Lexington, who had always been emotionally stable and gentle, felt helpless and had no choice but to start disciplining his sister.

But it was this process of discipline that made Saratoga feel her sister's love and care even more.

Although sometimes she made Lexington helpless, in the end Lexington indulged in forgiving her and really let her indulge in her sister's love.

Moreover, she only felt that she was cared about when she was being disciplined. Her efforts to fight for her sister were not in vain.

Within two months, their relationship developed rapidly.

It also made her even more unable to live without Lexington, just like she couldn't bear the separation just now.

She has fallen deeply into a trap called sister, and she starts to have random thoughts when she can't see Lexington.

But now her sister is someone else's ship girl, not hers after all.

Compared to his sister, Wei An is a more important person in Lexington.

She once thought she could give Vian half of her time in Lexington, but now she feels she can't.

So what she's thinking about now is how to fully own Lexington.

She was already Lexington and couldn't leave even a little bit.

Even if there are other Lexingtons in the future, they will not be able to enter her eyes. She only wants this sister.

She felt like her brain was broken

【Along the way, my sister kept talking about how her admiral was good and how he was better than other admirals.】

【It was obvious that he had only built his sister not long ago, so why was it that he was already in her eyes? 】

Especially in private, she began to call Wei An as brother-in-law, and Lexington did not refuse, which shows that Wei An faced Lexington's poison in this short period of time.

Anyway, in Saratoga's eyes, his sister had been given away for nothing, and he couldn't figure out what kind of demonic nature Vian had.

And now that Lexington revealed that she was Vian's shipgirl, Saratoga's thoughts gradually went astray.

There have been people who have always wanted to salvage the boat but have never succeeded, and under Lexington's influence, she now actually thinks that Wei An is not bad.

【Now I am an outsider so I can't monopolize my sister openly, then if I also become his ship girl, can my sister be with me every day?】

【After all, my sister also said that he couldn't stand his ship girl being wronged. I would be wronged if I left my sister, so he can't just not give me my love.】

The more Saratoga thought about it, the more serious her hints to her became.

She had looked a little hateful to Vian before, but now he looks handsome and a little cool.

Lexington looked at her sister who had been in a daze, and suddenly turned around and stared at Vian. She shook her body but there was no response.

So he leaned forward and whispered in Saratoga's ear:"Gaga, what are you thinking about? Why are you looking at the commander all the time?"

"I was thinking, how about I become his ship's wife, so that I can stay by my sister's side every day, and her sister is mine no matter day or night."

Saratoga, who was still thinking in his heart, subconsciously said what he was thinking without even thinking about it.

The dormitory room is not big, and everyone can hear what Saratoga said.

He was feeding Xuefeng. Wei An's hands shook as he was snacking and dropped his snacks to the ground, but the eyes of the other ship girls lit up, especially Lexington's eyes, which were not only affected by the contact with Saratoga. It's Saratoga, and her.

As a sister, she also feels sorry for her sister who has been alone for these years, and she still misses her.

She knows that this kind of life is difficult, especially when she has been away from Wei'an for two months. She didn't know what happened to her.

Ever since Wei An's words came out, the relationship between her and Wei An had become subtle.

She didn't know what kind of mental state Wei An was in when he said such frivolous words, but she felt it again. Wei An's treatment of herself, Clemenceau, and Xuefeng was different.

So during the time when Xuefeng and Wei An were away from Wei An, she found that she also had some random thoughts, and she would unconsciously think of what Wei An said..

And his stunned expression when he saw her, and his surprise. She usually saw Xuefeng standing alone on the deck in a daze, so she was thinking about that person, especially during this time. After traveling to several war zones, she met more ship girls and admirals.

Whether they were admirals from the navy or admirals from the ship girl alliance, she could feel the specialness of Wei An and what he usually did for the ship girls. After all

, she had seen many ship girls in other war zones who had lost their aura of agility in their eyes. They were as calm as weapons.

That scene deeply hurt her heart.

Wei An, who had lived with ship girls since childhood. She indeed cares about them more than the other admirals.

Invisibly, her affection for Wei An has gradually increased.

Wei An has done nothing but relies on his colleagues to support him, but compared to Xuefeng, he can not hide his feelings. , there are still many things that have not been explained clearly between her and Wei An.

She can only talk to her sister about these girls at night.

She said good things about Wei An all the way and wanted to make Saratoga right. Wei An had a good impression.

She couldn't bear to leave Saratoga.

Just like Saratoga felt that she couldn't live without her sister, how could she let her sister go? But she also had Wei An who was more important.

She had always understood that there was only one way to go if

Saratoga was to become Wei An's ship girl.

But she didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

Before she could persuade her, Saratoga was here. He sold himself out in his mind.

Saratoga finally realized that he had just spoken out what was in his heart, and immediately covered his face.

At the same time, his fair and pretty face began to turn rosy quickly, and his head was still red. Steaming.

Although she thought of the option of becoming Wei An's wife, she said it so bluntly in front of Wei An, which made her want to find a way to get in while covering her face. She opened a small gap with her hand and kept observing the surrounding situation.

When she saw everyone's expressions, especially Lexington's happy look, she felt more and more that this choice seemed good, because it seemed that this was the only choice that could make her happy. My sister is happy.

She wants Lexington to be happy. After all, Lexington would be the most uncomfortable if she and Wei An were in trouble.

Her sister valued her admiral so much for nothing. If she didn't want to lose her sister, she would have to be Wei An's ship's wife.

And with her by his side, Lexington won't be afraid of being bullied by others. She will protect her sister personally!

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