Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 984 Various Secrets

"We don't know each other without fighting, don't worry, I won't target you." Zhao Yang reassured.

Hearing Zhao Yang say that, the Blood Emperor was relieved.

"Can you tell me about the Holy Origin Liquid?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"The holy source liquid claims to be able to create the strongest foundation of the holy realm." The blood emperor replied, "But I think no matter how strong you are, three drops of the holy source liquid are enough."

"How far can my foundation improve after taking these three drops of holy source liquid?"

"What is your current potential?"

"I do not know."

"Test it." After the Blood Emperor's voice fell, a stone tablet appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang looked at the numbers above and asked, "What do these numbers represent?"

"The number on this is from one to one thousand." The blood emperor replied, "If you reach ten, it means that you will be able to set foot on the first level of quasi-emperor realm in the future. A hundred means that you will be able to set foot on the first level of the emperor's realm in the future, and reaching two hundred means that you will be able to set foot on the second level of the emperor's realm in the future."

After a pause, the Blood Emperor continued, "Of course this can only be used as a reference."

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, his big hand landed on the stele.

The next moment the number on the stele continued to soar.




It didn't take long for that number to soar to seventy.

And after seventy, the number is still soaring.



one hundred!

After reaching one hundred, the increase in numbers slowed down.




When the number reached 180, it stopped.

"Your grades are pretty good." The Blood Emperor said with some surprise.

"I suspect you are mocking me?" Zhao Yang looked at the Blood Emperor and said.

"Do you know that if you work hard, you will be able to reach the second level of the emperor's realm in the future, and the second level of the emperor's realm is definitely a strong one in the fairyland."

"But you are all on the fourth floor of the Emperor Realm."

"The system of Tianwaitian is an order of magnitude stronger than the system of the Immortal Realm." The Blood Emperor shook his head and said, "Actually, if I practice in the Immortal Realm, it would be nice to be able to set foot on the second layer of the Emperor Realm."

"Can the powerful emperors from Tianwaitian come to the fairyland?"

"Normally, it's impossible." The Blood Emperor said in a deep voice, "Unless your cultivation level falls below the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm simply won't allow you to enter."

"Can I leave after I come in?"

"I do not know."

"You do not know?"

"My cultivation is recovering very slowly." The Blood Emperor said helplessly, "The Emperor Realm needs too many resources, and I haven't recovered much in these years." After a pause, the Blood Emperor continued, "Furthermore, I noticed that I was targeted by Tiandao, Tiandao has been watching me secretly, whether I can leave here in the future, to be honest, I really don't know."

"Can you give me more holy source liquid?" Zhao Yang said softly after a while.

"No problem." To Zhao Yang's surprise, the Blood Emperor agreed.

Zhao Yang was a little confused when he saw hundreds of drops of holy source liquid in a bottle in front of him.

"Didn't you say that the Holy Source Liquid was conceived in the Dao Spring?"


"If you say so, the holy source liquid should be very precious."

"The holy source liquid is indeed precious, and the quota is limited every year." The blood emperor nodded and said, "But I came to the fairyland through the passage of Daoquan back then."


"When that big guy chased me back then, I jumped into the Dao Spring in a hurry. What I didn't expect was that there was an ancient teleportation array deep in the Dao Spring." The Blood Emperor said with a smile, "I When I activated the teleportation array, I got a bottle of holy source liquid, but later I found that the holy source liquid is useless to me."

"How to use something like Holy Origin Liquid?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Generally speaking, at the emperor's level, you can take three drops of holy source liquid at most, and your value is less than two hundred, so you can take two drops." Blood Emperor explained, "Normally, it's no problem to raise a small level. of."

"What if it's a monster? How to take it?" Zhao Yang is very concerned about this issue.

"It depends on whether their potential is at the early stage of Zhundi or at the peak of Zhundi." The blood emperor said softly, "One-tenth of a drop of Zhundi at the peak of Zhundi can push the combat power to the limit of Zhundi."

"Can't reach the Emperor Realm?"

"No." The Blood Emperor shook his head and said, "The Emperor Realm cannot be reached through the Holy Origin Liquid."

"Emperor Zhun takes one-thirtieth drop at a high level, and his potential can be raised to the peak of Emperor Zhun."

"Wait a minute, there are also three, six, and nine ranks of Zhundi high-level."

"If you are the seventh floor of Zhundi, then take two copies; if you are the eighth floor of Zhundi, then take one."


"Taking one-ninth drop of the middle-level Zhundi, one's own potential can be raised to the high-level Zhundi." As the blood emperor came, Zhao Yang suddenly discovered how precious the holy liquid in his hand was?

But when he thought that even Tianwaitian valued him very much, he felt relieved.

"I want to know how I can further improve my origin?"

"You have no further possibility in the holy realm." The blood emperor replied, "We will talk about it after we reach the quasi-emperor realm."

"Is there any way for the quasi-emperor to reach the emperor's realm?" Zhao Yang really wanted Lin Caihan to reach this realm.

"One is to fight for heaven and earth by oneself, that is, to take the initiative to challenge the strongest thunder calamity when passing through the emperor's calamity." The blood emperor replied, "But this risk factor is very high, and the other is the emperor's mark."

"The mark of the emperor?"

The Blood Emperor suddenly fell silent.

"Don't worry, I have no malice towards you." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Speaking of which, you are still my guide?"

"Every emperor has his own imprint, and you can also understand that it is the approval of heaven and earth." The blood emperor replied, "The ones in the first level of the emperor's realm will condense one imprint, and the ones in the second level of the emperor's realm will condense two imprints. Those who are in the third heaven will condense the three imprints, and so on."

"For example, if a person in the second level of the emperor's realm gave a mark to a quasi-emperor limit, then that quasi-emperor limit will be able to become an emperor in the future as long as he practices step by step, and he doesn't even need to go through the so-called catastrophe." The blood emperor said in a deep voice, "Of course, the cultivation base of a powerful emperor who lost a mark will also drop, and it is more than several times more difficult for him to restore to the previous state."

"It's very difficult?"

"You don't think about giving your mark to others in the future, do you?"

"Have the idea."

"I advise you not to do this." The Blood Emperor shook his head and said, "It is very unlikely that you will be able to recover in the future, and moreover, you should keep moving forward in practice."

"Can I snatch other people's marks in the future?"

"Unless you have crushing strength, the other party will directly explode, and you will get nothing at that time."

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