Because of Hood's invitation and the unexpected meeting gift, Wei An saw his shipmates looking at him expectantly on the way back.

He used his strength to steady Shimakaze, who was resting on his back.

"Next, our goal is very clear. We must get a good ranking in the joint department assessment two months later."

"So this time I will consider the opponents I will encounter before arranging the resources this time."

25W of steel is a rich resource for every new admiral, not to mention how much resources they had to patrol so hard for a month.

Once there is someone behind him, it will suddenly be different.

But for him, 25W Resources are consumed very quickly. If it is a hull with the highest specifications, it can meet the displacement of 5W tons, which is enough for a frigate, but it is a little more difficult to satisfy Lexington's big appetite.

And another important resource, the battleship core, is somewhat lacking here. It needs to be in sufficient quantity before it can be realized for them.

"Okay~ Commander."

The most enthusiastic Saratoga curled her lips and said.

But in the next second, Saratoga suddenly changed and moved closer to Wei An.

"Commander, I have felt someone watching us for a long time."

As an aircraft carrier, the ability to detect enemies is inherently stronger than that of other ship types, not to mention that she has now put on the ship uniform prepared by Wei An.

She will also fly when traveling with Wei An. Some toy-like airplanes were around to protect Wei An, so she was also noticed by

Saratoga's words, which made the hearing-sensitive ship girls around her nervous, but there was no instruction from Wei An. They didn't dare to move either

"Can you tell who it is?"

"I'm mobilizing aircraft for reconnaissance."

Vian and the others did not stop walking, and at the same time gave Saratoga time.

Finally thirty seconds passed.

"We found it. The girl following us is a girl. Judging from her appearance, she must be a ship girl."

"Judging from her attire, she should be a ship girl from country J."

After listening to Saratoga's words, Wei An simply nodded.

"Just go back like this. If she doesn't act rashly, don't disturb her for the time being and see what she does next."

After saying that, they continued chatting aimlessly and returned to the accommodation area as if nothing had happened.

However, there was still a difference from before.

After Hood's meeting and the approval of several important ship girls of the E Wing, the ships of the E Wing now Everyone knows that their joint headquarters has welcomed another admiral, so there are many E-country ship girls who greeted him with smiling faces along the way.

"Commander, the following ship girl did not continue to follow you."

"Continue to send planes to follow her, be careful not to be discovered"

"Don't worry, my little plane is several hundred meters away from her location."

Elizabeth also mentioned to him before that there was a ship girl following him, but later because he often didn't do anything else besides going to class.

So after two or three months of being too calm, others relaxed their surveillance on him.

But now it's here again.

After returning to the villa, he carefully put Shimakaze back into her room and let her sleep peacefully before returning to his room and dialing the wired phone.


"I am the dean"

"Um? What happened?"

"Those restless ship girls appeared again, this time it was Saratoga who discovered them."

"Kaohsiung and the others?"

"It should be correct, Saratoga is said to be a ship girl from J country"

"Don't act rashly for the time being. They don't dare to mess around in the academy."


After briefly explaining his situation, Wei An hung up the phone.

As for some of the things they did in Kaohsiung, through observation around Wei An, Elizabeth and the others also had a pretty good grasp of it.

And they knew it. They are probably not ship girls sent by other joint headquarters, but undercover agents from the Navy. What they need to do now is to wait for Kaohsiung and the others to reveal their flaws, especially now that the joint headquarters assessment is approaching. It is also the most lively time in the academy. Admirals with talent and strength will join each alliance, or become admirals directly under the ship girl alliance.

Ordinary admirals will also graduate after the assessment and start to be assigned to guard by the academy.

As for the unqualified admirals, they have been dismissed in advance and will not wait until the third year, because during this period, many ship girls from the joint department will come to recruit admirals, and there will be more people arranged at the venue. That year, most of the people who paid attention to the strength of the admirals were not just the ship girls in the academy.

Now that Wei An has determined that he must participate in the assessment, he will definitely not think about simply hanging out. Ranking is all that matters.

Since he wants to participate, the warship of his ship girl is completely out of tune with others and will attract attention and attention.

But if he can't hide it, isn't he a bastard?

He hasn't forgotten that the ranking is getting closer. The rewards are richer now.

It's hard to build a heavy cruiser core, let alone an aircraft carrier core or even a battleship core.

The assessment reward is an opportunity that he must seize, not to mention that there is an E-link headquarters paying attention to him..

So he went straight to Lexington.

"Commander, why are you here?"

The man who was reading in the same room as Saratoga was a little surprised when he heard Wei An's knock on the door.

"I need you to arrange some things."

"Commander, though, it's the secretary ship's job to help you get the job done."

The surprised Lexington did not forget to welcome Wei An into the room, and also made him a cup of coffee.

After getting along for a long time, Lexington had understood some of his hobbies and habits.

As for lying on the bed and watching Saratoga in the little book turned around and glanced at Wei An, then turned back to look at the little book on the bed.

Lexington was also very helpless about Saratoga's love for reading books. But when Saratoga acted coquettishly towards her, she had no choice but to go with Saratoga.

He put the coffee in front of Wei An's table and she sat down lightly.

"Help me collect the general information of the three-year admiral. I don't need to know too much about their strength, just the general situation, to prepare for the next assessment."

"Wouldn't it be nice to trouble Dean Elizabeth with this matter?"

Although she had been reading a book, Saratoga, whose little ears were always perked, answered in advance.

"Although it may be easy to trouble Elizabeth, if we can solve it ourselves, we should not rely on others. Whether in battle or in life, we can only be strong ourselves."

Vian feels this deeply, as he is now somewhat dependent on both Lexington and Shropshire.

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