September 10th, Admiral College.

It has been 40 days since Xuefeng and the others left.

In more than a month, Vian and Clemenceau have become thoroughly familiar with Shropshire.

But fortunately, it was calm during this month. There was no attack from the deep sea, and no other people came to threaten the security.

Because Shropshire loves to cook, she needs to shop often.

Today, Vian and Clemenceau were left in the shopping street near the college.

Originally, Vian and Clemenceau said that they wanted to help her, but she mysteriously refused.

Wei An was a little confused, and at the same time, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Because it is relatively close to the Admiral Academy and the joint headquarters of Kan-Girls, most of the surrounding shops are also opened by Kan-Girls.

During this period of time, he still felt a little uncomfortable living away from Xuefeng.

So he often took Clemenceau out to relax, and at the same time he visited most of the cafes in this shopping street.

Drinking the slightly bitter coffee, he watched Clemenceau take small bites of the strawberry cake, and drank the black tea to relax his irritable heart.

This month he has been busy improving the power system.

Just like Yukikaze's motivation at the beginning, his idea was to make a separate ship suit.

Pushing a 50,000-ton warship to more than 35 knots is not as simple as snow and wind.

Therefore, Wei An increasingly felt that the deep sea was unscientific. How on earth did the advanced deep sea battleship reach more than 35 knots?

Yes 35+ knots.

Because Wei An became familiar with Shropshire, he often communicated with her and learned some things that he didn't know before. and the enemies Shropshire had faced.

She has seen golden deep-sea battleships with more than 35 knots.

At that time, they dispatched more than 100 ship girls. After encircling the ordinary deep sea, they were run away by a battleship.

Shropshire sighed repeatedly when he told Wei An, feeling very sorry.

The advantage was clearly on their side, but there were no enemies left.

Although the aircraft carrier's aircraft can keep up with the speed of the deep sea, the battleships have terrible armor, their bombers are not strong enough, and there are not enough aircraft carrier girls to carry the bombers.

So he could only simply tickle the deep-sea battleship and then watch her go away.

As for sending destroyers to deep-sea battleships, isn't that going to death?

Hearing Wei An's repeated surprises, he felt more and more terrible about the black technology of the deep sea. If only the admiral and the ship's wife were not more united and smarter than them.

Otherwise there is really no way to fight.

A golden deep-sea battleship has a speed of more than 35 knots. It is normal for a red deep-sea battleship to be conservative and have a guaranteed speed of 40 knots.

Especially when Shropshire also told him that the main gun of the golden deep-sea battleship was a triple 380mm main gun.

But the biggest problem is that there are 5 triple 380mm main guns in total, 3 in the front and 2 in the rear.

How many of the ship girls have 380mm main guns?

Moreover, it is very difficult to fire a main gun of this caliber. At least this kind of ship equipment is only possible above the purple deep sea.

Powerful battleship girls will want to replace their main guns to make themselves more powerful. Basically, a powerful large main gun will be taken out quickly.

Just like the powerful bombers and fighter jets of the aircraft carrier, they are all hot commodities.

And one deep sea can carry five. What a terrifying firepower. There are also secondary guns and anti-aircraft guns densely installed on the deep sea warships.

Almost like a hedgehog.

Just like Wei An, he has always wanted to find a more powerful main gun.

The admirals and shipgirls of this world judge the power of a battleship based on the cannon on the battleship.

The more powerful the ship is equipped with, the higher the upper limit of its powerful guns. The ship girl minimizes the side effects of the equipment in a battleship.

What is the barrel life? Wouldn't it be nice to just take a bath?

The only thing that can limit their installation and use of ship equipment is the length and width of their hulls and their ability to withstand recoil.

In fact, when the battleship is their body, their ability to withstand the recoil of the main gun has been greatly improved.

Some ship girls even want to modify their boats to carry cannons, but because their mental strength has an upper limit, there is no limit to the other spaces inside the ship.

So Wei An is also anxious.

When considering opponents, as long as his ship girls have completed modern modifications, there is basically no need to worry about ordinary ship girls being able to beat his own ship girls.

But he has to go to the garrison after all. The first enemy he faces is Deep Sea, followed by the navy and other ship girls.

This is also the reason why the current alliance between the navy and the ship girls has not completely broken up, and why the ship girls endure it even though they know that the navy is disgusting. There are even more powerful opponents at sea.

If they are at odds with each other, no one will be able to survive.

The only thing that makes them more fortunate now is that so far they have not seen any examples of the golden deep sea appearing together.

It's basically an ordinary deep-sea battle with a golden deep-sea commander commanding his men.

Otherwise, the game will be over, and a golden deep-sea battleship will make them more powerless. If they come together again, it can only be a disaster.

The most important thing is that as a kind-hearted elf and a kind-hearted admiral after being in contact with many people, the ship girl still has certain illusions about human beings.

At least they don't dare to do it openly, not everyone is that bad, and they are also using their own methods to protect ordinary people.

Just like the kind-hearted admiral, the kind-hearted ship girl is also easily influenced by people's moral kidnapping.

Selfless dedication and hard work until he sacrificed his life.

This twisted relationship has continued until now, and they still have more powerful foreign enemies.

With modernization, his warships would have no problem fighting ordinary shipgirls. At least these shipgirls would respect science.

But when the deep sea is not scientific at all, who knows how outrageous it can be.

At the same time, what worries Wei An is.

The golden deep-sea battleship that Shropshire said ran away under the siege of more than 100 ships.

There are torpedoes, submarines, and even if there are not many aircraft carriers and bombers, there are also battleships.

With one enemy and many people able to escape under that kind of intensity of artillery fire.

It also reminded him of the incident where it took more than half of the mines to sink the Golden Deep Sea Cruiser.

A golden deep-sea cruiser could still last so long even if it was penetrated by so many mines from below.

It has a speed of 40 knots, Iron Bastard armor, and at least a 380-meter main gun or even a 460-meter main gun.

As for why Wei An dared to think so.

Wei An has not forgotten the possible existence of the deep-sea flagship, model worker, Yamato.

Model worker Yamato and her appearance after cleansing, A150 battleship, Zi Baicai took the cleansed body of A150 and entered the garrison.


How many people love model worker Zi Baicai and Sister Zi.

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