And his choice is!

"So are you ready to become someone else's ship girl?"

"Ready to leave her old life behind and live with the Admiral and her shipgirl"

"To carry out the mission assigned by him, you may also need to take care of him. The most important thing is that your ship will also be boarded by others."

"Are you ready for these?"

Weian said softly. She listened quietly and thought about the questions asked by Wei An.

At the same time, when Wei An asked if someone could get on the boat, Wei An's figure automatically entered her mind.

Suddenly she felt a little bit. She was shy and her face turned rosy. The more she thought about it, the more she calmed down. She thought that if Wei An came on board, she would not be so resistant, and she even wanted to introduce her battleship to Wei An. There was also a specially prepared tea room where she could drink tea and chat with him on the deck while enjoying the sea breeze.

Thinking of this made her feel much better.

"It seems pretty good."

Thinking about it, an answer popped out of Shropshire's mouth, and he burned Wei An directly.

Originally, he wanted to use these questions to make Shropshire think about it carefully, calm down at the same time, and let her know that now It wasn't the right time, but Shropshire's divine turn prevented Vian's mind from catching up.

"What's not bad?"

"You see, if we live together, we can see Clemenceau every day."

"And didn't she say she would practice with Clemenceau? Then we can practice every day, and I can also teach her how to fight."

"As for taking care of people"

"Didn’t I also make your breakfast before? If you need my help with cleaning and changing clothes, I can do it. After all, I am also a maid. Of course, this premise is that you"

"As for boarding the ship.....You can come up if you want. The breeze on my deck is quite cool."

Shropshire's voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke, until finally she didn't even dare to look at Wei An's face.

She figured out that the source of her happiness and sorrow lay in this person.

It was originally Wei An's rhetorical question , but I didn’t expect it to be her response

"But these are all based on becoming someone else's ship girl."

Shropshire, who said what was in his heart, also became bolder.

If the window paper was punctured before, now the entire window has been removed, and the two of them opened the skylight to talk openly.

Originally, why Wei An, whom Luop County was thinking about, is now embarrassed by the bravery of the ship girl.

Now girls can hold back their shame and express their feelings to you. If you don't say something, you are worse than a beast.

"Won't you regret it?"

"If regret is useful, I only regret that Saratoga got there first. I obviously had so much time and opportunity."

Shropshire, who had let go and became bolder, did not conceal his inner thoughts, and at the same time stared directly into Wei An's eyes. With eyes as clear as sapphires, they could look into each other's eyes and breathe. Hit the opponent in the face.

If the favorability of the shipgirl is expressed in numerical values, the favorability of the newly built shipgirl to her admiral may be 20, and if you want to salvage the ship, it will only go from 0 to 50. There is a chance.

Now that Shropshire can express his feelings in this way, he can tell that his favor is not low.

So after receiving Shropshire's answer, Wei An quietly held her delicate hand. Her white fingers were weak and boneless, and because of the autumn, her fingers were not very warm now. Being held by Wei An's big hand, Shropshire, who already understood her inner thoughts, did not resist, and just let him hold her at the same time.

I felt the information coming from the core of my mind and understood what he was doing.

So I closed my eyes and seriously felt the core of my mind that I had never opened up before. I let go and felt a vague sense of intimacy coming from the people next to me..

She finally took this step, and after seeing many sisters leave the E-Union, she was about to start a new life like them, and felt the message from the Shropshire Contract, which made Wei An feel sad. He sighed.

He just respected the ship girl like a normal person, and he could make a ship girl willing to follow him.

He felt more and more the world's preference and prejudice against this unique elf.

"This is my answer, okay?"

Weian said as he watched Shropshire hold his little hand tightly.

It's obvious.

They are both contracted ship girls, and Shropshire's favorability is obviously much higher than Saratoga's.

"Yeah, but suddenly I found that this feels pretty good."

Shropshire found that after contracting with Wei An, many of his previous worries and negative emotions disappeared.

Now he is extremely relaxed.

"Do I want to live with you now? Shropshire blinked and asked.

After all, their dormitories are next to each other, basically separated by a wall.

"if you are willing to"

"Let's go then~ Anyway, all my things are in the ship's installation space."

Looking at the smiling Shropshire, Wei An's worries were put down.

Shropshire didn't let go of Wei An's hand all the way.

It wasn't until he was in front of his dormitory door that Wei An thought of how to give him Everyone explained this matter.

Originally, he was planning to build three ship girls, but now he brought an extra sister back to them.

But obviously, his ship girl didn't give him much time to think about it. After knocking on the door, the door was already opened, and several ship girls were chatting around the table.

Now that the door was wide open, the two old ship girls were quite surprised when they came back holding hands. Clemenceau looked at the hands held by the two people and nodded with satisfaction.

"Commander, what are you doing?

Lexington blinked at Vian, trying to get the answer from his eyes.

But Vian, who was already relaxed,

"Shropshire, we all already know each other and will live with us from now on."





The last sound was made by Clemenceau.

Although she was very happy that Shropshire, who usually had a good relationship with her, joined this big family, she also thought of Shropshire's cooking skills. She thought of that day when she directly Losing consciousness, she was afraid that this kind of life would become more common.

But soon everyone welcomed Shropshire's arrival.

After all, the more ship girls under Wei'an, the stronger they would be, and the safer Wei'an would be..

No ship girl will refuse her admiral to become stronger, unless it is his wedding ship and he is still a yandere.

If there is an admiral who is chased by a yandere

? The admiral may be chased backwards.

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