the E Division

, she has been with him in successive battles over the years. A good savings.

But when she wanted to replace her main gun, she still needed Hood more, so she delayed it again and again.

This time she heard the news about the 380mm main gun. She rushed over, and her hands trembled when she saw the price on the list, not because the main gun was expensive, but because she could finally replace the 356mm main gun on her battleship that had insufficient firepower, especially for her. Now the training level has reached the limit of 100.

The 356mm main gun limits her performance, and she obviously has a higher limit.

The arrival of the Prince of Wales shattered the hopes of others, and she destroyed the last two ships at once. The equipment was taken away.

She felt that 400W was worth it. After all, the salty Saratoga could save hundreds of thousands of resources worth of ship equipment over the years, not to mention she, a powerful ship girl at the core of the E-Union Department.

In just 20 minutes, Lexington's task for today was completed. After deducting the 23W handling fee required by Azure Bank

, Lexington quickly converted these small amounts of money. For 22 battleship cores.

Even when withdrawing money, Lexington was very careful, and her carrier-based aircraft kept hovering around for reconnaissance.

When she went back, she could still see some fast-moving big sisters walking towards the trading area. Even Hood saw her.

Lexington suddenly frowned while walking on the road.

She discovered that someone was following her, not an ordinary ship girl, but a ship girl from Azure Bank.

He has been following her since she came out.

But the perfect wife has already prepared to deal with this situation.

She turned around and walked towards an alley, and at the same time started calling her sister from the carrier aircraft on the Saratoga side.

On the street where no one entered, the blue light on her body flickered when she turned the corner. Her red clothes disappeared and turned into the white navy casual clothes she wore every day.

At the same time, the two ship girls who wanted to follow behind were also blocked by Saratoga's carrier-based aircraft.

When she came out of the alley, Saratoga from the corner came up in time and took her arm.

""Sister, it's done, let's go~"

Saratoga leaned her head on Lexington's shoulder and whispered to her.

The two ship girls who got rid of the carrier-based aircraft and passed through the alleys behind them could not see the"Empire"?

There were only girls shopping on the street.

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