By the time Wei An saw Xuefeng and the others, it was already dusk two days later.

Two months of busyness have not left any trace on their bodies, they are still so young and beautiful.

Xuefeng was so excited when he saw Wei An that he jumped off the battleship in front of everyone, hugged Wei An and gave him a peck

"Nothing happened along the way."

After Wei An comforted Xuefeng, he looked at Lexington.

Clemenceau was still with him, while Shropshire went to receive Hood and the others.

"We had already heard about the Eastern War Zone and the Alliance when we were trading in the Southern Continent, so Xuefeng and I took a roundabout way to ensure that there was no other danger."

"That’s good, how’s the situation this time?"

"It’s almost the same as the original idea, but there are still relatively few rare ship equipment, but I still found a lot of useful ship equipment. Let’s take a look when we get back."

"Has the resource issue been resolved?"

"The battles in the western theater and the deep sea are more intense, so the price is a little more expensive than in other areas. We made a little more money, and at least Clemenceau's hull is fine."

"That's good."

Now that the two ship girls have returned safely, they have brought good news to Wei An, which makes him feel much more relaxed.

After simply picking them up, he asked Xuefeng to drive the ship back to the dock, and also helped She entered the channel, but her little mouth was not very quiet when she entered the channel.

When Wei An finished helping her, she was sweating profusely, and then she had time to listen carefully to their detailed experiences in the past two months. Half Wei An heard the knock on the door

"How did you come?"

Weian didn't expect that the visitor was Saratoga.

After all, he had temporarily lent Lexington to Saratoga for two months to let them exchange sisterly feelings.

Could it be that they are still inseparable now?

"Na na na~ Commander, let’s discuss it."

Saratoga's begging and coquettish look immediately set off alarm bells in Wei An's heart.

"You say it first, and then I decide whether to agree or not."

"That's it, can I move in with my sister~ In two months, I have become accustomed to my sister sleeping next to me. Today I can't sleep alone when I go back.~"

"Gaga, stop messing around."

Before Vian could say anything, Lexington on the side began to criticize harshly.

Compared to two months ago, Vian could clearly feel that there were some changes in them.

From the strangers at the beginning to Lexington being more and more like a strict sister now.

But Saratoga pouted and looked at Vian with grievance.

"But Commander, I really can’t live without my sister. If I smell something other than my sister around me every day, I’ll get flustered."

"I have completely transformed into a sister, and I can’t live without my sister!"

Saratoga, who is a serious sister-in-law, already wanted to get close to Lexington.

But Lexington held her face ruthlessly, preventing her from getting even closer.

Vian and Clemenceau He moved on a small stool and sat next to them to watch their interaction, while Xuefeng looked unfazed and even yawned.

"What did Jia Jia say on the way back?"

"I can't give it to my sister...., I won’t cause trouble to the commander. My sister has been away from the commander for a long time, so I have to be patient."

As if in anticipation, Lexington covered Saratoga's mouth with a slightly red face.

【It was so dangerous, so dangerous that Jia Jia almost spilled the beans. ]

Saratoga also suddenly realized that it was no longer a private conversation between the two of them, so she immediately corrected herself.

But this guilty look made others even more curious about what happened between them.

After all, the three great pleasures in life are eating melon, watching theater, and gossiping.

"Now that everything has been agreed upon, and we haven't finished reporting what happened during this period, wouldn't you interrupt the Commander's work by coming here?"

"But, sister~Jia Jia really can’t leave you for a little bit. I thought I could still endure the loneliness."

"It would have been okay if I hadn't met my sister, but now I overestimate myself."

As Saratoga said, she also put Saratoga's palm on her face like a treasure and put it on her face, carefully feeling the taste and temperature of Lexington.

"But I am the commander’s ship’s wife, and I obey him in everything."

Wei'an, who was originally watching the drama of sisterly love, saw that the topic suddenly turned to herself.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, you guys continue."

As he said this, Vian stuffed the melon seeds he had peeled in his hand into the mouth of Xuefeng, who was leaning her head on his shoulder.

They were sisters with deep affection, and they were brothers with deep affection.

Only Clemenceau, who was sitting alone next to Vian, felt so redundant.

Lexington had a clingy sister, Xuefeng had a dear brother, but where was her sister!

However, as an admiral who cared about his ship girl, Vian certainly couldn't let Clemenceau wait alone.

So he put the other half of the melon seeds he had just peeled in the eager little hand of Clemenceau.

After that, he rubbed her golden hair and gave her a smile in return.

It made Clemenceau feel warm in his heart.

【The admiral is really nice.】

After listening to Lexington's words, Saratoga fell into a brief contemplation.

"Jia Jia's two months have passed, and now the commander still has a lot of problems. Be good, sister, I will stay with you when I have time."

And the thoughtful Saratoga thought of a question after listening to the previous words.

【Yes, my sister is his ship girl after all. Two months have made me a little complacent and forget this fact.】

【Now if I make the commander angry, I think it will be more difficult to get along with my sister. ]

But at the same time, she thought of what happened during this time.

In the past, when she was in the Ship Girl Alliance, she went her own way and acted badly every day. She also had the ability to fight, so no one cared about her.

After all, her personality is much better than that of some quirky ship girls, not to mention that she is a truly free ship girl and has not even joined the joint headquarters.

In the past two months, she had really returned to the days when she was her younger sister in her memory, even though Lexington and Xuefeng had many things to do every day.

But after finishing her work, she would go out of her way to accompany her. For this reason, later she told her long-term longing for her sister and talked about many private conversations between sisters.

Especially after becoming more familiar with him, Lexington also accepted the sudden intrusion of his sister.

There is no longer any gap between the two of them.

Also under such circumstances, Lexington, as her sister, of course hopes that Saratoga will be better.

In getting along with Lexington, Saratoga, as the younger sister, also changed back to her former naughty self.

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