Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 93 Trading Storm!

"I guess, this is the choice made by the Rockets management between George and Courtney Lee. Both young players need playing time, so it is reasonable to trade one of them. But, why is it traded? Yi and Auden? Isn't there a better choice???"

"A good hand was played poorly. Using these words to describe Shen Fei's operation, it couldn't be more reasonable!"

"As I said before, Shen Fei has been over-mythologized! In the previous trades and the draft, he did really well. But I always feel that luck is a big factor."

"Okay! This is a typical example of 'I earn money with luck, but I lose money with strength'. Oden and Roy are two glass people who have nothing to do with fame and can't do it on the field. What's the use?"


The mentality of the Rockets fans exploded, and the finger pointed at Shen Fei again.

They seem to have forgotten that this young general manager, in just a few months, has brought the Aerotropolis to a height that has never been reached in several years!

It is worth mentioning that not only Rockets fans are dissatisfied with this deal, but Trail Blazers fans are also very puzzled by general manager Pritchard's operation.

"For a Courtney Lee who averaged 20 points per game, we got rid of the two most promising players on the team?"

"Oden is injured every season. I can understand that he was traded. But Roy started to have some minor injuries in the past two seasons. The management is so impatient, so lightly put our flag Get out!"

"Upstairs, do you call it a small injury and a small pain if the two menisci are basically completely removed?"

"No matter what, Luo Yi, as the leader of the Blazers, has been working hard and playing every game with all his strength. He deserves to be treated better, not sold at such a low price!"

For a while, fans on both sides of the transaction were dissatisfied.

In just half an hour, the entry of #热门和画列者reached a deal# unexpectedly rushed into the trending searches on Twitter.

You know, it's the early hours of the morning!


And the protagonists of this transaction also received calls from their respective managers immediately.

Courtney Lee just experienced a perfect night, but because of the consumption of [If God Helps], he was extremely exhausted after returning to the hotel, and fell into a deep sleep.

His agent, David Finch, made 12 phone calls in a row before finally waking up Xiao Li from his sleep.

"What's the matter? So many phone calls in the middle of the night!"

Courtney-Lee opened his eyes with difficulty, connected the phone, obviously a little angry.

"There's bad news... Actually, I don't know if it's bad news. You've been traded."

Finch said.

"I've been traded? David, if you're calling this late just to make this kind of silly joke, I don't think there's any need for our partnership to continue."

Courtney Lee said impatiently.

Be traded?

Simply fantastic!

[I just played such a good performance, Mark Jackson valued me so much and designed so many special tactics for me, how could he trade me! ]

Courtney Lee thought so.

Xiao Li thinks that after tonight's game, he has completed a magnificent transformation and touched the realm of "zone" that only a super giant of the Presidential Mountain level like Joko can feel.

He is even ready to replace Griffin, become the third giant besides Yao Mai, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

As a result, before the sweet dream was finished, the agent came to make such a statement, which must have made Courtney Lee very angry.

"I'm not joking... Or, you can go online and read the news yourself."

Finch sighed and said.

In fact, when he first received the official call from the Rockets, he couldn't believe it.

After all, Courtney Lee is so young, and with the momentum of this season, it is entirely possible to grow into an All-Star player.

The Rockets would actually sell him for two "fallen" geniuses like Oden and Roy...

Regarding Finch's question, the Rockets' official reply was: "General manager Shen Fei did not report to the team, but directly completed the transaction. Our boss Alexander didn't say much after he knew about it."

Finch couldn't understand such an explanation, but was greatly shocked.

Shen Fei, a fledgling young manager, was able to bypass the Rockets' top management and complete the deal directly!

Of course, he didn't know that the Asian youth had already reached a consensus with Alexander, so he dared to operate so boldly.

When Courtney Li heard the words, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He immediately hung up the phone and opened Twitter.

Good guy, the third hot search item is the news that the Rockets and the Trail Blazers have reached a deal.

Courtney Lee suddenly tensed up and clicked into the tweet.

three seconds later...


There was a loud noise, which turned out to be the sound of Courtney Li Nu hammering the bed board.

"Why, why is this..."

Xiao Li muttered to himself.

[Could it be that Paul George put pressure on the management?Let Shen Fei choose between him and me? ]

[Or does Shen Fei feel that the two glass men of the Blazers still have the possibility to recover? ]

Courtney Lee thought hard.

But in the end, thousands of thoughts turned into one sentence - "Rocket, you will regret it!"

Xiao Li gritted his teeth and growled.

With this in mind, he called back to his agent - Finch:

"David, book a ticket, I'll report to Portland tomorrow."

"By the way, check for me, which day is the game between the Trail Blazers and the Rockets, and send me a text message immediately after checking."

Courtney Lee said in a cold tone.

He has already made up his mind in his heart, to use actual performance to prove that Shen Fei's decision is wrong!


At the same time, in Portland, Roy was also woken up in his sleep.

Huang Mamba was also emotional after hearing that he was traded.

He paid too much for the city of tearing!

Roy joined the Trail Blazers in 2006.

The pioneers at that time were jokingly called "prison pioneers".

There are many gangs in the team, players are late for training, speeding, fighting, and even contaminated with drugs...

To sum it up in one word, it's a mess!

Among them, the boss of the team, Zach Randolph, is lawless in the locker room with his big arms and natural power.

Abusing teammates and challenging the authority of the coach are commonplace for him.

And all of this disappeared after Roy's arrival!

That year, at halftime of the game between the Lakers and the Trail Blazers, Randolph scolded his teammates in the locker room.

Roy, who was still a rookie, stood up, looked directly into the eyes of the big black bear and said, "You can't pick your teammates. If you don't play well in the game, everyone should bear it together. All you have to do is play your game well!" "

It is said that the other players of the Blazers at that time were sweating for Roy, worried that he would be violently beaten by Randolph.

But what was strange was that the big black bear was overwhelmed by Roy's aura, and sat back in his seat silently without making a sound.

Soon, Randolph was traded by the team, and Roy became the new leader of the Blazers.

And the trailblazers, under his leadership, gradually became the most eye-catching young guards in the league!

After Oden was selected with the No. [-] pick, many professional football commentators believed that the Blazers would create a dynasty in the future, and Roy would also become a Kobe-like figure!

But now... because of the injury, everything has changed.

Roy's eyes turned red when he saw the news that he was traded.

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