When Shropshire's staying at Wei'an's side revealed some problems, even Devon came to Wei'an and told Wei An how to lead his sister's lifestyle.

Let him bear with you.

At the same time, an admiral came to the accommodation area of the E-Union Headquarters, which also aroused the curiosity of other ship girls, making Wei An act like a cherished animal when he went out every day.

Being surrounded by these girls.

October 15th.

A piece of news came from the joint headquarters, which relieved Hood and the others' worries.

The 340 ship girls headed by Alfonso XIII lost in the naval battle exercise with the J-Union Department and G-Union Department.

They left their positions of real power and became ordinary ship girls.

Several joint ship girls who had already been prepared directly took up the corresponding positions according to the pre-planned plan.

Things changed when the ship girls united.

On the same day, Hood went back to the Ship Girl Joint Headquarters to discuss matters with several other flagships of the joint headquarters.

Hood didn't come back until the 17th. He returned to the academy without any fanfare and summoned several important ship girls from the joint department to start a meeting.

Originally, Shropshire was also going to the meeting, but now that she is a ship girl belonging to Vian, her quota was finally cancelled.

Wei An didn't know what they were talking about, but he saw that the ship girls in the E joint department were much less playful than usual.

At the same time, they know that things are not simple as the number of times they go to sea increases every day.

After the newly joined ship girls got to know Xuefeng and the others over the past ten days, they finally understood what was really special about their admiral.

For Yixian and the others, they just thought their admiral was very powerful, but Shropshire looked at Wei An with a monster look on his face.

She went through so many battles to get to where she is today and become so strong.

Especially after Shropshire knew that the heavy patrol core Vian she used before could be produced, she only regretted that she did not meet Vian earlier.

In those two days, Wei An ate a lot of food that made him question his life, because of Shropshire's small resentment.

At the same time, Wei An also completed the upgrade of Xuefeng's battleship during this period.

It cost 8,000 energy to install a radar and four golden six-link torpedo loading systems on her.

The space on both sides of her hull was fully occupied.

At the time of the renovation, Shropshire and Saratoga swallowed their saliva.

Especially when they heard Wei An tell them that Xuefeng could fire a torpedo salvo in as fast as 20 seconds, they didn't know what words to use to describe the complexity in their hearts.

Even Shimakaze drooled when he saw Yukikaze's torpedoes.

Because her torpedoes, like Yukikaze's previous torpedoes, take several minutes to reload.

Although I ran faster, I couldn't withstand the heavy snow and wind.

Because when Wei An helped Xuefeng install the torpedoes, he initially chose a hidden installation in the hull, and most of the time he was able to achieve a surprise victory.

A battleship that looks like a heavy cruiser on the surface, but the most powerful thing is the torpedo hidden in its body.

They were still firing at each other in front of them, and the next second they were full of power and came straight towards them. A salvo of 12 torpedoes in 20 seconds, what are you trying to hide from.

Shropshire is okay, after all, she is a heavy cruiser and has long-range artillery capabilities.

But Saratoga had a lot of headaches. After all, she had no other ability to resist except carrier-based aircraft.

If she encountered a torpedo attack from a battleship like Yukikaze, she would have no choice but to sink with the battleship.

Just the destroyer's Yukikaze had already surprised the other ship girls, and now they were even more curious about how powerful Clemenceau was, who had made Wei An devote more of his efforts.

After the Clemenceau ship materialized, she spent every day in the dock familiarizing herself with the operation of her warship, applying the knowledge she had learned before into practice.

Just came today.

A Shropshire exercise had been promised.

A 1v1 exercise between her and Clemenceau.

It’s not just Vian’s shipgirls who are looking forward to this, but also Elizabeth and Hood.

If you want to practice, Wei An needs a venue, and if you need to apply, you must go to Elizabeth.

As for why Hood knew.

Wei An's accommodation area is next to Hood and the others, and the dock is of course not far away. They patrol every day, so they definitely can't hide.

And Wei An didn't intend to hide.

Clemenceau's hull is too prominent, attracting more attention than Xuefeng.

It is impossible for him to let Clemenceau stay in the dock for a lifetime. Without practical implementation, everything is just talk, and Clemenceau will not truly grow.

So in the end, he directly told Elizabeth and them that Clemenceau was about to have a sea trial and complete an exercise.

Elizabeth and the others all know the embodiment of Wei An's second ship girl, but Wei An has been closing his shipyard during this period, so they don't know what's going on inside now.

Because it requires practice, the venue this time is not comparable to the size of Xuefeng's venue last time.

There are already several warships waiting on the sea outside Wei'an's dock.

In the dock

"Xiaowei, which battleship are you commanding this time?"

Xue Feng's words made both Clemenceau and Shropshire look forward to it.

Shropshire wanted Vian to come on her ship and have tea together, while Clemenceau wanted Vian to guide her in fighting..

As for Saratoga, she had already pulled Lexington onto her battleship to wait for Vian and the others. As for letting Vian on board, it’s not that she couldn’t do it, but she was still a little shy now.

"Get on your boat next time."

Because it was Clemenceau's first time to go to sea, Wei An could only choose Clemenceau in the expectant eyes of Xuefeng and Shropshire.

At the same time, he also wanted to confirm the Clemenceau battleship as soon as possible. Some effects of new equipment on

"Jia Jia, I’m going to trouble you about the communication."

"rest assured���"

Without a radio, Wei An could only rely on the Saratoga relay if he wanted to communicate with his shipgirl.

"Then let’s go."

With that said, Wei An pressed the remote control that controlled the dock door.

Yukikaze and Shimakaze were the first to slowly sail out of the dock, followed by Saratoga, Shropshire, and finally Wei An In Clemenceau,

Yixian and Guogan are now staying on Clemenceau's hull with Vian.

Although they have already heard that Vian's battleship is special, when Hood saw Xuefeng for the first time. She was still stunned.

What did she see?

A destroyer more than 250 meters long.

But when Elizabeth and the others came out, they realized that it was too small.

The three battleships were all too small in front of Clemenceau.

Even when Hood compared the hulls with Clemenceau's, she lost, not even a little bit.

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