Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 94 The Newcomer Arrives, Shen Fei's Promise!

[Is this day finally here...]

Roy sighed in his heart.

He knows his body very well.

Since the beginning of last season, his two knees have not stopped.

Even after adequate treatment and rest, as long as Roy returns to the field and plays a game, his knees will be extremely sore after the game.

This season, the situation is even worse.

Roy even had a hunch that the day when he retired was not far away...

Originally, his plan was to help the team reach the playoffs, then burn himself, and finally fight again.

In this way, no matter what the result is, he can be regarded as devoting himself to the Blazers, and he has lived up to the team's kindness.

did not expect...

This small wish is, after all, just wishful thinking.

Thinking of this, Roy couldn't help smiling bitterly.

"Brandon, are you okay?"

The manager's voice was full of anxiety.

As someone who gets along with Roy day and night, he naturally knows what the Trail Blazers mean to Roy.

Now the team has directly completed the transaction without communicating with him, which is self-evident to the damage to the player.

Not to mention for Roy, a full-hearted team leader.

"I'm... fine, you don't have to worry."

Roy took a deep breath and said after trying to calm down.

"Since the team doesn't need me anymore, then I just leave."

"Go and contact Greg, and I will fly to Houston with him then."

After all, Roy hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the dark night sky, he felt complicated.

"Going to Houston, what role would I be"

"How long can I run on the basketball court..."


Across Portland, Oden also got a call from his agent.

At this moment, he still had a thick bandage wrapped around his knee.

It's been more than a year since his last injury, but Oden can't even walk normally.

Unlike Courtney-Lee and Roy, he accepted the information very calmly after knowing it.

Oden even started packing his own bags on the spot.

During the day, he rested for so long that he was not very sleepy in the dead of night.

As Oden moved slowly across the room, he wondered in his mind whether he would still have a chance after he got to the Rockets.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"At this point, is anyone still calling?"

Oden murmured, and walked slowly towards the bedside table with his injured leg.

"Hi, this is Greg Oden."

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Auden reported his family name.

"Hello, I'm Fei Shen, the general manager of the Rockets."

Shen Fei also introduced himself.

"Ah, Manager Shen Fei, what can you do for me?"

Auden was surprised when he heard this, and asked quickly.

[Could it be that I was notified that I was laid off, so that I don't have to report to Houston...]

He thought so in his heart.

"Presumably you should know that you were traded to the Rockets, right?"

"I'm calling to let you know that you're in our team building plan."

"After coming to the Rockets, take care of your injuries first, and there will be a place for you in the team."

Shen Fei said lightly.

In the near future, he will definitely use the system to treat Oden thoroughly.

But ahead of him was Roy.

According to the current progress, it may take about a month before Shen Fei can accumulate enough reputation points to exchange for [Holy Light Healing].

But his words, in Auden's view, are already like fairy sounds!

[I am not given up! ! ! ]

Relieved, Oden responded excitedly: "I understand, general manager! I will fly to Houston tomorrow."

"...I will work hard to do rehabilitation training, and next season at the latest, I will definitely be able to return to the game!"

he added emphatically.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in Houston."

After finishing speaking, Shen Fei hung up the phone.

He called Oden specifically to appease the players.

For a perennial patient, being abandoned by the home team must be a very confidence-breaking thing.

Shen Fei hoped that Auden would remain confident and not give up on himself and let his figure get out of shape.

In this way, after treating him in the future, the team can get the "great emperor" that people expect.

However, when hearing Auden's slightly humble assurance just now, Shen Fei still couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

The former proud son of heaven, the man who was known as the man who would rule the restricted area, unexpectedly fell into this situation.

"Let me change your fate..."

"The world should also see how a healthy Oden actually plays."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.


The next afternoon, an airport in Houston.

A plane landed successfully.

The hatch opened, and two big men, one black and one white, came out.

It was Roy and Auden!

Roy carried the luggage and walked down the stairs quickly, while Auden slowly followed behind him with the support of his manager.

Soon, the two saw that not far away, several people were waiting for them.

"The tall one is Yao Ming."

Oden said in surprise.

Dayao's towering height is naturally very eye-catching.

"Well, and Maddie is here too."

Roy responded as he walked forward.

"The one standing between the two of them...wouldn't be the young general manager of the Rockets?"

Auden looked at the Asian young man standing in position c and guessed.

"Besides him, is there any young man who can stand among Yao Mai like the leading brother?"

Roy replied with a smile.

"My God, isn't this too grand?"

"Aren't we just... oh no, I'm just a wounded person who was reimbursed for the season..."

Auden had a flattered expression.

It didn't take long before the two sides finally joined forces.

"Welcome to Houston."

Shen Fei took a step forward and stretched out his right hand to Roy.

Huang Mamba hurriedly stepped forward.

The two clapped their hands together and leaned on their shoulders as a greeting.

The same etiquette was followed by Auden.

This is a typical chest bump among black people.

Shen Fei's act of going to the countryside to do as the Romans did, instantly shortened the relationship between him and the two.

"Let's go, find a place, let's chat while eating."

Immediately, the five of them went to a private restaurant in the convertible Hummer that Shen Fei had recently purchased.


"I'm sure you've all heard about the Rockets' goals for this year, right?"

At the dining table, after several people were full, Shen Fei spoke.

"Slightly heard."

Roy said lightly.

"I know! The ultimate goal of the Rockets this season...is to win the championship!"

Auden raised his right hand like a student answering a teacher's question.

Looking at the emperor's smiling face, Shen Fei couldn't help lamenting God's fairness - he gave Auden an incomparable physical talent, but also deprived him of all his beauty...

He is obviously only 22 years old, but he looks like he is 82 years old when he smiles.

Looking at this "warm and innocent" smile, Shen Fei felt healed.

"What I want to say is that the two of you are an important puzzle for us to complete the championship."

Shen Fei said seriously.

"But...Manager Shen Fei, I must confess to you that my knees may not be able to support high-intensity games."

Roy said bitterly.

"My situation is worse than Brandon's. It should be impossible for me to play this season."

As soon as the injury was mentioned, Oden immediately put on a sad face.

"What if I say, I can heal you?"

Shen Fei said with a smile.


"What did you say?!"

Roy and Oden said in unison.

"Don't get too excited."

Shen Fei raised his right hand and signaled, "You guys should have watched the Rockets' games this season, right?"

"I've seen a lot."

Roy replied.

"The situation of Yao Ming and Tracy, I think you all know something about it."

"I am from China, and in my hometown, there are some special treatment methods."

Shen Fei said mysteriously.

"You mean... Chinese medicine?"

Roy tried to ask.

"Yes, Chinese medicine."

"However, this treatment method requires a lot of precious medicinal materials, and it takes a lot of time and energy to collect them."

Shen Fei said with a smile.

"It's okay, I can wait! Manager, you don't know..."

Oden immediately said excitedly.

"Don't worry." Shen Fei raised his hand to interrupt Auden, and continued: "So, what I mean is, you should train hard first and keep in shape. I will notify you immediately after I have collected the medicinal materials."

"Greg, your condition is more serious, so you need more medicinal materials, and you need to wait longer."

The Asian youth was talking nonsense.


Oden nodded immediately.

"Brandon, you should be ready, the treatment should start within this month."

Shen Fei turned his head to look at Huang Mamba and said.

"But manager, actually... my two menisci have been worn out, can this also be treated?"

Roy said worriedly.

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