Shropshire, who was nervous, didn't notice it, but felt an uneasy breathing coming from behind him, which made Wei An firmer in his thoughts.

It wasn't until Shropshire's head hit Vian's back that she realized what she had done.

She quietly looked up and saw Wei An's figure who didn't look back and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, looking at Wei An's back, she felt a sense of peace of mind.

"Come and sit down when you have time in the future. I won’t disturb you now. I look forward to your visit."

After Hood said that, he took a deep look at Wei An and his ship's wife, and left with the ship's wife from the E joint headquarters.

As the flagship of the E joint headquarters, she has long been used to the ship's wife joining the admiral's team. subordinates, so Shropshire's leaving her was more of a blessing.

The main reason for coming here was to see for herself what kind of admiral Wei An was, and now that he saw it, he pushed her behind. With Shropshire, she has achieved her goal.

Just as Wei An understands Shropshire's character, can Hood, who has worked with her for a long time

, not understand her focus on work since bringing Shropshire back ? Her strength was not as good as before, and her heart had already flown away. If she didn't help her, she didn't know how long she would be struggling.

When she left, Devon wanted to help her sister, but saw Hood shaking his head at her. Finally, I gave up.

The departure of the group of ship girls immediately made Wei An the focus of other people's attention. Especially now that the admirals of the academy are working hard to improve their strength, there will be many admirals to build it.

Seeing Wei An surrounded by a group of ship girls, the envy in his eyes was naked.

Wei An was already used to these looks.

"Okay, they've left, are you okay?"

Weian turned around and looked at Shropshire who lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

Shropshire stammered as the other ship girls from Vian gathered around.

"Commander, what's going on?"

Finally, Lexington asked with the expectant eyes of the other ship girls.

But now is obviously not the time to answer, especially in front of Shropshire.

She could only shake her head gently and glance at Shropshire. Lexington, who was in tune with her, immediately understood and returned to the other ship girls to explain in their ears.

At the same time, Xuefeng and Lexington led the team, and several ship girls followed and left together, leaving only Vian and Shropshire.

Compared with being with many people, Shropshire felt that she was more nervous now that she was alone.

【Will he want me to be his shipgirl today? What should I do? What should I do?】

"Let's take a walk and take you back to your dormitory"


Shropshire, who was preparing himself mentally, was subconsciously surprised when he heard Wei An's words.

""Let's go, do you want others to keep watching?"

Vian said, glancing at the people who kept watching this way, and reminded Shropshire.

Vian walked in front along the way, and Shropshire followed behind, without speaking to each other.

If you ask why Vian didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue?

In that case, wouldn't it be forcing Shropshire to make a choice?

Although Shropshire might not refuse, it's a bit despicable.

At the same time, Vian finally had some enlightenment in his heart.

In the eyes of others, the admiral who is a nanny has a relationship with salvaging the ship.

On the contrary, he now feels that the process of salvaging the ship is like falling in love, and now he is in the process of pursuing.

The previous few months were about getting to know each other, and today it was Hood who broke this layer of window paper.

Not letting Shropshire deceive himself, but also making Vian's thoughts clear.

Now he and Shropshire both know that he, Vian, wants to salvage the ship.

The only problem is how to start.

So Vian doesn't want to choose such a method of forcing others. In fact, he felt that he owed Saratoga something even though she had signed a contract with him.

Signing a contract with Saratoga with the help of Lexington was not what a person with conscience and bottom line should do.

But now that he had done it, all he could think about was how to make it up to Saratoga, so he would not refuse Saratoga's request unless it was outrageous.

What he wanted to do with Shropshire was to let her prepare herself mentally before bringing up the matter after both of them had calmed down.

Now that Shropshire hadn't obviously refused to allow such a thing to happen, didn't she already acquiesce?

So why was the admiral who was interested in destroyers arrested?

Because children's minds are not as mature as those of the older sisters and ship girls. Although they are also wary of salvaging ships, the probability of success should be higher.

Vian stopped before returning to the dormitory.

Shropshire, who had been burying her head in her thoughts, bumped into his back.


"When I arrived at the dormitory, I stopped going in."

Looking at Wei An who smiled and waved to him, Shropshire felt confused.

In front of the dormitory door, Shropshire finally couldn't help but look back and saw that Wei An was still there as always.

He couldn't control his thoughts. She quickly walked to Wei An

"Do you really have nothing to say to me?"

Weian understood what she was talking about, but he just gently cut the messy hair in front of her bangs to the side of her ears.

During the whole process, Shropshire had no idea of evading, only a shy stare. Zhu Wei'an

"Telling you now, is this really what you want to hear?"

"At least give it another time, until you calm down. Go back and have a good rest."

Wei An looked at her tenderly.


After all, she is a ship girl, and she is different from ordinary girls. They dare to love and hate. Even if the person they approve of is not good, they will still support him as always.

It made her uncomfortable to be disturbed by such tangled emotions, so she wanted to know Wei An's answer.

She had never been so obsessed with waiting for someone else's answer, an admiral's answer.

So they stood there staring at each other for two minutes.

In the end, Wei An looked at Shropshire who persisted and was defeated.

"Then I said it, will you agree?"

"I have no idea."

But when Wei An talked about this problem, she wanted to run away. She was afraid of facing it, so she could only bury her head, but she couldn't see her feet.

Ling's curious and fearful temperament was fully displayed.

And Shropshire is so insistent, so as a green leaf among thousands of flowers, he certainly knows that he has two choices now.

One is to continue to comfort her and talk about it later, and the other is to go up now, when she is in a conflicted mood. Take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

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