"But if you still look weak like this now, the navy will always want to come up and take a bite, so if the ship girls unite, the people involved should be changed."

"Do these navy men really think we are toothless tigers? Weak little cats?"

After hearing what Hood said, Elizabeth hesitated.

"After all, they have been shipgirls for decades, can they survive?"

"Are you sure this won't cause a split in the union?"

Because ship girls don't age. Unless they make an oath to the admiral, except in the case of a shipwreck, the strength of a ship girl who is decades old will improve no matter how weak she is.

The level of training is not very low.

For the union of ship girls There have been several internal voices for many years, and internal conflicts have been increasing day by day.

In the past, when the navy was not very rampant, and the management of the older ship girls was still good, so these new members joined. The Liaison Department tolerated it.

After all, internal strife between ship girls is not good after all. Another reason is that the old ship girls are relatively powerful.

"As you can see, we are not the only one dissatisfied with the Navy. There are also other ship girls from other branches. We are not fighting alone this time."

"Now continue to tolerate the behavior of the Eastern Navy. The next time it will be a joint operation by other navies."

"Don’t you want to avenge your admiral?"

Hood's words were like a knife cutting off Elizabeth's hesitation.

Did she really let go of that strong girl with a bright smile after so many years?

She regretted that she was not by her side at that time.

"I see."

The Union of Ship Girls has existed for so long, and there are not a few ship girls who are mixed with hatred.

Sometimes it is easy to not see the voices below when you stand too high. There is no direct hatred between those old ship girls and the navy. On the contrary, It's more about the navy and their close cooperation against the deep sea in the past.

It's easy for this ship girl and people to stay in the past and recall the past, especially when the ship girl doesn't know how to choose a second admiral. Living in the past with their own admirals.

What Hood and the others have to do this time is to change this situation.

The navy is no longer the navy of the past, and the ship girl alliance should not be the ship girl union of the past.

"So what we have to do is to ensure that there will be no accidents in the academy, wait for news from Bismarck and others, and at the same time, we may have to change the joint environment later."

"Now I’m asking you what you think of that admiral because the conflict between us and the navy will never be peaceful after this time."

"At the same time, we also discovered some problems with the ship girl alliance. When faced with such a big event, the response speed was too slow. There were many voices among the various joint departments, and the final decision-making time was lengthened."

"The Navy has its own governor, and most of the joint headquarters did not object to the election of the governor during the discussion room with Bismarck, Nagato and the others."

Elizabeth immediately realized what Hood meant.

"So you think that kid Wei An has a chance?"

"I just think he has potential. After all, there are still many powerful admirals in the alliance. The few ship girls he has now are still not enough."

"But the most important thing to be a governor is strength, followed by attitude."

"If he wants to have enough strength, he cannot avoid fighting the deep sea and the navy."

"So let me ask you, what is his attitude?"

"Not the kind of person who hides in the back"

"That's OK"

"But you don't have to worry too much, Elizabeth. The election of the governor must wait until the internal reorganization of the Union is completed."

"At that time, as long as there were no accidents, he should have a chance. Before that, he should give him a headache with the assessment of the joint department."

Hood skillfully picked up the black tea on Elizabeth's table and poured himself a cup. He suggested.

"But he's only in his first year. Isn't this too fast?"

"So how do you think his strength compares to other admirals? It is originally held once a year and there is no requirement that only senior admirals can participate."

Because she always wanted to protect Wei An's safety and because Wei An had just entered school, Elizabeth never mentioned this matter to Wei An.

If you want to say what is the biggest difference between the admirals of the Ship Girls United Elite and the ordinary ones?

This is it. During the annual assessment

, most of the ship girls and joint headquarters will send responsible ship girls to recruit admirals.

After rounds of screening and evaluation, the ten admirals with the highest scores will be selected. Choose to join various alliances or continue to be directly trained by the ship girls as before.

Because Wei An's strength has not been updated yet, Elizabeth did not think of it for a while, because she wanted to let Wei An use the back door to get through her. The more important thing is to protect the safety of Wei

An and not be worried about other admirals and ship girls.

But now that the ship girls are preparing to fall out with the navy, there is no safe place.

It is not so much an assessment for recruiting admirals to the joint headquarters as it is a test and ranking of the admirals' strength.

Usually, each admiral has more or less changes to his own ship girls. Except when encountering deep sea battles, most of them will. Parked in the dock.

But when fighting against the deep sea, who would pay special attention to other people's strengths? This kind of assessment is in an exercise environment, and there is a special assessment of the ship girl. Isn't it more important to test the admiral's strength?

What's more, the Ship Girl Alliance will never treat admirals and ship girls poorly in their training, especially for these talented admirals.

Of course, there are rewards for ranking high. This reward is issued by the Ship Girl Alliance Headquarters and does not occupy their respective alliances. The department's small warehouse.

In addition to various resources, there are also various treasured ship equipment that have been collected by the ship girl alliance for a long time.

Even the special battleship core can be encountered outside. In the ordinary trading market, these resources are collected and purchased by the ship girls, and many unused resources are left alone. This is why Lexington and the others cannot find powerful ship equipment in the market.

The resources in this warehouse cannot be purchased with ordinary azure coins, and can only be purchased with tokens for completing the ship girl's joint mission. Isn't that why Elizabeth has been the principal of the academy for so many years?

What's the salary?

What's the ship equipment she uses to modify her power?

Isn't it just exchanged from the ship girl's joint warehouse? If there is any way to get tokens besides working and completing tasks.

This time it's like subsidizing assessment rewards, and redeeming resources by donating colorful ship uniforms and special cores that you can't use.

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