Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 72 Yao, who lost weight without injury, is so terrifying!

"Are you serious, Dayao?"

Lowry wondered.

After all, Dayao has been away from the team to train alone for a long time, and he has never returned to the team to practice together before.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate to play a confrontation match this time around?

If the injury is not fully healed and the injury is exacerbated during the confrontation, the loss outweighs the gain...

Just as Yao Ming was about to explain, a deep voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Don't worry, Dayao has completely recovered."

"You guys know how to play 3v3, and practice with Yao Ming."

"Do your best, don't hold back."

Shen Fei said lightly.

Hearing what the general manager said, no one would have any objections.

Ever since, the Rockets players present elected five people.

The specific teams are: Yao Ming, Paul George, Jeremy Lin; Lowry, McGrady, pj-Tucker.

Both sides are guard-wing-inside collocation, and the configuration is reasonable.

"Come on, I'll make free throws to decide the possession of the ball."

Yao Ming was in a good mood and took the initiative to speak.

Then, he walked to the free throw line and made a solid shot.

Shen Fei watched quietly from the side, and couldn't help but agree with Yao Ming's projection ability in his heart.

As a giant as high as 226c, Dayao's technique is too delicate!

Whether it is shooting posture, stability, or even shooting speed, he is a top player among interior players!

At the same time, more and more people gathered on the sidelines.

Since the Rockets have a lot of rookies this year, none of them have watched Yao Ming play, so they all stopped warming up and prepared to watch the game with great interest.

Mark Jackson also came late, walked to Shen Fei's side, and watched the battle together.

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the game officially started.

Team Yao Ming goes first!

Jeremy Lin is a smart player, he knows that the protagonist of this game is Dayao who has just returned.

So, on the first turn, he hit the ground and passed the ball inside.

After Yao Ming received the ball, he turned his back to the basket and held the ball in front of his chest.

And Tucker, who was behind him, strode forward, put his right hand on Dayao's waist, and defended with all his strength.

However, at this time, Tucker was very disturbed.

No way, when you're defending, you don't even know where the opponent puts the ball, and you feel nervous...

[Too high! ]

This was Tucker's only thought after his vision was blocked.

Yao Ming, on the other hand, used his back very easily to feel the position of the defensive player behind him.

I saw that his center of gravity dropped slightly, and he leaned in with all his strength and hit him twice.



After the body collided, even a tough guy like Tucker couldn't help but groaned, and stepped back again and again.

No way, the weight difference between the two is too big!

Even though Yao Ming has lost a lot of weight during this period, his legs are still as thick as the trunks of the big trees in the sky, so strong that his opponents feel hopeless.

Tucker's way of resisting with his chest is tantamount to being a cart with his arms, and he was easily pushed to the basket.

At this time, McGrady and Lowry, who are familiar with Yao Ming, felt that Dayao would finish with a small hook.

But, the next moment...


Yao Ming suddenly jumped up, facing Tucker, smashing the ball into the basket.

After dunking, he grabbed the frame with one hand and swung vigorously.

All of a sudden, the basket "shuddered" and kept shaking.



The discussion on the sidelines stopped abruptly, and everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at the field in disbelief.

"This style of play... is too tough!"

Blake Griffin exclaimed.

He can't participate in training today and can only sit on the sidelines and dribble.

He was not very excited at first, but was woken up by Yao Ming's dunk.

"Dayao...hasn't dunked like this for a long time."

The veteran on the side - Sean Battier was also very surprised.

Of course, not only the audience off the court was surprised, but McGrady and Lowry on the court were also taken aback.

Especially McGrady, almost couldn't help but went forward to have a chest bump with Yao Ming to celebrate.

But when he thought that it was a confrontation match and Dayao was his "opponent", he held back the excitement in his heart.

Tucker stood under the basket in a daze, obviously not recovering from being dunked just now.

Yao Ming landed steadily, looked at the depressed Tucker, smiled and patted the latter's ass.

Only then did Tucker come back to his senses, shook his head helplessly, and re-entered the defense.

Soon, he ushered in Dayao's attack again.

This time, Tucker exerted all his strength, exerted all his strength, and desperately withstood Yao Ming's attack.

Of course, his defensive actions are actually on the verge of fouling.

Mark Jackson, who was on the sidelines, wanted to act as a referee and stop the game.

But just as he was about to get up, Shen Fei stopped him with his hand.

"Don't worry, look again."

The Asian youth said lightly.

Only in high-intensity confrontation can a player's true level be tested.

Shen Fei had high expectations for Yao Ming, so he naturally wanted to see what kind of level Yao could achieve after recovering from his injuries.

Look back on the field.

Yao Ming obviously also noticed that Tucker's defensive moves were great.

If you push hard to the basket, I am afraid it will not be a simple matter.

However, the opponent was fighting so hard, and naturally he couldn't pay attention to the technical movements.

Yao Ming followed his plan and suddenly made a movement of shaking his shoulders.

Tucker couldn't react in time and was fooled at once.

In addition, he exerted all his strength, and his center of gravity was very forward. When he was shaken like this, he staggered and fell directly to the ground.

Yao Ming took advantage of the situation and turned around.


Another one-handed snap.

After dunking, Yao Ming smiled slightly, turned around and picked up Tucker who fell to the ground.

Poor Tucker continued to be eaten alone, but he had no choice but to laugh awkwardly, and shouted to his teammates:

"Team double-team! You can't defend him alone."

This sentence instantly made the other players on the field laugh, and even bursts of laughter came from off the field.

Of course, the laughter wasn't meant to mock him.

With Tucker's height of just over two meters, it is unrealistic to defend Yao Ming, who is 2 meters tall.

But Tucker didn't flinch. For two consecutive rounds, he defended hard with a hard top.

How can teammates disrespect such an attitude?

Lowry and McGrady nodded, expressing that they would help next time.

The game continued and the Yao Ming team continued to attack.

Jeremy Lin repeated his old trick, still passing the ball to the inside.

This time, McGrady immediately gave up Paul George in front of him and rushed to Yao Ming.

In the event of double-teaming, the most sensible thing to do is to pass the ball out.

But Dayao is already excited!

At this moment, he just wants to continue to complete the shot.

I saw Yao Ming punched hard, then turned around, and before TC arrived, he drifted and shot backwards.

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

From back shots, to turns, to fadeaways...

Yao Ming's whole set of moves is extremely smooth!

Whether it is speed or fluency, it is comparable to ordinary wing players.

This is the horror of "weight loss without injury" Yao Ming!


Mark - Jackson couldn't help standing up and applauding Yao Ming.

The soldiers of the Rockets also applauded Dayao one after another.

After this battle, both new players and veterans have a deep understanding of Yao Ming's strength.

But Shen Fei took out his mobile phone on his own, and dialed the number of the director of the media department - Powell.

"Listen, I have a task for you."

"In the afternoon, we will announce Yao Ming's return on our official Twitter. Make another poster of him, Tracy McGrady and Griffin, with the title - 'Houston Big Three, Officially Set Sail'."

"Also, it is announced that the Rockets' goal this year is... to win the championship!"

Shen Fei got straight to the point, and finished all the words in a crackling manner.

And the media executive on the other end of the phone was completely terrified.

[The manager... he won't be crazy, right? ]

Powell thought so.

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