Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 95 The Youth Army Showdown!Rockets vs Thunder!

"Just train well and leave the rest to me."

Shen Fei said lightly.

"Oh, yes, one more thing."

"Your positioning in the team next, I must clarify with you."

The Asian youth said seriously.

Auden and Roy nodded one after another, as if listening attentively.

"As you can see, Yao Ming and Tracy are our main players."

"Moreover, the core construction of the Rockets has been completed, and the starting lineup is basically determined."

"So, I hope that you will be able to give the team firepower support on the bench in the future."

Shen Fei said solemnly.

The meaning of this sentence can be summed up in a simple way—the two of you are here to play as substitutes.

Hearing such an arrangement, Auden and Roy had completely different reactions.

Auden kept a smile on his face from the beginning to the end.

Obviously, the torment of injuries made him no longer have the confidence he used to.

Now that he can get the olive branch of the Rockets, he is very satisfied.

Therefore, Oden has no objection to the positioning of the substitute.

Roy, who was sitting next to him, had a solemn expression.

Obviously, he can't accept the substitute role for a while.

After all, Roy has been the leader of the Blazers since entering the league.

Let alone a substitute, even the second-in-command has never done it!He has always been the boss of the team!

Shen Fei knew what Roy was thinking when he saw Roy's expression.

"Brandon, I know your strength and your spirit."

"It may be difficult for you to be a substitute. But I want to tell you that every dynasty team has players who make sacrifices."

"Like Manu Ginobili on the Spurs. Could he be worse than their starting shooting guard? Of course not!

"But he is willing to go to the bench and become the sixth man for the better operation of the team and to win the championship."

"As I said, the Rockets have only one goal this season—to win the championship. If you are willing to become the sixth man, I believe we will be one step closer to the championship."

Shen Fei said solemnly.

After hearing this, Roy fell into a long silence.

He is a player with a vision and a sense of self.

Roy knew very well that he needed Shen Fei's treatment, and at the same time he was eager to win a championship.

But at the same time, with the level of competition that McGrady has shown this season, he is stronger than Roy and dare not say that he is stronger than T-Mac when he is healthy.

"After this season, if you want to go to a team that can give you a core position, I can help you."

"Or to put it this way, I will give you a clear promise - whether you want to leave or stay after this season, I will agree unconditionally."

Seeing that the other party had been shaken, Shen Fei immediately added.

As soon as these words came out, Roy finally stopped hesitating and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, everything is clear now."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation and a great success in winning the championship!"

Said, Shen Fei raised the wine glass in his hand, and the other four responded one after another.

This meeting also ended successfully amidst laughter and laughter.


Time flies, and it is two days later.

November 11, Beijing time, Ford Center Arena.

The Rockets will go to Oklahoma to challenge the Thunder.

The two teams rank first and third in the West, and the core players of the two teams are very young. This game is also regarded as a contest for future league supremacy!

Such an important game, CCTV will naturally not miss it.

"Hello, viewers, welcome to watch the broadcast of NBA games brought to you by cctv-5."

"I'm Yu Jia!"

"I'm Yang Yi."

In the live broadcast room, two commentators started.

"Today I bring you the focus game - the Houston Rockets vs. Oklahoma City Thunder!"

"Director Yang, can you briefly analyze this game for us?"

Yu Jia asked.

"This game will definitely be very exciting!"

"The Thunder made their first appearance last season. Durant, Westbrook, and James Harden form the young Big Three, and there is a tendency for qualitative changes this season."

"At present, they have achieved an excellent record of 7 wins and 2 losses, ranking only behind the Rockets with all victories and the Spurs with 1 loss."

Yang Yi analyzed with a smile.

"It is true. It is worth mentioning that Kevin Durant was crowned the league's scoring leader with 30.1 points last year. This season, he still averaged 28.2 points per game, temporarily ranking second in the scoring list."

"So who is the first one? That's right, it's his opponent today - Tracy McGrady!"

&nbc is currently averaging 32 minutes per game, scoring an astonishing 32 points!There are so many points and high efficiency, it is staggering! "

Yu Jia added.

"Yes, Tracy McGrady's outstanding performance is an important factor for the Rockets to maintain a complete victory! Today, he and Durant, the direct dialogue between the new and old scoring champions, will also directly determine the outcome of the game."

"It is worth mentioning that Paul George returned from injury in this game and returned to the starting lineup."

"Everyone knows that the Rockets just sent Courtney Lee out the day before yesterday. Many people speculate that this is the choice Shen Fei made between George and Lee."

"Now that Courtney Lee has just left on the front foot, George immediately announced his return from injury on the back foot, which really makes people imagine."

Yang Yi raised his eyes and said mysteriously.

"In any case, this game is full of things to watch."

"Okay, now the game is about to start, let's hand the camera to the front!"

After all, Yu Jia waved his hand, the screen changed, and he came to the Ford Center Arena.


At this time, the main players of both sides have already stepped onto the field.

The Rockets sent here: Lowry, McGrady, George, Griffin, Yao Ming's regular lineup.

On the side of the Thunder, Westbrook and the "Swiss Army Knife" - Thabo Sefolosha partnered in the backcourt; Durant and Ibaka formed the front line; the white center - Nenad Kostic was on the inside .

With the referee throwing the ball high, the game officially begins!

Yao Ming bent his knees and jumped, winning the scrimmage smoothly.

The rocket strikes first!

In the first round, Lowry hit the ball inside.

After Yao Ming received the ball, he hit Krstic with his back.

But after just one dribble, he was double-teamed by the Thunder.

Durant even gave up on George, who was facing up, and came to help defend.

Yao Ming didn't hesitate, using the field of vision provided by his height, he immediately spotted the vacant pickle.

I saw him wave his hand, and the next moment, the ball was transferred to the outside.

After George received the ball, he immediately completed the shot.

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

3:0, the Rockets took the lead!

"Good shot! I've watched many Rockets games this season. Judging from George's shooting action just now, he has raised the ball again during the period of injury!"

"Whether it is the smoothness of the movement or the arc of the basketball, George has done a lot better than at the beginning of the season!"

Yang Yi commented happily.

On the field, Durant, who failed to defend, turned around and glanced at George, and then walked to the bottom line to ask for the ball.

Offensive and defensive transition, the young Reaper directly holds the ball through the half court.

He raised his right hand high, signaling his teammates to pull away.

Obviously, Durant wanted to respond to George's three-pointer in the simplest and most direct way!

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