After all, no matter how powerful Xuefeng is, in Elizabeth's eyes, it is still a heavy cruiser.

Clemenceau is a real battleship, and it is inherently more powerful than her.

And according to her understanding of Wei An, the ship he made his shipgirl manifest must be more powerful than before.

How much stronger can a battleship that is already better than hers be if it is strengthened? How can it make her feel less itchy?

No matter how powerful the heavy cruiser is, it can't compete with the battleship, at least that's what Elizabeth thinks in her heart.

Clemenceau realized earlier that the power in Vian's hands was stronger and safer.

But it was shelved after Wei An said that the adjustment of the battleship had not been completed yet.

As for the real reason, the resources Xuefeng needs to consume are at least 20W steel. How can he talk to Elizabeth?

Why does your battleship need so much steel? And where did you get the 20W steel?

If resources are really involved, where the huge resources needed for the security warships come from is a question.

He is just an ordinary new admiral. Even if you defeat a few deep-sea ships and salvage a lot of resources, there are still such huge resource gaps. Where did you come from?

In this way, Wei An must have other channels to obtain resources, but Wei An is not often outside.

And his shipgirl also goes out often, wouldn't something be exposed?

Although he believed Elizabeth, as Elizabeth said, there might be people from the Navy in the academy, but what about the Ship Girls Union?

Are there any navy ship girls infiltrating into different joint headquarters?

For his own temporary safety, he decided not to be exposed.

Although the speed of quietly acquiring resources and manifesting Clemenceau's hull will be slower now, it is safer.

You need to develop quietly and amaze everyone. After you can amaze everyone, you must use the fastest speed so that no one can catch up.

"But I am still looking forward to it. How powerful can a different battleship be? Should I wait for the Clemenceau ship to be realized and let her conduct a drill with me?"

Shropshire's words gave Wei An something to think about.

She is the only ship girl that Wei An has met so far whose training level exceeds 100. He also wants to know what will happen to the ship girl after her training level exceeds 100. , and how strong can it be?

"Then I have to go back and ask Clemenceau about this. If she is willing, she can practice it once. I am also very curious about your strength."

Weian said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait and see."

The two of them had already returned to the dormitory area and said goodbye.

After returning to the dormitory, before Clemenceau came back, Wei An opened his talent.

All resources except steel became 1W, and he The energy has also returned to 9w.

Most of the reserved resources plus the resources that Lexington and the others can obtain after returning are enough to complete the embodiment of Clemenceau's hull, so Wei An has not been idle during this period. , has been trying to figure out how to deal with the radar.

In more than ten days, he has gained some insights.

This time he must succeed.

Wei An quickly adjusted his breathing. Focusing on the research of talents.

After failing again and again, Wei An's energy was also quickly consumed.

After each failure, the unreasonable points in the research on talents were also pointed out by Wei An. After a little bit of modification, the energy consumption was 2W, and at the same time, his spirit was a little tired, and a golden light finally came from the talent development interface, while waiting for Wei An to be named.

【SC-2 Air Search Radar]

Wei An finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the completed radar.

The reason why he chose to make this radar is also very simple. This radar is already available in the game.

Compared with the standard radar prototype No. 21, the anti-aircraft detection effect is much better, allowing his ship to be used for a longer period of time, so that he does not have to be so anxious to replace it.

Moreover, the detection range of battleships is as high as 20 nautical miles, the detection range of fighter jets is also as high as 40 nautical miles, and the detection range of bombers is as high as 80 nautical miles.

This will give your shipgirl enough time to react.

After the failure of phased array radar, Wei An changed his strategy and thought about trying the ship-mounted radar already in the game.

As expected, the research on radar was completed after consuming 2W of energy.

But Wei An did not stop. The successful research on air search radar was only half completed.

This first successful development gave him a boost to start the next research on fire control radar.

He has never forgotten Xuefeng's worrying long-range hit rate, and the fire control radar that Clemenceau will also need in the future.

If there is one, there are two. This time Wei An only consumed 1W5 of energy and once again bloomed with golden light.

【MK8 Fire Control Radar]

The reason why Wei An chose this radar is because compared with other independent radars, this ship is not just a radar.

Because this radar is also equipped with the mk38 fire control commander, when detecting large targets, it can ensure reliable ranging and azimuth determination capabilities at a distance of more than 35 kilometers.

Converted to nautical miles, it is about 18 to 19 nautical miles.

After the two radars were obtained, Wei An was worried about whether to weigh the iron or not.

After all, he still has 5W5 energy.

We have anti-aircraft, and we have fire control.

He did not forget that after Clemenceau completed the realization of the ship's hull, he made some small improvements to Yukikaze's original ship equipment.

And he feels in very good condition now.

So thinking about it, he started to do it.

He called up the data of the [Cruiser Torpedo System] and the [Six-Link 610mm Torpedo] used by Yukikaze.

Then opened R&D again.

Compared with developing ship equipment from scratch, there are obviously fewer modifications required for the assembly and modification of ship equipment.

This time Wei An only consumed 5,000 energy to integrate the two ship installations.

However, the combination of the two ship outfits did not increase the level of this ship outfit to color.

But this time Xuefeng's lightning strike intensity suddenly increased.

Compared with the previous reloading time of ten minutes, Xuefeng can now launch a lightning strike in a short 20 seconds.

The real torpedo sea is right in front of you.

The only thing that Wei An may need to pay attention to is that the attacks are becoming more and more saturated, which is also a challenge to his resource inventory.

【Six-link Type 92 torpedo loading system]

Wei An simply named the ship and saved the data, waiting for Xuefeng to give her a big surprise when she came back.

At the same time, a new idea flashed through my mind

【For the 20-second reload, should I add two more sets of torpedoes? Fires 12 rounds at a time. 】

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