Wei'an, the new shipgirl, also needs to guide them to know each other, especially now that he has more and more shipgirls.

He also found a problem, that the time he can spend on a shipgirl is dispersed.

In the past, when there was only Xuefeng, he could accompany Xuefeng every day. After Clemenceau joined, he had to spend a certain amount of time on Clemenceau.

Now that he has eight shipgirls, it is impossible for his time to be evenly distributed to each shipgirl.

An incident that happened today also made him care.

Clemenceau and Shropshire have a good relationship, not to mention Lexington and Saratoga.

Even the relationship between Xuefeng and the self-familiar Shimakaze has developed a bit quickly.

Only Yixian and Guogan are not familiar with everyone. What he needs to do is to integrate the newly joined shipgirls into this big family.

At the same time, the unexpectedly good relationship between the shipgirls also gave him a new idea. When he can't accompany the shipgirls, he can only let the shipgirls accompany each other.

Just like some garrisons with more shipgirls will divide the accommodation area separately according to the country of the shipgirls, it is easier to establish a good relationship between shipgirls of the same country.

However, small groups will be formed in the garrison, but after thinking about it, the security guards felt that it was unavoidable.

Shipgirls are not weapons, they also have their own lives. When they can't accompany them, they can't just let them do nothing.

So after carefully introducing his new shipgirls, the security guards handed the dialogue scenes to the shipgirls and let them communicate on their own.

He continued to draw the blueprints of Lexington.

On the other side, Hood knocked on a door alone after finishing a day's work.

"Come in"

"Hood, why do you have time to come over?"

Elizabeth was still having a headache while reviewing the documents, and was a little happy to see Hood arrive.

"I went to see the admiral you mentioned today."

Hood also directly explained his purpose of coming in ink.

"So, how do you feel?"

"It's a bit surprising, but did you know that both Saratoga and Shropshire might become his shipmates?"

"So fast?"

She was not surprised at all by Hood's question.

"Um? you know?"

"That boy has a relatively good relationship with his ship's wife, and he is more serious and responsible in doing things. It's just a matter of time before something like this happens."

"It seems that you take good care of him. I don’t usually see you praising other admirals so much."

"They are all just making up for their past debts."

Hood also understood what happened to Elizabeth and Wei An, but he didn't want to ask too much.

"The reason why I came to you alone today is to ask what you think of him. After all, I don’t belong to the E-Union Department alone. You may be the one who cares about him more."

"Um? How do you want to arrange it for him? Is there any danger."

Hood's new question made Elizabeth serious.

"If Saratoga and Shropshire are included, he has more ship girls than most trainee admirals."

"Now that he has manifested a second ship girl, he may have more than four usable warships, and even a third-year admiral may not have his strength."

"Especially there are two ship girls with over 100 training levels among them."

Hood said and Elizabeth nodded in approval.

Compared with other admirals, Wei An's strength has indeed grown faster than most normal admirals.

Although she may have had a little help in this process, but more Still relying on Wei An's own ability and charm, especially the addition of Shropshire and Saratoga can be said to have directly pinned all the ordinary admirals to the ground.

"I feel that when it comes to this admiral, we cannot ask him in the same way as a normal admiral. He is already ahead of most people."

"The teachings of the academy are a little too slow for him, and time is not on our side now."

She understood what Hood meant.

The reason why she was so anxious recently was the navy's affairs. After completing the confiscation of most of the garrisons in the eastern waters.

The Eastern Navy finally turned its attention to the Admiral Academy.

In the past two days, they have often seen naval warships patrolling near the handover waters, and they have confronted the ship girls of the Admiral Academy.

At the same time, the admirals of the Ship Girls Union were also uneasy because of what happened in the Eastern Waters, especially the admirals stationed in other naval waters, for fear that they would follow the same fate as the Eastern Waters.

Knowing that a big fight could not break out now, the Eastern Navy was relatively restrained. It just controlled the admirals in the East, confiscated all their resources, and finally expelled them from the Eastern Waters.

Some of the weak-footed admirals are still crying about their grievances at the headquarters of the Ship Girls Union.

They also reflected the impact of the incident. The impact further expanded, and most people were waiting for the statement of the Ship Girls Union.

Whether it was the ship girls from the navy or the academy, or the admirals in the garrisons far away in other sea areas.

But it was precisely because of what happened this time that different voices appeared in the Ship Girls Union.

The ship girls who were originally weak and had a good impression of the navy also weakened their voices in the Ship Girls Union after the incident.

On the contrary, the voices of the Ship Girls Union, headed by the E Union, U Union, I Union, J Union, and G Union, which were more disgusted with the navy, became louder.

They felt aggrieved, and their repeated tolerance only got the navy to get more and more.

Just like this time, the E Union took the initiative to volunteer to come to the academy, which was also the result of their arguments.

Now is the calm before the storm. This time, there must be a common voice in the Ship Girls Union and there must be a response to the actions of the navy.

"Can you fight?"

As the principal, Elizabeth's source of information is not as well-informed as Hood's as the flagship of the joint department.

"Strong tactics are unavoidable. Our E joint headquarters is stationed here to prevent accidents. Bismarck and Nagato have already initiated an exercise application for them."

"The U and I joint departments are responsible for stabilizing the headquarters and providing support."

The Kanjia Federation is like the navy. The most capable prevails. When there are differences of opinion, strength speaks for itself. In particular, the Kanjia Federation is managed independently by the joint headquarters. The initial group of Kanjia who founded the Kanjia Federation was a small circle. , but more of them are the ship girls who slowly joined the alliance later and the newly established alliance headquarters.

"Finally, I had to fight them."

Elizabeth sighed

"That's because they were once navy girls, so we have hope for them, although we also understand that peaceful coexistence is the best thing to do."

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