She has seen too many ship girls and admirals who are as enterprising as him, and there are very few admirals who consider ship girls.

Although there are also admirals who help shipgirls transform, they are still too few when counting the base number.

Most admirals still prefer to stay in the rear and be a slut, enjoying a life without shame with the ship's wife.

This was also their original intention of entering the Admiral Academy, although it was not very good.

But compared to the navy next door who regards the shipgirl as a weapon, they at least feel sorry for the shipgirl and will make her happy.

Bringing joy and smiles to them, the shipgirl is willing to give her life for them.

You love me.

Therefore, Wei An likes the ship girl and has an enterprising spirit. She has to modify her own ship girl drawings personally. In her eyes, it is too attractive.

For example, the Admiral of the Rice Worm basically lets the ship girl realize the initial data of his own battleship, and there are basically very few modifications.

The battleship has too much useless space, in their opinion.

Some ship girls who are not particularly close to these admirals may regret it later after breaking off their contracts with the admirals, and then reluctantly modify their own ship hulls.

The example before her eyes was Elizabeth.

Elizabeth also realized the hull after meeting Wei'an's mother, although Wei'an's mother had tried her best to help her modify it.

However, considering that the upper limit of Elizabeth's mental endurance is still relatively conservative, the improvement in combat power is not much.

So after the incident at the Whale Sea Guards House, she transformed herself, and she completely went towards her own limits.

He compressed the space inside his battleship to the limit and also increased the power a lot.

This was also the thing that troubled her the most before. Compared to other ship girls in the garrison, her speed was the slowest.

Wei An, who was concentrating on revising the drawings, didn't know that the two ship girls were paying attention to his every move.

He is currently overhauling the structure of the ship's hull.

Using a waterjet would have required extensive modifications to the bottom of the boat, so he chose to paint it from scratch.

In fact, when choosing a waterjet thruster, he also had another option, the superconducting magnetic fluid thruster.

But in Wei'an's previous life, this technology was still in the theoretical experimental stage, a technology that used electromagnetic force for propulsion.

In theory, the submarine can reach a speed of 150 knots. Even if it cannot be perfectly developed, as long as this technology can be developed through talent.

The upper limit of his battleships can be increased a lot.

Moreover, superconducting magnetic fluid thrusters are also large power consumers, which is more in line with his original intention of installing all-electric propulsion.

And the most important thing is that it requires superconducting technology. As soon as Wei An thought about it, he knew that it was another bottomless research and development pit.

Many wonderful technologies are waiting for him, but they require his brain cells, time, and more importantly, the few small coins in his bag.

October arrives quietly.

Xuefeng and the others have officially left for two months, and today Wei An finally received news about Xuefeng and Lexington.

They entered the inland sea safely and are returning safely under the guidance of the academy ship girl.

This finally made him feel relieved.

However, after half a month of fermentation, the new admirals of the academy were finally informed of what happened between the Ship Girl Alliance and the Navy.

Then Wei An saw a spectacular sight.

He saw several new admirals in his class who did not come the next day.

Langley explained that they dropped out of school.

Wei An immediately understood that they were afraid of facing the navy, but they didn't want to lose the ship girl, so they dropped out of school. At least for now, they were not at a loss.

Anyone who owns a ship girl in this world wants others to call them admiral, because this shows that he is the commander of the defending party.

But there are also many people who just like ship girls and don't want to take on so many responsibilities. They can only be called commanders.

Most of them took their ship girls back to the mainland life and stayed away from the sea. Some of them also worked hard to help the ship girls realize the hull of the ship after they had their own ship girls.

Then make a living by doing business. After all, the warships of Ship Girl have better performance than ordinary cargo ships, are easy to maintain, and more importantly, they have self-protection capabilities, so they don't need to hire guards.

Then, one after another, admirals dropped out of school one after another, and at the same time, the atmosphere in the college became really tense.

The other admirals who had not dropped out of school were all involved during this period, and Wei An saw that many of his classmates were working part-time in the shops opened by Ship Niang.

Just to earn a little more money from resources and help their shipmates build the hull to ensure their own safety.

Meanwhile Shropshire brought him news.

The last time Shropshire contacted the E Joint Department, they learned that the Joint Headquarters was worried that the Admiral Academy would become a place of conflict.

So they decided to support a ship girl from the joint headquarters, and the principal happened to be Elizabeth from the E joint headquarters, so they decided to station the E joint headquarters here.

In other words, the royal ship girls will come over, and their office will be here from now on, until the tense situation is relieved.

Now counting the days, when Xuefeng and the others come back, it will probably be when the E-Union Department arrives.

During the same period of time, Vian finally finished redrawing the drawings of the Clemenceau battleship.

Even the power system has been improved by another model. At the same time, because of the improvement of the power model, Wei An has gained more experience.

Therefore, he also redesigned the power system used by Xuefeng.

And named it [Light Improved Power System Type 1].

What Clemenceau will use is the [Heavy-Duty Improved Power System Type II].

The only pity is that Xuefeng is temporarily using propeller propulsion, which would be troublesome if it needs to be modified.

But his energy also lost 1W5 again.

But it's all worth it in Wei'an's opinion.

This time, Xuefeng and the others will return safely. At the same time, Clemenceau's hull will appear, and Xuefeng will also receive a small upgrade.

And he started working on the next Lexington hull. After all, his current Lexington drawings were occupied because of Clemenceau's drawings.

But now he has basically painted half of it, and he has a complete idea of the rest, but it just takes time.

At the same time, Lexington and Xuefeng, who were already approaching, made him feel a little hopeful.

After all, this time they were not only going to sell ship equipment, but also needed to buy some ship equipment that Wei An had mentioned, or ship equipment that they thought were more useful, in the trading areas of several war zones.

He is now looking forward to what they can bring back this time. If it is good, it will strengthen his ship's girls, or allow him to collect more useful data.

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