When Elizabeth went to tell Wei An about this the next day, she was stunned.

Yesterday she was still discussing with Hood about Vian's new ship's wife. Today she saw Shropshire quarreling with him, and Saratoga who was following her was also mingling with his ship's wife.

However, after asking with a rigorous attitude and getting a positive answer, Elizabeth still felt that Wei An was a little abnormal.

She always had the attitude of just giving it a try, but now that Wei An put the results in front of her, she felt so complicated that she couldn't express it.

The reason Elizabeth was able to find Wei An today was because Wei An came to her on his own initiative.

Because after his ship girl broke through the eight ranks, there were nine people in total including him.

The six-person room originally prepared in the dormitory was no longer enough, so Wei An came to apply for a new dormitory.

At the same time, his life also changed a little bit.

In the past, it was Lexington who managed his life, but now that Shropshire has joined, they have quietly completed a secret agreement behind Wei An's back.

As soon as he woke up this morning, the two elder sisters served him. He couldn't do it himself even if he wanted to.

Saratoga looked envious.

Her sister was running for a man every day, and all her eyes were on him, but now that she was Wei An's wife, the previous jealousy was gone.

She can also feel that the contract is restricting her, which makes her look at Wei An much more pleasing to her eyes.

"There are no more rooms in normal student dormitories. If you want to change dormitories, you can only change accommodation areas."

"But now there are only two accommodation areas close to your dock, but according to your situation, there is only one area you can go to."

"Dean, you said"

"One is the area where the E headquarters is stationed, and the other is the destroyer dormitory."

"E-Union Department?"

"Well, so it depends on whether you decide to go? If it is not close to your dock, there are other areas to choose from."

Vian did not answer Elizabeth's question immediately, but turned back to look at the ship girls around him.

He found that they were all staring at him, waiting for his decision.

The advantage of being close to the dock is that in case of emergencies, he can go on board the ship as soon as possible, and routine maintenance is also faster.

"How far is the dean from the dock?"

"Your dock is 700 meters away from the accommodation area."

"But if you want to move there, you need to discuss it with Hood first, but if there is Shropshire, it should be no problem."

Elizabeth's look made Shropshire look away.

"But in this case, the communication between you and them will increase. If you mind, you can only use two dormitories like now."

"What about your suggestion, Dean?"

"I definitely want you to go to the E Joint Headquarters, because there are dozens of ship girls stationed there, and I hope you can have a good relationship with them."

Elizabeth's idea of joining E-Union has been around for a long time, so Wei An was not too surprised.

"More importantly, things might get really chaotic next, which is why I came to talk to you today."

Elizabeth told Wei An about some of the problems within the KanColle Union and the subsequent joint assessment.

"So the dean hopes that I can build good relationships with them as soon as possible, so that after joining the E-Link Department, I don’t have to spend time getting to know them?"

"Yes, it may not be as stable as it used to be. Recently, the navy’s actions have also increased, and it’s easy to enjoy the shade under the big trees."

"If you are recognized by the E-Union Department, it will at least provide a huge boost to your growth."

In the end, Wei An accepted Elizabeth's suggestion. As for the reason, he was moved after hearing the rewards for the joint assessment.

Now that he can't take the initiative to fight in the deep sea, the only way he wants to get good ship equipment is to buy it himself. Research and development.

The Warship Girl Union's warehouse gave Wei An at least some new hope. After seeing the ability of the Golden Deep Sea Cruiser, he had no way to guarantee that he would be able to defeat other Golden Deep Seas and obtain new special cores.

An opportunity was right in front of him.

In the past, special cores were only used to build designated ship girls, but now he needs to use these special cores to transform his own ship girls.

In addition to heavy patrol cores, he can produce them himself. In addition to going out, he needed to find a chance to get at least one.

Even if Elizabeth didn't give him any advice, he would still choose to go there during this period. He still has a general understanding of each coalition.

He is also more inclined to join the E coalition, not to mention that after Shropshire joins,

Wei An will take the order signed by Elizabeth and be led by Shropshire. After arriving at the destination, he realized that his layout was smaller, because the accommodation area of the E-unit was a villa area, but after thinking about the elegance of the royal ship's wife, he was not surprised at all. Shropshire took care of it easily, but the way Hood looked at him and Shropshire made him feel uncomfortable.

After receiving a separate house, Wei An discovered that a new problem had arisen.

In the past, he and his shipgirls lived in a small room with a few beds, but now the room is spacious and each shipgirl has her own room. He can rest by himself, and so can the shipgirls. Having their own privacy, the happiest ones are probably Yixian and Guogan.

After all, they are newly created ship girls. Yixian is as conservative as an oriental woman. Even last night, she and Guogan went to another one. room to rest.

Shimakaze chose to huddle with Yukikaze, and Lexington was pestered by her sister.

Now Lexington, Yukikaze, and Shropshire were discussing who should live in the room next to Wei An..

But in the end, Lexington was dragged away by Saratoga, leaving the opportunity to the other two ship girls.

When he left, Lexington could only sigh at his sister.

After everything was settled, Wei. An Cai had some time to think about the problems he learned today.

He was not too worried about the navy. It was only a matter of time before they wanted to cause trouble.

What was more important was the internal struggle between the shipmates and what Shropshire told him. , he knew that this change of internal speakers also determined the change of the main body of the ship girl alliance from conservative to radical, which may cause more battles, but it also means more opportunities.

He couldn't let go of the opportunity for the joint assessment, so he needed to complete the assessment and enter the E joint headquarters in the next two months. The first thing he needed to do was to complete the interview with Yixian. their arrangements.

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