Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 11 Complete the signing, James' decision 1!

The rookie team continued to serve.

Stephenson saw that both teammates scored goals, he was very eager and wanted to show himself, he made a catch with both hands, and bounced twice in a reductive manner.

Shu Hao saw that his teammates were so urgent, and he also had the meaning of adult beauty, so he passed the ball.

Stephenson immediately lowered his center of gravity after receiving the ball and began to dribble continuously under his crotch.

He didn't recognize the defender in front of him.

I just heard that this person is a stocky small forward who was sent overseas to seek gold after the draft.

For such an opponent, Stephenson is very confident.

Anyway, he is also the one who has signed with the Rockets.

&nb, based on this alone, I am definitely better than this person! ]

Stephenson thought so.

However, his dazzling dribble swing did not achieve the desired effect.

Tucker opened his arms, like a knotted spider web, no one could see a single flaw.

Stephenson didn't believe in evil. After a crotch dribble, his right hand made an in&out fake move, and then suddenly accelerated.

However, as soon as he accelerated, he slammed into Tucker's chest hard.


After the sound of the collision of muscles sounded, the younger brother staggered back, but Tucker remained motionless.

This situation is exactly the same as the round that Tony Allen defended George just now.

It's just that Stephenson doesn't have the ability to force shots like George.

He managed to maintain his balance, but found that Tucker had already bullied him.

The opponent took consecutive shots and copied the ball, which made Stephenson very embarrassed.

In the end, he was even forced to near the middle circle, and it was very difficult to even dribble decently. He could only turn into a back-up state, and use his body to prevent the opponent from stealing.

George and Shuhao hurried to the outside line, trying to respond.

Stephenson saw a glimmer of life, and without thinking too much, he jumped up forcefully, trying to pass the ball.

But at the next moment, Tucker jumped up high, stretched his hands vertically, making a block, and intercepted the ball directly in the air!

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei on the sidelines smiled slightly.

This kind of defensive strength is exactly what the Rockets need now.

Although Battier is good, his defensive style is more technical, and he likes to limit opponents through anticipation and experience.

But sometimes, you need aggressive defenders to improve the hardness of the lineup!

Pj-Tucker is the same, and so is Tony Allen.

Just imagine, if the Rockets had such two defensive gates in the game against the Jazz, would Deron Williams and Boozer still be able to play so well?

Looking back on the field, Tucker passed the ball to McGrady after completing the steal.

&nbc has just been passed by with one step, and he feels a little uncomfortable in his heart. After catching the ball, he directly shot from outside the three-point line.

The scissor feet of ecstasy are still there, but the height of the jump is much lower than before.

Fortunately, Jeremy Lin, who is defending him, is much different in height from him, and currently lacks defensive awareness.

Facing McGrady's dry pull, he didn't have time to react, he just stretched out his hand symbolically, and watched t-mac complete the shot.

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

McGrady hit a face-saving goal.

After the ball, the two teams played back and forth.

However, the free agency team has fewer offensive methods, and the only tough player, Tracy McGrady, is too old to continue to output.

Fighting and fighting, the rookie team's lead gradually expanded.

Seeing this, Shen Fei raised his hand to the assistant coach, Lucas, and stopped the game.

If you continue to fight, it may hurt your feelings.

As a veteran, but was defeated by three new recruits, if they feel ashamed, they will be in trouble if they don't want to sign with the Rockets.

The six people on the field stopped, Lucas invited Shen Fei to his side, and introduced with a smile:

"Everyone, this is the new general manager of our Rockets—Shen Fei!"

"This year's draft, as well as free agency trials, are all handled by him."

Several players looked at each other.

It was the first time for them to see Shen Fei.

Although I knew that the manager was a young man before, I was still very surprised to meet him today.

&nbThe general manager of the team is a big boss, usually in a suit and with a potbellied appearance.

And Shen Fei looked like a good student who just graduated from university.

Tall, handsome, and gentle.

If it weren't for the maturity and sharpness in his eyes that students would never have, the six of them would really have questioned their future in their hearts.

"I just took over the team before and was busy with various affairs. I didn't meet you in the first time. I'm sorry."

Shen Fei opened his mouth.

This was said to three rookies.

But he said sorry words, but his tone didn't feel apologetic at all.

The three rookies quickly waved their hands, saying that it doesn't matter.

"The training match just now was arranged temporarily by me."

With that said, Shen Fei turned to the three free agents headed by McGrady.

"You are all veterans of the field for many years, you should be able to see their potential, right?"

The Asian youth asked with a smile.

The three nodded.

Especially Tony Allen.

He played against Paul George the whole time, and he admired the rookie wing very much in his heart.

A little more time, this son will become a great weapon!

"What I want to say is that the future of the Rockets will definitely get better and better. I hope that all three of you can join us."

"I assure you that in the future, there will be champions and big contracts."

Shen Fei promised.

At this moment, the [Voice of Bewitching] has been activated, and his words seem to have magical powers, making it hard not to believe.

The three nodded.

"Everyone, I want to be clear with you."

Shen Fei continued.

"The future I'm talking about is not the kind of rhetoric that is out of reach."

"The Rockets want to win the championship, and they will win the championship this year!"

Shen Fei announced in an unquestionable tone.


Six faces are dumbfounded.

Are you going to win this year?

[Fortunately, I thought this manager was reliable just now, and I have a future with him, so now I’m talking nonsense? ]

The same suspicion more or less appeared in their hearts.

"General manager, you have the ambition to win the championship. I understand and agree with you."

"But I just finished the finals a month ago, and I'll be honest, it's not realistic for the Rockets to reach the level of the Lakers and Celtics in the short term."

Tony Allen persuaded.

Shen Fei smiled slightly upon hearing this.

He did not refute, but said:

"It may be too early to say this now."

"However, remember, I don't like to talk empty words. Winning the championship is our goal this season and must be accomplished."

"Okay, I have asked my assistant to prepare contracts for the three of them, and the price is definitely much higher than the market price."

"I wish us a happy cooperation."

Said, Shen Fei stretched out his right hand.

The three free agents approached one by one and shook his hand.

The last person to shake hands was Maddie.

When shaking hands, Shen Fei whispered:

"Tracey, the time for treatment is initially scheduled after the end of the summer league."

"It will take some time for me to prepare the things I need for treatment."

Upon hearing this, McGrady nodded happily: "I will train hard during this time to get back in shape."


Half an hour later, the three players completed their respective signings.

Tony Allen got a three-year, $3 million contract with a team option for the third year.

Don't look at the small share, but in the original time and space, he was signed by the Memphis Grizzlies for 2010 years and 7 million in July 3.

The price Shen Fei gave was already more than 200 million higher than the market price.

And McGrady and pj-tucker both signed the basic salary, but it was much higher than the normal price.

McGrady also has a second-year player option.

In other words, Shen Fei gave him a chance to prove himself, and one year later, t-mac had the chance to regain the maximum salary.

After completing the signing, Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

[With Tucker and Allen, the team's defense is not a problem. ]

[The next step is to get Griffin's deal done and McGrady's treatment. ]

With this in mind, Shen Fei returned to the office and began to check the public opinion about Griffin on the Internet.


On July 7th, Beijing time, LeBron James started the live broadcast.

"I'm going to bring my talents to Miami."

For a moment, basketball fans all over the world were shocked.

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