But after all, they are all his ship girls, so they are all okay. Elizabeth is a strange and friendly person to him.

Although he knows that Elizabeth will help him, she has a lot of things to do every day, so there is no need to trouble others for his little thing.

"Did you hear that? Jia Jia, when will you be more independent?"

"Hehe, it’s impossible to leave my sister, I’m just a loser who can’t live without my sister~"

Listening to Lexington’s serious voice, Saratoga answered with a smile and finally vomited a little at Wei An and Lexington. Tongue.

Seeing Saratoga like this, Lexington could only smile helplessly at Wei An.

"Commander, I understand what you said and will complete it as soon as possible."

"The second thing is about you."


Lexington was a little surprised, and Saratoga also focused on what Wei An was going to say next.

"According to the order, it should help you realize the hull, but if you want to complete the assessment now, you may need to make some changes."

"That's it~ It doesn't matter, Commander, didn't Clemenceau wait for so long? Our overall strength is the most important. Now that we have Jia Jia, it doesn’t matter to me."

Lexington squinted his eyes as he answered Vian's question, which made him feel a little confused.

This is a considerate and considerate wife.

Just when Vian was about to answer, Saratoga jumped up from the bed. Rushed in front of Wei An and interrupted what he was about to say.

"I still have some resources here to help my sister complete the realization of the ship body. These days, I have sold off some things that I could not use before."

Blocking Lexington behind her, she looked directly at Wei An.

As a ship girl, she can better understand how much the ship girl is looking forward to the day when her ship body will materialize.

Only when the ship materializes Only the perfect ship girls can be called complete, and the blue sea and blue sky are completely open to them.

Before there were no admirals, I didn't understand why these ordinary admirals were loved by the ship girls, and she was only because of Lexington. Because of the contract with Vian, she didn't care about what she would become next. She cared more about Lexington, who brought a ray of light to her

, than she cared about herself. He was also silently observing and rating Wei An in his heart.

At the same time, she spent more time with Lexington, and he also knew Lexington's expectations for his ship and her. That heart has gradually sunk.

She has always done things for Wei An, without thinking of herself, just like Saratoga herself did with Lexington.

But as a sister, she always sees why. She must eavesdrop on what Hood and Wei An said, isn't it because she is afraid that her sister will suffer?

Her silly sister's heart fell to the commander, and the weather was gradually cooling down at night. While she was reading, she could still see her sister silently learning to knit towels for Wei An, but she never mentioned her thoughts to Wei An, and she restrained her inner thoughts and gave Wei An a perfect look. She has an image of neat and clean work, full of life skills, gentle and kind-hearted, and takes good care of everyone.

She knows that her sister is waiting for the ship to take shape every day, so that she can make her sister happy. And because Wei An told him before that she had insufficient resources, she was quite distressed and turned the space on her ship upside down.

She sold all the useless ship equipment collected in the battle, just to get some more resources. It was time to make her sister happy.

Even to make Lexington happier, she didn't tell Lexington that she was working hard to raise resources for her ship. She just asked Wei An to keep it secret and give everything to Wei An. The commander she likes did it for her.

But now she heard something!

Wei An may have changed her mind! Although she also knows that as an admiral, she has to make decisions that maximize the interests of the fleet. She couldn't bear her sister's sadness, especially when she was forced to smile like this, so now she stood in front of Wei An and slapped the resource card on the table.

Lexington was stunned by the unexpected situation.

"Gaga, let the commander finish....We must listen to the commander."

Lexington quietly pulled the hem of Saratoga's black short skirt, looking a little weaker than her usual confident look.

Especially now that she was sandwiched between Vian and Saratoga.

Neither did Vian. So excited to think about Saratoga


Wei An embarrassedly touched his nose.

"I think you may have misunderstood me. I meant that I had already finished drawing the blueprints. Now the assessment happened, and there were suddenly resources and ship equipment."

"I need to complete the battleship drawings of destroyers and light cruisers, and allocate and use resources reasonably. It may take a few days, but the realization will remain unchanged."

"After all, since you and Lexington are both aircraft carriers, the strength requirements for the hull are not as extreme as those of other ship girls. By improving the resources of your sister's hull, you can consume less resources."

"As the core of the fleet, you must give priority to meeting your hull needs!"

While drawing the drawings of Lexington, Wei An had already changed his strategy.

Compared with Clemenceau Xuefeng, they have the probability of close combat and sailing alone, Lexington and Saratoga It is impossible for the two sisters to sail alone.

At least they are accompanied by other ship girls, Wei An, so that they can go out safely.

The fighting space is not comparable to that of battleships and destroyers, and the objects they need to protect are not ordinary water battleships.

It's about submarines and enemy aircraft carriers.

So compared to Clemenceau and others who use special steel for all their warships, Lexington and later aircraft carriers use special steel in specific areas, such as the flight deck and underwater. The bottom of the ship, etc.

For this reason, when the Lexington hull has the same displacement, it is not even half of theirs.

Moreover, the most terrifying place where Lexington and the others consume resources is not on the hull at all, and will continue to be consumed in the future. On the carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft is equipped with missiles, torpedoes, and bombs.

These are the places where they spend money.

The most important thing is that the Lexington has a larger hull, a larger hangar, a faster speed, and even reserves. After the power modification space is completed, part of the space below the flight deck is also reserved for subsequent ship installations.

The result is that the standard displacement of the aircraft carrier design has reached more than 7W tons. On-site generation, the aircraft carrier's carrier-based aircraft must be generated in the hangar in advance, so the displacement of the Lexington can still go up.


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