Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 12 Three giants take shape!Progress on the Griffin deal!

A few days later, the Heat announced that they had acquired LeBron James from the Cavaliers for two first-round picks, two second-round picks, and a $1,450 million trade exception.

At the same time, Chris Bosh, the Dragon King who also became a free agent, also joined the Heat by signing first and then changing.

The Big Three of the Heat, which shocked the world, were established!

The three players of the golden generation of 03 chose to join forces at the golden age of their careers.

Heartbroken, Cavaliers fans came to the vicinity of Quicken Loans Center and burned James' No. 23 jersey.

The fans in Miami were very excited. They seemed to see that a dynasty belonging to the Heat was about to be established.

The next day, the Heat held a press conference for the Big Three.

Wearing his No. 6 jersey, James told reporters in a conference room full of guests:

"Not one, not two, but five, six, seven or eight!"

When speaking, the little emperor smiled confidently, as if the nba championship ring was close at hand.

Just when the world was shocked by the Heat's formation of the Big Three, Shen Fei officially completed the signing of three free agents.

This news was submerged in the news of the Heat's Big Three, and there was no ripple.

But Shen Fei didn't care about it.

Obscene development, keeping a low profile, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is his consistent style of life.

Moreover, when most people focused their attention on the Heat, discussions on the Clippers champion-Griffin were also raging on the Internet.

&nb-Smith said bluntly in a live broadcast:

"Judging by the basketball skills that Blake Griffin showed in college, what he can do, Jordan can do too."

"Listen, DeAndre (Jr. Jordan) can give opponents great danger on both ends of the offense and defense. Whether it is a dunk or a block, he is not necessarily worse than Griffin!"

tn.t radio commentator Chris Knight said:

"I think the managers of the Clippers need to make a choice between the two."

"They both need the ball and the space around the basket. If two insiders with no outside shooting ability are crowded together, it's not a good thing for either of them."


A private training ground in Los Angeles.

Blake - Griffin just finished a day of training, this time sitting on the sidelines to rest.

Beans of sweat kept rolling from his forehead, and Griffin picked up a bottle of Gatorade and drank tons and tons.

With nothing else to do, he took out his mobile phone and started checking Twitter.

Griffin first saw the news that the Heat formed the Big Three.

He didn't feel much about it.

Although Griffin didn't play a game last year, he also watched a lot of games with the team.

Judging from the competitiveness of the Clippers' performance last year, they do not have the potential to compete for the championship this season.

Therefore, Griffin felt that as long as he did his part, it would be fine.

Winning the championship is the ultimate goal, but he is not in a hurry yet.

But soon, Griffin's expression changed.

Once again he saw what the commentators thought of him.

"Are these people really watching football professionally? They even compared me with DeAndre."

"Does basketball only look at physical fitness?"

Griffin muttered angrily.

If you just look at physical talent (combining dynamic and static), Jordan is even slightly higher than him

But Griffin knows that his control skills, shooting level, and ability to combine man and ball are not comparable to Jordan.

"These people obviously haven't watched my game in the NBA, why can they judge next time?"

Griffin was puzzled.

He thinks that Jordan's performance in the past two seasons can be surpassed in one season.

Griffin took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, to calm himself down, and then continued to look down.

Soon, his brows frowned even tighter.

Another senior commentator, comparing him to Greg Oden.

"I'm very worried about Griffin's physical condition. If he misses as often as Oden in the future, I won't be surprised at all."

"An inside player suffered a season-ending injury at a young age, which is very detrimental to his future."

"The executives of the Clippers, think about it carefully. If you want to get a better cornerstone for team building, while Griffin's value is still high, hurry up and make a move!"

Seeing this, the anger in Griffin's heart was completely ignited.

He suppressed his anger so that he didn't drop the phone.

In the end, Griffin converted his anger into motivation and returned to training.


Under the pressure of public opinion, Griffin still has not wavered in his idea of ​​making contributions to the Clippers.

However, the team's general manager, Lawrence Frank, didn't think so.

Yes, he was shaken!

Frank has basically seen all the discussions about Griffin on the Internet.

Whether it is a professional basketball commentator or a fan, Griffin is mainly compared with two people.

One is the Blazers center Greg Oden, who beat Durant to become the No. 07 pick in [-].

No one in the United States knows how talented Oden is.

&nbIn "March Madness", he dominated the inside every game.

In the finals, Oden, with his left hand injured, blasted the inside line consisting of Noah and Al Horford with one hand.

&nb, but they are all players who have been selected to the best defensive team.

It can be seen that Auden's dominance at that time.

Although Griffin played well in the college league, he was still not as good as Oden back then.

But... so what about high talent?

No matter how talented you are, if you can't play, the value is still 0.

&nbThe first year after that, I spent in the hospital bed.

Until now, the emperor's attendance rate is still dismal.

As for whether Griffin will repeat the mistakes of Oden, Frank does not know.

He didn't even dare to think about that!

Second, it is another young man in the Clippers-DeAndre Jordan.

Jordan has played for the Clippers for two seasons.

As a second-round pick, the team only took a fancy to his explosive physical talent at the beginning, and did not expect much from him.

But from the first season, Jordan started off the bench, step by step, and gradually won the trust of the head coach.

In the just-concluded 09-10 season, in his limited playing time, he played well on both ends of the offense and defense, often staged shocking slam dunks and blocked shots.

And these are exactly what Frank valued when he selected Griffin last year.

Unintentionally cutting willows and willows into shades, if Jordan continues to improve, it will be enough to support the Clippers' inside line.

[If I replace Griffin with some young players, will it be better for the future of the team? ]

Frank was troubled.

&nbHave not played yet, there are infinite possibilities.

Of course, one of the possibilities is that, like Oden, he keeps wandering between injury and comeback, and he can never guarantee his health.

Thinking of this, Frank suddenly remembered the price asking call from the Rockets half a month ago.

At that time, he hung up without thinking.

But after thinking about it recently, Frank's attitude has become less firm.

"Or, make a phone call and ask to see what kind of offer the Rockets offer."

he muttered to himself.

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