Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 92 Fire honey mentality explosion!Mood ride a roller coaster!

How fierce is Brand Roy?

Most fans may only know that he is determined to become Kobe's successor, and is called "Yellow Mamba" by Chinese fans.

Rockets fans must know him well.

Because when they mentioned the 0.8-second lore, they didn't necessarily think of the Rockets led by Lillard's lore Harden and Howard;

But in 08, Chairman Yao scored 2+1 at the last moment.Just when the fans thought that Dayao was going to complete the lore for the first time in his career, Roy turned out to complete the lore from beyond the three-point line.

It is worth mentioning that the location of Roy's shot is almost the same as the location of Lee's guidance lore later!

But these are just the tip of the iceberg in Roy's career.

To put it simply, he is a player with a calm style of play, a big heart, and a tenacious fighting spirit.

The closer to the critical moment, the better Roy's performance.

Moreover, there is another important reason why Shen Fei wanted him so desperately...

In the original time and space, Roy's injury this season has been so serious that the doctor said he can't play anymore.

But in the first round of the playoffs, when the Blazers faced the Mavericks, he still chose to make a forced comeback.

And the biggest obstacle encountered by the driver on the road of "Fengshen" in 11 was Roy!

At that time, he staged the return of the king in the fourth quarter, a super comeback against the Mavericks.

That game scared many Dallas fans, thinking that the Mavericks were going to lose the chain again.

If Roy is not injured, the driver Fengshenguan may become a round trip.

But the fact is... Roy really can't fight anymore.

The knees are worn out (both menisci are worn out), and I have to come out and continue to play forcibly. After the playoffs, I can only choose to retire. The ending is too tragic.

Back then, "Slam Dunk" magazine called Roy in that game "Contra"!

This shows his tenacity and resilience!

Later, when some fans selected talented players who were ruined by injuries, their evaluation of Roy was-it's a pity that the degree is not the first, but the degree of tragedy is the first!

In Shen Fei's vision, with Roy joining, the Rockets' bench will not only instantly become the leader of the league.

At the critical moment, in addition to the combination of Yao and Mai, there is another key man who can complete the final shot.

Of course, the most important thing is that Roy's style of play restrains the Dallas Mavericks to a certain extent.

This is definitely of great significance to the Rockets' plan to win the championship this year!

Thinking of this, Shen Fei smiled happily, stood up, and stretched out his right hand: "Have a nice cooperation, Manager Pritchard."

"Pleasant to work with."

"However, if we meet in the playoffs, our Blazers will not show mercy."

Pritchard said with a smile.

After the deal was done, he was also refreshed.

The existence of Roy and Auden, these two fragile geniuses, has kept Pritchard in a tangle-whether to maintain the status quo and believe that medical technology can create miracles; line-up.

Now, everything is finally solved.

Not only sent two "glass men", but also got a young talent.

Pritchard has a hunch that in the past few years, he will definitely win the title of the best general manager once!

"Each each other."

Shen Fei said lightly.

But in the interior, he did not regard the Blazers as his main opponent.

Without Roy, with only Aldridge, the Blazers can't make too much trouble. At best, they are just a team worthy of entering the playoffs.

"Thank you for the hospitality this time. My flight is about to arrive, so let's talk about it next time."

After finishing speaking, Pritchard left the cafe alone.

Shen Fei didn't leave in a hurry, but sat down calmly, sipping coffee slowly.

Today's game is not only about Roy's deal, but another thing is equally important.

Not long after, a system notification sounded in Shen Fei's mind:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task - the declaration of winning the championship!"

"Mission reward: 20 billion US dollars, is being sent, please pay attention to check..."

The next moment, Shen Fei's mobile phone rang a text message notification tone.

When he opened it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

When Fei Shen and Pritchard were discussing the details of the transaction just now, fans on major social media were discussing the situation of the Rockets enthusiastically.

"After three quarters, the game lost its suspense again. How strong is the Rockets this year?"

"Not only is the strength strong, but it will give me new surprises every once in a while! From Tracy McGrady's recovery, to the emergence of George and Griffin, and now there is another Courtney Lee... as a Rockets fan I am so happy!"

"Upstairs! Courtney Lee is too fierce recently. I feel that his presence on the court is even stronger than that of Paul George before. But when George returns in the future, who will play the main force?"

"Hahaha, Mark Jackson is about to usher in the troubles of happiness. I have to say that Shen Fei must be the best general manager this year. He has only been in office for a few months, and the coach has endless good cards. Got it!"


The Rockets fans were discussing happily.

Fans of other teams have nothing to do but envy and jealousy.

10 consecutive victories at the start of the game, no matter how black it is, it will not move!

Some fans even began to compare the Rockets with the Miami Heat that make up the Big Three.

A well-known ESPN commentator--A-Smith released a vote-"Yao Ming vs Bosh, Griffin vs James, McGrady vs Wade, which combination is stronger?"

Judging from the voting results, the Big Three of the Heat still got more votes, but the gap is not that big.

A fan left a message: "Just looking at the quality of the Big Three, the Heat are even better. After all, Griffin, a first-year rookie, is still not enough to see in front of James, the two-time P winner. But if you look at the two teams The overall configuration, I think the Rockets are the better team!"

This comment got a lot of likes and retweets.

That night, the entry of #矢销10结林# became a trending search on Twitter.


In the early hours of the morning, Woj, a well-known reporter from Yahoo Sports, suddenly announced a transaction on his personal Twitter:

"Big deal done! Houston sends Courtney Lee, Chuck Hayes to Portland Trail Blazers for Brandon Roy, Greg Oden, and a first round pick right."

"It is worth mentioning that the two players sent by the Blazers are currently in a state of injury. Oden has already confirmed that he will be reimbursed for the season, and Roy is also in a state of 'undetermined return date'."

Soon, this tweet "exploded"!

The fans who arrived at the scene first swiped the screen full of "???", and some even wondered if it was just after midnight and it was April Fool's Day.

There are also people who suspect that woj would post such nonsense because he browsed bad websites late at night, so his account was hacked.

But soon, including espn, sky sports, tnt radio all confirmed the authenticity of the transaction.

This time, the mentality of the Rockets fans collapsed!

"Shen Fei! What kind of plane are you doing again!!!"

"The team is in full swing now, Courtney Lee is like the rising sun, about to usher in the best time, and you traded him?!"

"If you want to trade some immediate combat power and work hard for the championship goal mentioned before, I will bear it... What's the use of you trading two disabled people who may not be able to play this season!"

Since then, a storm of public opinion about Shen Fei has unfolded ferociously in the silent night...

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