The reason why Wei An is focusing on torpedoes now is because of Xuefeng.

During the last battle with Deep Sea, Wei An had been observing the situation.

Although Yukikaze is located further away from the deep sea than other destroyer girls, she is less vulnerable to harm.

But Wei An still saw Shenhai targeting Xuefeng and attacking, but Xuefeng didn't do any damage at all.

On the contrary, the shipgirls who were closer to Yukikaze were more or less injured.

This kept him thinking about metaphysical issues.

Moreover, Elizabeth's special ability that can be awakened after the level of training is also of great concern to Wei An.

If this special ability is a skill in the game, then it would be a big problem.

Yukikaze's ability is to absorb the luck of his teammates.

Luck is something you can't see or touch, but you can't pretend it doesn't exist.

Moreover, in the battle with Deep Sea, Yukikaze had basically no scratches on the hull except for consuming a little resources of ammunition and fuel compared to other ship girls.

Now that there are other ship girls carrying the burden for Xuefeng, she can try some different tactics.

After the Clemenceau ship body is revealed, she will temporarily become the strongest battleship under Wei An.

But being Yukikaze's teammate is risky, especially when Yukikaze is around, he doesn't dare to let Yukikaze get too close to other ship girls.

Too dangerous.

Xuefeng must have been outside the fleet after that, and the distance of the bombardment is temporarily not as good as that of the battleship.

The torpedo's speed slowed down a little again.

Then we can only try our best to reflect Xuefeng's speed advantage and firepower advantage.

Small boats can attack casually, and big boats can treat them to torpedoes.

Especially now that Xuefeng has a fire control radar and has enhanced lightning strike capabilities.

It's too early for a missile, and it doesn't have over-the-horizon strike capabilities. So if Xuefeng's close-range combat capability is strengthened, it will be better.

Moreover, the advantage of shipgirls over ordinary battleships is overall command and coordination.

Then he thought of a piece of equipment that he might be able to possess temporarily, and it would be easier to develop than a missile. rocket missile.

They are also weapons with fixed rocket engines, but the hit rate of rockets is far inferior to that of missiles.

But the advantage is that the number of rockets that can be fired at one time can be very considerable.

And another problem is the dispersion of rockets, in battles that can easily last a few nautical miles or even more than ten nautical miles.

Rockets are more like a snap at long range.

At this time, you can only use distance and saturation attacks to make up for the hit rate problem.

And this is very consistent with Xuefeng's positioning.

Close assault, saturation strike.

Her main gun is out of reach, so it can directly wash the deck, superstructure, and torpedo sea below you at close range.

Defense depends on Xuefeng's speed and metaphysics.

The most important thing is that the arrival of missiles also requires the development of rockets as a front-end. After the rockets can be made, all that needs to be done is to arrange guidance for the rockets.

When the rocket can be guided, how far away will it be from the missile?

In particular, one advantage of the ship girl's use of rockets is that she directly uses resources to generate shells when reloading.

No manpower is needed to go up and fill it.

And because of the initial flaws of the rocket, he could only choose the tilted launch system. Since there is no need for manpower to change ammunition, he can choose to install the launch system in a location that is not usually used.

To try to avoid the defects of tilted emission.

Even the secondary guns currently installed on the Yukikaze battleship can be used as rocket launchers.

Compared with the secondary battery, its attack is more saturated, its flight speed is faster, and it can replace different warheads with different attack capabilities.

It is completely a ship outfit that Yukikaze needs very much.

However, the only thing that gave Wei An a headache with the increasingly saturated attacks was the consumption of resources, but when he thought about it, what he lacked most was the ability to make money.

What he lacks is the firepower that can protect him safely. Only with strong firepower can he make a small amount of money with peace of mind.

When Clemenceau came back in the evening, all he saw was his admiral giggling, and he didn't even know she was back.

However, it was Clemenceau's return that interrupted Wei An's continued imagination, and at the same time interrupted his idea of spending his ability to develop rockets.

After all, the most urgent thing now is Clemenceau's ship body, and the energy on his body cannot be wasted for the time being.

I don’t know how many resources Clemenceau has left with the complete hull.

At least he can't get out the rockets yet.

Once you have a good fleet size, you won't have to worry about being targeted by others if you launch rockets.

Now he still makes and uses the ship uniforms that ship girls are already using.

But he can try to develop the data first, and then install it directly.

After briefly sharing his joy today with Clemenceau, Clemenceau also became equally happy.

She and Xuefeng could hear Wei An talking about radar, radar every day.

Now that Wei An has finally been developed, they can all enjoy this ship outfit for the first time.

The most important thing is that Wei An has already told them about the function of radar, so she is also looking forward to it

"Admiral, I really want to complete the ship's hull as soon as possible."

Before going to bed, Clemenceau couldn't sleep in his quilt and said to Vian under the bed.

"It will be soon. This time, Xuefeng and the others will come back and materialize the ship for you. It will only take more than a month."

Because Lexington and Xuefeng need to go to many places this time, their round trip will take about 2 months. It has only been 10 days now.

"Then Admiral, when can I go into the water for sea trials?"

"Don't worry, the admiral has decided to prepare the ship equipment you need in the next time."

"As long as you have completed the construction of the ship body and have extra resources, you can complete the equipment of the warship's weapons and power on the same day, and you can conduct sea trials at any time."

After receiving Wei An's accurate answer, Clemenceau felt a little more at ease. She was not so flustered when she was waiting in the back when the snow wind gear appeared on the hull.

But now that it was her turn, she started to get anxious..

She knew that this was due to her inferiority complex.���The admiral didn't even dare to tell her about this ridiculous inferiority complex.

Her admiral and other sisters were working hard for her ship, and she didn't want to distract and worry Vian because of her own affairs.

She was finally going to have her own warship, and the powerful ship equipment would allow Clemenceau, who had been silently following Vian, to have the ability to protect her admiral.

Her best admiral.

But this month or so was indeed a little bit unbearable for her.

Just like a student looking forward to the holiday on Friday, and now was the last class on Friday morning.

She had no thoughts about anything else, only the end of class.

And she only thought about her own ship.

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