The big mouse's eyes were full of ferocity.

"The blood emperor you are talking about is a strong man in the imperial realm, right?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "There is also a strong man in the imperial realm standing behind me, and he is beside me at this moment. I really want to know where you got the courage to threaten me What?" At this point Zhao Yang pointed to the big mouse and said, "Kill it."

The next moment, an overwhelming murderous intent enveloped the big mouse.

The big mouse was frightened, "Don't, don't, don't."

Zhao Yang didn't think about killing this big mouse at first, so how could he get news from this big mouse?

It was just to scare it just now.

"Can we have a good talk now?" Zhao Yang asked, looking at the big mouse.

"What do you want to know?"

"What do I want to know, don't you know?"

"I came here by accident." After a while, the big mouse said slowly, "At that time, my cultivation was in the Great Saint Realm, and I was bewitched by a voice just after I arrived here." Speaking of which, the big mouse A look of pain appeared on the mouse's face, "The other party gave me a sacrificial exercise. With this sacrifice exercise, my cultivation has soared all the way and reached the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun."

"But I also became the other party's puppet."

"Puppet?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"This technique is very evil. The deeper you practice, the more terrifying your loyalty will be." The big mouse nodded and said, "The one who told me to die now, I will die without hesitation."

"Blood Emperor?"


"Where is the Blood Emperor?"

"I don't know where the blood emperor is, I haven't seen it in these years."

"Have you practiced here all these years?"


"You don't need resources for cultivation?"

"Did you see the moat at the gate? The blood inside is energy."

"Where does the blood of the moat come from?"

"I do not know either."

"You don't know?" Zhao Yang looked at the big mouse in surprise and said, "Are you sure you're not cheating me?"

"I really don't know." The big mouse said helplessly, "I can't lie to you about this kind of thing."

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, he communicated with the Heavenly Dao of the Small World.

"Can you detect something?"

"I sensed a subtle fluctuation in the blood river. If I guessed right, the blood emperor is inside." Tiandao of the small world replied.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure about killing the blood emperor, but there's no problem in countering." Tiandao of the small world analyzed it for a while and replied.

"Is this blood useful to us?"

"The blood is tempered from hundreds of millions of living beings in some way." Tiandao of the small world replied.

"Are you sure it won't affect us?" Zhao Yang had to ask this question clearly, otherwise he would pollute his own small world, and the loss would outweigh the gain.

"I'm sure."

"In this case, let's suck this river of blood into the small world." Zhao Yang clenched his fists tightly.

Following the opening of the small world, a force of devouring power rushed towards the bloody long river.

The bloody river decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who? Intercepting my energy?" At this moment, a wave of mental fluctuations came from the depths of the bloody river.

This mental wave made Zhao Yang feel as if his whole body exploded.

This is still under the protection of Tiandiyin.

At this time, the energy around Tiandiyin was also unstable, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

Fortunately, the small world exuded a gentle power, which firmly guarded Zhao Yang and Tiandiyin.

"Didn't you hear my words?" The existence was angry when he saw that his warning had no effect.

A monstrous spiritual storm rushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang felt like a fishing boat that could capsize at any time in front of that storm.

Can't resist.

But at the next moment, a more powerful spiritual storm gushed out from Zhao Yang's small world and collided with him.

"This place is my territory, Your Excellency, if you withdraw immediately, I can pretend that nothing happened." The existence said in a deep voice after sensing the strength of Heavenly Dao.

It's a bit aggrieved.

If it was at its peak, how could it say such cowardly words?

"I just need some energy." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You've already absorbed a quarter of the blood river's energy." The existence said angrily.

"Actually, I need a higher level of energy."

"I can give you half of the energy of the Blood River." After a while, the existence solemnly said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang became more and more sure that the source of the blood river must have something extraordinary.

"I'm going to visit the source of the blood river." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Don't go too far."

"Everyone gets what they need."

After a while, the existence threw a jade bottle to Zhao Yang, "There are three drops of holy source liquid in the jade bottle, even if you are the emperor's son, it will be useful to you."

"Holy Origin Liquid?" It was the first time Zhao Yang had heard of this liquid.

"It's normal if you don't know about the holy source liquid. It's conceived in the Heavenly Dao Spring."

"Outside the sky?"

"Beyond the fairyland."

"Are there other worlds outside of Immortal Domain?"


"You also came from outside the sky?"

The other party fell silent.

But after a while, he hurriedly said, "Can you tell the strong man behind you not to absorb the blood river?"

Zhao Yang signaled that the Heavenly Dao of the Small World should not be absorbed for the time being.

"The world of Immortal Domain has gone through the ancient times, and the modern times are already fading away." The Blood Emperor said something that made Zhao Yang tremble with fear.

"You mean Immortal Realm is about to collapse?"

"Every world has a lifespan, and if it doesn't perfect its own rules before the lifespan is exhausted, then it is doomed to perish." The words of the blood emperor made Zhao Yang fall into deep thought.

"Is what it said true?" Zhao Yang asked Tiandao of the small world after a while.

"Yes." Tiandao replied affirmatively.

"What's going on outside the sky?"

"When your strength reaches a certain level, you can break free from the shackles of heaven and leave this small world."

"Then why did you come back?"

"There is also a fight in Tianwaitian, and I offended a big boss."

"Boss?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

He really wants to say that you are all powerful in the imperial realm.

Who else is qualified to be a boss?

"Maybe you don't know that there is also the Ninth Heaven in the Emperor Realm." The Blood Emperor said bitterly, "If you want to leave the Immortal Realm, you have to reach at least the Fourth Heaven in strength, and the boss I offended has the strength in the Seventh Heaven."

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

There are also nine heavens in the imperial realm?


Are you sure you're not kidding?

"Most of the emperor realms in the fairyland are the first heavens of the emperor realm, such as those guys who are dormant in the restricted area." The blood emperor explained, "but generally the strongest will not exceed the third heaven."

"How much strength do you still have?"

"My current strength is only first-tier." Having said this, the Blood Emperor looked at Zhao Yang cautiously and said, "What do you want to do?"

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