Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 70 Logo's affirmation, Griffin is questioned again!

After the successful exchange, Shen Fei immediately contacted Yao Ming by phone.

"Yao, get ready and come to the locker room of the arena early tomorrow morning."

Shen Fei said straight to the point.

"Is it time to start treatment?!"

Yao Ming's tone was full of urgency.

Obviously, he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Yes, get ready for the era of rockets that belongs to you and belongs to us."

Shen Fei smiled slightly, and casually drew another big cake.

After hanging up the phone, the Asian youth drove back to his mansion.

After a simple wash, he took a glass of red wine and walked to the window sill, looked up at the night sky, and began to relax.

From time-traveling to now, things are progressing fairly smoothly.

The Rockets have won four consecutive victories and are on the right path.

But when Shen Fei thought about the current alliance structure, he knew that it was far from the time to relax.

[In the case of the West, there are a total of four teams that have the potential to compete for the championship...]

Shen Fei began to calculate in his heart.

[The Spurs and the Lakers have good book strengths, but Duncan and Kobe will be troubled by injuries if there is no accident this year. ]

[The Thunder's three young players have already shown their strengths, and Ibaka on the inside will also usher in a qualitative leap this season. Generally speaking, they are still a little immature. ]

[But the Mavericks...]

When Shen Fei thought of King Nuo Tian, ​​he felt a little headache.

Nowitzki this season is almost unstoppable.

In the original time and space, in the playoffs, he faced the "three highs" of the Lakers, Ibaka of the Thunder, Bosh of the Heat...

And those are just the main counterpoints.

In fact, every team, when encountering the Mavericks, used wheel battles to deal with Nowitzki.

But no matter who it is, double-teaming or not, they can't stop the German tanks descending from the gods.

"Taker and Anderson are the main defense, and Yao Ming waits for an opportunity to make up for the inside. Can he defend Nowitzki..."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

Soon, he got his own answer - able to limit, but not fully sure.

In other words, in the playoffs, if the Rockets meet the Mavericks, they are not fully sure of winning the series.

And this is unacceptable to Shen Fei.

As a perfectionist, Asian youths hope to build a team with absolute dominance.

[Need to continue strengthening...]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

After all, even after the Mavericks pass, the Heat will still be challenged in the finals.

This year's Heat is actually the pinnacle of the Big Three physically.

Wade's knee is still in a relatively healthy state.

If James' mentality is adjusted properly, the Heat's book strength will be much higher than that of the Mavericks.

"It seems that there is still a lot to do."

Shen Fei took a sip of red wine, looked at the night sky, and said to himself.


At the same time, there has been a lot of discussion on social media about the Rockets' performance in the new season.

One fan wrote on Twitter:

"If you don't understand, just ask, what happened to the Rockets this year, why are they so fierce?"

Such an unremarkable question has become a trending topic on Twitter in a short period of time.

It can be seen that people are full of curiosity about this brand new rocket.

Below this tweet, there are many different speculations:

"There are many factors, but I think the most important thing is McGrady's rejuvenation. As far as these 4 games are concerned, TC has shown a p-level level."

"I think it's the credit of the new coach, Mark Jackson. Although he is coaching for the first time, he helped the Rockets build a comprehensive defensive system in a very short period of time. Defense is the magic weapon for their winning streak!"

"I support the statement upstairs, and I also want to provide a detail-Tony Allen and Sean Battier, who have the strongest single-defense ability in the Rockets, are all placed on the bench, but they can still Maintain a high-intensity defense. From this we can see how high the level of Mark Jackson's defensive training is!"

"No, I think the rookies selected this year are very impressive!"

"What you said is wrong, I think it is..."


Everyone said something to each other, but they still couldn't get a consistent statement.

At this time, a generation of celebrities, logo-Jerry West reposted this tweet and commented:

"If there is only one word to describe the Rockets' new general manager Shen Fei, it would be...genius!"

"All the factors you mentioned all come from the handwriting of one person, that is Shen Fei."

"It was him who overcame the opposition and signed Tracy McGrady; it was he who personally invited Mark Jackson to come out despite the success of the coach; it was him who brought young talents like George and Griffin to the Rockets. "

"People always think that the success of a team is determined by the stars or the coach. In fact, an excellent general manager is very important for the growth of the team and even for the championship."

Jerry West's answer quickly won the approval of the vast majority of fans.

"Master, I've realized! Wool comes from sheep, and what they said can actually be attributed to Shen Fei."

"It is worthy of being a logo. Seeing the essence through the phenomenon, I found the key point at once."


Of course, some fans raised doubts:

"I said, you are too licking. Jerry West is indeed a great player, but that happened hundreds of years ago. Does he understand the current NBA?"

A netizen with the ID "Skinny_James" commented.

Seeing this sentence, countless netizens laughed.

"Student, who said that Jerry is just a great player, please take a look at his resume as a general manager."

"They built the Showti Lakers in the 80s. They won the title of the best manager in the league in 1995. In 96, they had a discerning eye and took a fancy to Kobe. Are these achievements enough to understand the NBA?"

"However, the old man has retired from the world for many years, and recently heard the news that he is going to leave the mountain. It seems to be a warrior?"

"Hey, a Shen Fei makes the rocket advance by leaps and bounds, and the logo goes to the Warrior, so they can't take off?"


Some are happy and some are sad.

In addition to the praise for Shen Fei, McGrady and others, some fans questioned Griffin who was injured again.

"I'm convinced too. I just played a few good games and got injured again... I have to rest for several games due to concussion. It's really frustrating."

"I know this concussion is an accident, but if a person keeps experiencing accidents, does it mean that accidents are his normal state?"

"Some people are indeed prone to injuries. This belongs to the category of metaphysics, and it is difficult to explain clearly."

Just when people were commenting on Griffin wantonly, in a small room in Oklahoma, a handsome guy picked up the keyboard and started typing crazily.

He first quoted the sentence "I know this concussion is an accident, but if a person keeps experiencing accidents, does it mean that accidents are his normal state?" and commented:

"Why don't you leave it here? Can accident and normality be two opposites? Can I say that you are both male and female, fat and thin?"

Then, Xiaoshuai quoted the sentence "Some people are indeed vulnerable to injury. This belongs to the category of metaphysics, and it is difficult to explain clearly." And commented:

"Some people are mentally handicapped, and Griffin's body is so good that he can't see it. This belongs to the category of medicine. I haven't studied it, so it's hard to explain it clearly."


Xiaoshuai sent nearly 10 tweets in one breath, all of which were to help Griffin.

Soon, #杜兰特回怪# also became a hot search on Twitter.

Moreover, the addition of Xiaoshuai made Griffin also pay attention to this topic.

"Kevin is a man who can deal with him, and he really loves him when something happens."

"I have a fragile physique? Which team is this person a fan of, right? The next time I meet you, I will smash your inner line!"

Throughout the night, the Rockets were at the center of public opinion.

As one of the protagonists, Shen Fei fell asleep peacefully, completely unaware of these noises.

The next morning, he got up early.

"Today, there are big things to do!"

Shen Fei murmured excitedly to himself.

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