Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 71 Holy Light Healing, Yao Ming and Zhang Chun!

It was dawn, and Shen Fei arrived at the Toyota Center Arena early with Chinese medicinal materials on his back.

Because Yao Ming is too tall, as early as a month ago, he asked someone to make a special oversized bathtub.

After all, the sense of ritual still needs to be sufficient, otherwise this kind of "open hanging" treatment method is easy to make people suspicious.

Half an hour later, a big man with a height of nearly 230c walked into the arena.

"General Manager, I'm here."

Yao Ming knocked on the door, and pushed the door open while talking.

Shen Fei turned around, his eyes filled with surprise: "I've lost a lot of weight, Dayao."

The little giant in front of him has almost the same stature as he did during the Athens Olympics. It can be seen that he has spent a lot of effort to lose weight.

"You can't just let you work hard to collect medicinal materials, but I don't do anything..."

"I've thought a lot during this period. The big weight does make me more dominant inside, but it will definitely affect the length of my career."

"In the past few months, I have been in a state of rest, with very little training. But every morning when I wake up, my knees still hurt."

"If you didn't force me to truce at that time, I'm afraid... I'm really not far from retirement."

"I still have a lot of goals to accomplish, and I can't leave my beloved basketball court so soon."

Yao Ming said seriously, with both sadness and unwillingness in his tone.

"Don't worry, even if you lose weight, with your skills and height, there are still few centers in the league who can compete with you."

"Based on the shooting ability alone, it is beyond the reach of most insiders."

"And, I'll heal you."

Shen Fei said lightly.

"Well. In the past two months, I have practiced three-pointers for a long time, and now I have achieved initial results. I just don't know if the head coach will allow me to shoot."

Yao Ming asked.

"Don't worry. Regarding the tactics, I reached a consensus with Mark Jackson long before he joined the Rockets."

"In the future, you will treat the three-pointer as a conventional weapon, and it will be over if you have the opportunity to make a bold shot."

Shen Fei smiled when he heard the words, and replied.

"Come on, stop gossip, take off your clothes, and just go in and soak for two hours."

Shen Fei pointed to the extra-large bathtub that was steaming in front of him and said.

Yao Ming looked in the direction of his finger...

The bathtub was full of pitch-black potion, which was boiling at the moment.

The smell formed by the mixture of various traditional Chinese medicines is also a bit pungent and not very pleasant.

"Manager, is this... really okay?"

Yao Ming swallowed hard and asked in doubt.

As a native of China, his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine is much better than that of McGrady.

At first, I thought that there was at least one minor operation to be done today.

Never thought that Shen Fei only prepared such a large pot of potion.

"You can see the performance of McGrady now."

Shen Fei didn't explain, but simply gave an example.

Yao Ming opened his mouth.

As smart as he is, he didn't think of any reason to refute.

Facts speak louder than words!

McGrady, who was plagued by injuries before, has indeed recovered to an excellent state after Shen Fei's treatment.

"I understand."

After all, Yao Ming began to take off his clothes on his own.

"I'll teach you in two hours."

Shen Fei was not interested in looking at the naked man, so he waved his hand and left the dressing room.


Time flies, and two hours are about to pass in a blink of an eye.

Shen Fei, who was sitting comfortably in the office, saw that the time was coming, so he breathed out the system in his mind and used [Holy Light Healing].

The next moment, an invisible light beam shone on Yao Ming in the locker room.


Dayao suddenly felt a scorching heat.

Soon, his feet were covered by this hot current.

Especially the injured knee, and the most vulnerable sole of the big center forward, the burning sensation is particularly obvious, even a bit tingling.

At the same time, a wave of energy gushed out from the depths of Yao Ming's body and began to act on his limbs and bones.

Gradually, the burning sensation disappeared and was replaced by bursts of coolness.


Yao Ming snorted, obviously very comfortable.

[This potion is too amazing! ]

Dayao thought to himself.

He had been in deep doubt for the past two hours or so.

Because of the time after soaking in the potion, Yao Ming didn't feel any feeling of being cured.

The faint discomfort in the knee did not ease in any way.

He even felt cheated, and felt that Shen Fei did not treat him seriously as promised.

But now, Yao Ming is completely convinced.

This manager does have something!

Not long after, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Dayao, it's almost time, you can come out now."

Shen Fei reminded outside the door.

Yao Ming swished and stood up from the bathtub.

He picked up the towel on the side, wiped it twice, then immediately put on his jersey and walked towards the gate.

When he opened the door, Yao Ming's excitement was already written all over his face.

"Manager, I'm really... getting better!"

Yao Ming's voice even had a crying tone.

Obviously, for more than a year, he has been tortured by knee injuries.

Now that he is suddenly back to health, it is inevitable that he will be a little excited.

"I told you I'll heal you."

Shen Fei said lightly, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth also revealed that he was happy for Yao Ming.


"I'll go to the court to practice for a while."

After all, Yao Ming trotted all the way to the court on the first floor.


Today is a training day, so many Rockets players have already come to the Toyota Center Arena at this time.

Lowry saw a tall figure running towards the court from a distance.

"That person can't be Dayao, why is he running so happily, like a child."

He couldn't help asking suspiciously.

Everyone followed Lowry's gaze and looked together.

"That's right, it's Yao. He must be too happy."

Veteran Sean Battier said.

He had been teammates with Yao Ming for quite a long time, and it was the first time he saw Yao Ming so excited.

Dayao quickly ran to the court on the first floor. While running, he raised his hand to ask his teammates for the ball.

Lowry understood, flicked his wrist, and passed the ball.

Yao Ming received the basketball and rushed to the basket...


A powerful and heavy hand smashed the buckle.

Everyone was shocked.

Although Yao Ming didn't jump very high for this ball, his lightness of steps completely exceeded their expectations.

"Dayao hasn't dunked so cleanly for a long time, right?"

Lowry looked around at his teammates behind him and asked.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Dayao...has recovered!"

The speaker had a lazy tone and sleepy eyes, so it was naturally McGrady.

Just when everyone was shocked by tc's words, Dayao turned around after dunking and said to his teammates:

"Brothers, are you interested in practicing with me for a while?"

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