After all, the number of admirals and ship girls who came during the assessment was not just one or two, but many.

Although the assessment rewards are very tempting, Wei An feels that he does not have no other opportunities.

"Unfortunately, Commander, this is not allowed."

"It should be said that completing the joint department assessment is the threshold. The formal process needs to be followed, and the commander also needs to reach the top ranking before he can"

"That's it."

The assessment that must be taken will undoubtedly dispel Wei An's idea of continuing to hide his clumsiness.

"But don’t worry, since you have been recognized internally by us, our first goal is to help you pass the assessment."

"Is this within the rules?"

"Isn’t the rule of the ship girl alliance that the ship girl is the only one? We have already recognized you, that is, you are in compliance with the rules."

Yes, the ship girl alliance was originally established for ship girls. The first target we face is always the ship girl, followed by the admiral."

"In that case, what do I need to do?"

"To compete with other admirals and pass the assessment, just choose our E-Union. In order to help you pass the assessment, we have prepared this for you."

Hood said as he opened his ship's installation space and handed the things he had prepared to Wei An.

He got the envelope handed to him by Hood and was stunned after opening it.

There was a resource inside. Card

"Now that you have agreed to our invitation, after this year's joint examination, your files and information will be transferred to our E joint department, and we will be responsible for your training thereafter."

"You are no longer the new admiral under Elizabeth's jurisdiction, but the admiral directly under the E-alliance Department."

"Now you only have two months of normal study and life. During this period, if we want to help you pass the joint examination, we need you to defeat a group of third-year admirals."

"After everyone's discussion, I think that if you already have several ship girls, what you may need most is the resources to materialize them and the ship equipment they use."

"Generally, the admirals who participate in the joint assessment are relatively good, so their minimum number of ship girls should be six."

"To be on the safe side, you also need three ship girls who have embodied the hull. These resources are a welcome gift to welcome you to join the E-alliance Department."

Weian looked at the resource card in his hand and swallowed.

If he read correctly, this resource card is a 25W steel resource.

He is arrogant, really arrogant.

Now he seems to be being taken care of by Hood. same

"But this 25W resource..."

"Don't worry, just use it with confidence. According to our observation, the tonnage of your ship is relatively large, and considering that all the resources you may need for modification will be larger than normal."

"This is just the first meeting. If your performance in the following days still satisfies everyone, the resources this time will be relatively small."

"By the way, the two ship equipment in the envelope are my personal donations. I am very optimistic about Commander Wei'an~"

Hood, who spoke like a rich woman, did not know how much shock she brought to Wei'an's young heart.

"Is this the rich woman?"

If Wei An saw it right, both ships were gold-colored, and it was obvious at a glance that they were the same series of main guns.

After a quick search of his previous memories, he finally found similar ship decorations.

【Trial-produced 30cm main gun]

In layman's terms, it is a triple 300mm main gun, which is a heavy patrol gun.

It's a bit bigger for ordinary heavy cruisers. It should be said to be a main gun used by super-heavy cruisers.

It may be a little bit big for Xuefeng in Wei'an's plan, but it may be suitable for him who wants to transform Yixian.

"Thank you. These two ship outfits are very suitable."

"Then you have to perform well. I look forward to your success. After all, among the admirals participating this time, there are also other liaison officers who are interested."

How come Wei An doesn't understand what Hood means.

Although the various coalition departments help each other and cooperate, there is also an inherent competitive relationship.

Hood and the others gave him this resource in the hope that he would succeed in this coalition. He must perform well in the departmental assessment and at least not lose when facing other admirals of the joint department.

This will affect his internal evaluation of the joint department and will definitely affect the resources he will receive in the future.


Hood felt much more relaxed after completing today's goal, and he was much more pleased with Wei An.

However, there were still a lot of people following them when they were walking on the beach.

Watching them standing there facing each other for a long time, I felt like Many little question marks emerged

"Shropshire, you know the flagship of the E Wing better. Can you tell me why she came to see the commander."

Saratoga, who was hiding behind a big tree, asked Shropshire who was squatting under him.

At the same time, Lexington and Xuefeng's ears perked up, and even the elegant and quiet Yixian paid attention.

"It could be something about the E-United Department, but seeing how harmonious and calm they were, it didn't seem like it. The distance between them was too close."

From their perspective, Hood, who was lower than Wei'an, looked like he was buried in Wei'an's arms. The two of them were facing each other, which inevitably made people imagine.

"It's of no use at all, so just look at me."

As Saratoga spoke, her eyes were full of cunning, and a toy-sized airplane quietly flew from the palm of her hand to the sky above Wei An and the others.

"Saratoga, isn't it a bad idea to spy on the commander like this?"

Yixian, who felt that this was not a good idea, asked Saratoga worriedly, and at the same time glanced at the reactions of the others.

They all looked curious, especially Xuefeng. Even Lexington, who had always been honest and gentle, was full of admiration for what Saratoga was doing now.

Seeing Yixian's hesitant and curious look, Saratoga curled her lips.

"Just say whether you want to see what happened to the commander. If you think it's not good, I won't tell you."

Sure enough, the next second Yixian covered her little mouth and shook her head. Anyway, it was not just her who did this, but also other ship girls. Wei An blamed everyone.

After hearing Wei The first thought that came to Saratoga's mind after Ann's conversation with Hood was that her sister's hull was about to be found. Yes

, she heard the part about steel resources in the conversation between Wei An and Hood.

Clemenceau only used 200,000 resources. How can Wei An have 25,000 resources? With the resources she has here, the realization of the Lexington hull is not certain.

However, other people around her looked at her curiously. , and she didn't hide it. After all, Wei An basically had no reservations about his shipgirl.

If she deceived other people, she would be scolded by her sister.

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