Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 982 Blood Temple

After leaving the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, Zhu Ya asked, "Where are we going?"

"Waiting for Zhuo Bufan." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Not long after, Zhuo Bufan's figure appeared on the battleship.

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong are developing steadily." Zhuo Bufan said softly.

Zhuo Bufan has two tasks to go back this time.

The first task is to give Baihua Niang to Lin Caihan and Xu Huier, and the second task is to send resources to the two major forces.

Zhao Yang had almost emptied the resources of the Tyrant Sword Sect before, and the resources of the Tyrant Sword Sect were equivalent to hundreds of holy places.

This time, Zhao Yang gave Liang Da's forces the resources of [-] holy places.

Before Zhao Yang felt that there was not much difference between the major holy places, but after arriving in the first district, he realized that he was thinking too much.

The strength of the holy land in the first district is beyond my imagination.

And top forces like Hundred Flowers Holy Land are another matter.

"Senior Brother." At this moment, Ruoxi flew over from a distance.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang glanced at Ruoxi and said calmly.

"My master wants to see you." Ruoxi said softly.

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi in surprise.

He always felt that what Ruoxi said was unreliable.

Ruoxi dodged her eyes for a moment and said, "Can I still lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"I don't have time right now." Zhao Yang saw some clues from Ruoxi's expression, and he thought it's better not to go at this time.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to a dangerous place."

"Can you take me with you?"

"Inconvenient." Zhao Yang waved his hand and sent Ruoxi out of the battleship with a gentle force.

Watching the battleship go through the air, Ruoxi stomped her feet, "This guy..."

"Miss, this kind of thing has to be done slowly." The old woman said with a smile.

Relying on the relationship between the two families, the old woman felt that there was still a high possibility that Ruoxi and Zhao Yang would be together.

"Go to this place." Zhao Yang said calmly after sending a coordinate to the battleship.

The warship immediately changed its itinerary.

"My lord, where are we going?"

"I have to go to some dangerous places if I want to improve my cultivation now." Zhao Yang said softly, "When you get there, wait for me in a battleship nearby."

"I'll be with you." Zhao Yang interrupted Zhu Ya as soon as she said this, "Disobedient?"

"I'll just listen to my son." Zhu Ya lowered her head.

Two months later, the battleship arrived at the place Gardenia Fairy said.

This place is very barren and has no trace of popularity.

Zhu Ya looked around, feeling a chill in her heart, "My lord, I feel so terrible here."

Zhao Yang called Zhuo Bufan, "You stay here with Zhu Ya, if something goes wrong, leave here immediately."

"Of order." Zhuo Bufan said respectfully.

"By the way, you drive the battleship thousands of miles away from this place." Zhao Yang pointed in one direction.

"it is good."

After Zhuo Bufan drove the battleship away, Zhao Yang walked towards the depths of the jungle.

As he walked, Zhao Yang felt an invisible barrier.

Zhao Yang's spiritual sense felt it, this layer of restriction can stop the holy realm, but it can't stop the mid-level gardenia, let alone Zhao Yang.

After he walked into the restriction, what he saw was a bloody world.

A round of bloody setting sun hangs upside down in midair, adding some gloom and horror to this world.

There is gravel everywhere, and there is dust everywhere.

This world seems to have been broken for a long, long time.

I don't know how long Zhao Yang walked and saw a big hall.

There is a moat in front of the main hall.

It's just that the moat flows red river water.

River water?

Do not!

Zhao Yang felt the pungent smell of blood.

The blood flowing in the moat is definitely.

Zhao Yang looked into the distance with his divine sense, the moat stretched for hundreds of miles.

What makes Zhao Yang feel strange is the source of the moat, but he doesn't know where it comes from?

It can't be nothingness, can it?

Zhao Yang jumped over the moat.

When he came to the entrance of the main hall city, the ancient bronze gate slowly opened.


The bronze door seemed to open automatically.

Zhao Yang walked into the hall where no one was there.

Both the copper pillars and the furnishings in the hall are blood red.

Gives people a coquettish feeling.

As he walked, Zhao Yang's heart trembled suddenly, and at some point a creature appeared on the throne.

The creature Zhao Yang couldn't see his face clearly, but the aura emanating from him was extremely terrifying.

What Zhizi said was right, she was even scarier than the Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

But Zhao Yang felt that the other party hadn't stepped into that realm yet.

"It's your chance to come to the Scarlet World." At this time, the creature on the throne said, "I will send you a volume of cheats to help you step into the emperor's realm." Having said that, he threw an ancient scroll at Zhao Yang. classics.

There are two ancient seal characters clearly written on the classics.


"Help me step into the emperor's realm?" Zhao Yang sneered, "You are not the emperor's realm, who gave you the confidence to help me step into the emperor's realm?"

"Do you doubt?" The creature on the throne said that the temperature in the audience suddenly cooled down, "Do you know that all the creatures who doubted what I said all these years have died."

"Okay, stop playing tricks on the throne." Zhao Yang snorted coldly, "Where is this place?"

"Looking for death." The creature on the throne was furious.

His eyes bloomed with a destructive light and fell towards Zhao Yang.

The power of its power made the heavens tremble.

Seeing that eye light was about to fall on Zhao Yang's body, a soft radiance shattered that eye light.

But Tiandiyin made a timely move.

"The magic weapon of Zhundi's peak is somewhat rare." The figure on the throne said with a sneer, "But you think you can protect this guy."

"Are you also only at the peak of Zhundi?" Tiandiyin said coldly.

That's what he said, but Tiandiyin sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "This guy is definitely a top existence at the peak of Zhundi, and I can't stop it here."

"Is he just the peak quasi-emperor?"

"Don't you still want him to be Emperor Realm?"

"If that's the case, I'm relieved." Zhao Yang communicated with his own small world here.

"Suppress it for me." Zhao Yang pointed to the figure on the throne.


Following Zhao Yang's words, a wave of high-ranking coercion slapped on the figure on the throne like a stormy sea.

The figure snorted and fell from the dimensional space.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yang finally saw its appearance clearly.

a mouse.

That's right.

A 1.7-meter-eight big mouse.

At this time, the big mouse was suppressed by the coercion of the powerful emperor and couldn't move.

There was a creaking sound from its mouth.

"I said, why are you hiding your head and showing your tail, so you are a mouse." Zhao Yang said tut-tsk.

"Do you know who I am? I am the blood emperor's emissary, if you touch me, you are making an enemy of the blood emperor." The big mouse looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said.

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