Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 10 3v3, the performance of George and Shuhao!

A week later, Shen Fei received a call from his assistant.

At this time, there are only a few days left before the opening of the free agent market, and each team has already tried out their favorite players one after another.

The assistant said excitedly on the phone that the three free agents that Shen Fei had circled before would all come to Toyota Center today.

Shen Fei smiled slightly upon hearing this.

After hanging up the phone, he drove directly to the arena.

When Shen Fei entered the arena, PJ Tucker, Tony Allen and McGrady were doing shooting training.

Among the three, Tucker had been panning for gold overseas before, and as soon as he received the Rocket's invitation, he rushed back to the beautiful country without stopping.

McGrady agreed to go back to the Rockets for trial training because of Shen Fei's promise.

And Tony Allen.It was the rocket assistant who took the initiative to contact yesterday, expressing his willingness to accept the invitation for trial training.

Shen Fei was not surprised by this, because during this period, this year's rookie has already cooperated with the team for a period of time.

The rookie selected by the Celtics-Avery Bradley must have performed well in team training.

He's just as good defensively as Torrey Allen, and is younger and less paid.

The management of the Celtics must have chosen Bradley just like in the previous life.

After Tony Allen knew the meaning of the team's top management, he could only find his own home.

Shen Fei is confident that he can reach an agreement with Teacher Tony today.

The assistant coach of the Rockets - Lucas, when he saw Fei Shen coming, he immediately ran to his side and greeted him warmly: "General manager, you are here."

Since the team currently has no coach, he became the interim coach.


"You let our three rookies play a 3-on-3 game with them."

Shen Fei didn't talk nonsense, and arranged directly.

The assistant coach nodded, called Paul George, Stephenson, and Jeremy Lin from another field, and led them to the trial field.

"Okay, let's stop shooting first."

"Next, we will have a 3-on-3 training match."

"Your opponents are the three rookies we selected this year."

The assistant coach called to stop the three people who were shooting and announced.

McGrady and others were taken aback when they heard the words, and looked at the rookies of the Rockets strangely.

&nbc first noticed that Paul George, who was similar in stature to himself.

When the eyes of the two met, there was a little respect in George's eyes, but neither humble nor overbearing, and there was no intention of escaping.

McGrady nodded slightly, quite satisfied with the young man's spirit.

Tony Allen's expression was slightly disdainful.

Last season, he fought Kobe Bryant for [-] rounds in the Finals!

Do these three recruits dare to challenge themselves now?

Teacher Tony couldn't help but doubt the sincerity of the Rockets inviting him to try out.

How to put it, should you let Kevin Martin or Aaron Brooks be your opponent?

However, although Tony Allen was dissatisfied, he had come and could only accept the arrangement of the Rockets.

The game was about to start, and the rookie team took the lead to serve.

Jeremy Lin passed the ball to Paul George, who was facing Tony Allen.

"Come on, rookie. Show me why you're No. 10."

An old fritter like Mr. Tony is just a piece of trash talk.

George didn't pay attention to the other party's words, but put on a three-threat pose and used a tentative step.

His tentative step is fast and has a great stride, which has a good deceptive effect.

But who is Tony Allen?

He is a defensive champion who can defend the young "Splash" brothers to a great extent in the series.

Also in the matchup with Durant, "Reaper" suffered a lot!

Faced with George's feint, Mr. Tony remained unmoved at all and kept firmly in front of his opponent.

Pickled pepper tried several times but failed, so he had no choice but to play the ball, trying to use his speed to directly form a breakthrough.


The two bodies collided, Tony Allen remained motionless, George staggered two steps back, and almost lost control of the ball.

Mr. Tony was not forgiving when he gained momentum, and immediately stepped forward, ready to take advantage of the victory to pursue and complete the steal.

In a blink of an eye, George quickly adjusted his footsteps and used the backward force of the collision to open the distance from the opponent.

I saw him stepping on the ground with both feet, turning over and throwing his hand backwards.

Tony Allen leaps to George...

The moment the ball left George's fingertips, Mr. Tony's hand touched the former's fingers.

The basketball draws a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

Allen froze.

This is all sealed to the fingertips, can I still enter? !

George had a calm expression on his face, as if he had done something unusual.

But Shen Fei on the sidelines still noticed the slightly raised corner of his mouth.

Obviously, this ball has a certain element of luck.

But as a rookie Paul George, being able to complete such a difficult shot under the defense of Tony Allen is something to be happy in itself.

With full play and full calculation, George has been training at the Toyota Center Arena for about half a month.

Including the buff of [Spiritual Time Room], this is half a year of training.

If he develops normally, George is already a player who can stably output 10 points per game in the NBA at this time.

Coupled with his excellent physical talent, it is not surprising to make such a goal.

McGrady on the side looked straight at George, and the appreciation in his eyes became stronger.

&nbcI seem to see myself when I was young.

The game continued, and the rookie team continued to serve.

This time, Tony Allen adopted a close-fitting defensive strategy, making it extremely difficult for George to connect the ball.

Jeremy Lin saw that it was difficult to pass the ball, so he chose to play singles by himself.

Against him is the former scoring champion - Tracy McGrady!

&nbcAlthough he is only 32, he is still at the tail end of the peak of ordinary athletes.

However, due to injuries, his explosive power and lateral movement speed are not as good as before.

After seeing George's performance, McGrady was a little thankful that he didn't have to defend such a young man.

[Can't guard against George, it's still no problem to guard against a small yellow-skinned guard. ]

Maddie thought to himself.

Shuhao didn't know what the other party was thinking.

After finally having the opportunity to play against a star like Tracy McGrady, he was extremely excited.

The next moment, Shuhao moved!

Without any fancy moves, he dribbled the ball to his left hand, made a short and powerful crossover, and then accelerated towards the basket.

McGrady's relaxed expression froze at the moment Shuhao accelerated.

[So fast! ]

&nbcI felt bad suddenly, so I hurriedly turned around to chase after him.

At this time, Jeremy Lin had already thrown off one of his positions.

McGrady was unable to regain the defensive position, and finally had to try to dig the ball from behind, but failed.

&nbng! "

Brother Hao directly staged a one-arm dunk.


Tony Allen, and pj-Tucker were all shocked.

McGrady was unexpectedly passed by an unknown draft pick.

It was hard for them to believe that this kind of movement speed and explosive power would appear on a yellow man!

On the sidelines, Shen Fei smiled slightly.

In his previous life, Jeremy Lin was able to stage the legend of "Linsanity" in New York. The biggest reason was his super physical fitness!

You know, in this year's rookie physical test, his full-court sprint speed is comparable to the No. [-] pick-John Wall.

As for Wall's speed, everyone must have heard of it, and it is definitely a top3 existence in the league!

It can be seen from this that Jeremy Lin's seemingly ordinary body contains such a huge amount of energy!

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