Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 981 Where is the address

"At the same level, I'm not afraid of anyone." Zhao Yang said indifferently with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Yang has absolute self-confidence.

Even the mysterious and unpredictable Peony Fairy, Zhao Yang is confident that he can defeat her.

"I will challenge you in the future." Fairy Peony said lightly.

"Wait anytime." Zhao Yang said tit for tat.

Give in?


Zhao Yang will not give in to the challenge of the same level.

Fairy Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang with confusion in her eyes.

"He's really amazing." Fairy Ruoxi murmured.

"No one can stop his rise." The old woman said leisurely.

She seemed to see a rising star.

And the flower fairy in the field looked at Zhao Yang with hot eyes.

Zhao Yang is peerless, like an ancient god king.

Not afraid of any opponent, ignoring any existence.

The palace lord of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land glanced at Zhao Yang and then looked away, "First of all, congratulations to all the evildoers and emperors who have embraced the beauties back. From now on, these flower fairies will be your wives and life partners. I hope you will not disappoint me in the future." They." After a pause, the palace lord continued, "I believe you have heard of the Baihuaniang in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, and Baihuaniang can increase your upper limit."

When the palace lord said this, the eyes of all the monks present lit up.

"I can tell you responsibly that Baihuaniang can indeed increase your upper limit." The palace owner said with a smile, "The reason why Baihuaniang has such an effect is because Baihuaniang has added many spiritual essences, and even has Something mysterious."

Of course, what is the mysterious thing, the Palace Master of Hundred Flowers Holy Land did not say.

"Today, anyone who is favored by Fairy Baihua can get a cup of Baihua Niang." The Palace Master said that hundreds of maids walked towards Zhao Yang with cups of Baihua Niang.

"Will the effect be better if you take two cups of Baihuaniang?" Zhao Yang looked at Shaoyao beside him and asked.

"Only the first cup of Baihua Niang has any effect, and the second cup has no effect." Shao Yao shook her head and said, "For an existence like you, the first cup doesn't have much effect."

Zhao Yang's origin is too strong.

It was doomed that Zhao Yang would not be able to improve much unless he was an existence of the heaven-defying level.

"Have you ever drank Baihua Niang?"

"I drank it all."

Zhao Yang pondered for a while, took a cup of Baihua Niang and drank it down in one gulp.

When the liquid from Hundred Flower Brew poured into Zhao Yang's body, Zhao Yang felt restless all over his body, and the essence of Hundred Flowers poured into his limbs and bones in an instant.

Lingcui is strengthening his origin.

But Zhao Yang always felt that this energy was like a battery that was about to run out.

Can't help myself much.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhao Yang felt that Baihuaniang's energy was exhausted.


"The combat power has increased by about [-]%." Zhao Yang said softly after a while.

"Such a small improvement?" Fairy Xuelian was surprised, "I remember that Peony seems to have improved by eight percent."

"Yes, eight percent." Fairy Jasmine nodded.

"So Mr. Zhao is stronger than Mudan." Gardenia Fairy said in surprise.

"A person's strength needs to be comprehensive." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But I don't think Peony is my opponent."

Zhao Yang is very confident.

Because he still has many means.

"Zhu Ya, you can drink this cup." Zhao Yang pointed to a cup of Baihua Nong next to him.

Zhu Ya drank it without any hesitation.

After drinking, Zhu Ya closed her eyes, she was consuming this majestic energy.

About half an hour later, Zhu Ya opened her eyes, and she said with a look of surprise on her face, "My potential has been raised to the seventh level of quasi-emperor realm."

The seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

This realm is Zhu Ya's dream.

Now it's finally here.

Zhao Yang immediately put away the remaining two cups of Baihua Niang.

This is good stuff.

"Is there any activity after the Hundred Flowers Conference?"

"Generally speaking, those favored by the fairies will stay in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land for a period of time, but most of them will leave within a year or so." Fairy Shaoyao said softly, "After all, all the chosen ones are the young masters of various clans."

Speaking of this, Fairy Shaoyao changed her voice, "I just don't know how long you plan to stay here?"

"One year." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Then where are you staying tonight?" Fairy Shaoyao then asked.

When she said this, her eyes were full of anticipation.

"I'll stay here with you tonight."

Did Xue Lian and the other three girls have any objections?

Shaoyao's cultivation ranks second in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, and she has known Zhao Yang since she was in the Lower Realm, so Zhao Yang should be the first to accompany her.

After nightfall, Shao Yao lay in Zhao Yang's arms in light clothes.

The peony at this time is so beautiful.

What puzzled Shao Yao was that Zhao Yang did not take any further action at this time.

Is it because you are not beautiful enough?

"Shaoyao, I can't get rid of my body until the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu I practiced is perfect." Zhao Yang said softly, stroking Shaoyao's beautiful hair.

"When will it be completed?"

"Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

In fact, he doesn't know if he can break through the emperor's realm?

The problem is that he can't say that it's not enough to reach the emperor's realm, can he?

Otherwise, what do you think of Paeoniae?

"If you say that, you must set foot in the Emperor Realm?" Shao Yao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Emperor Realm may be unattainable for other monks, but it is not a big problem for Zhao Yang.

"What's next for you?"

"While improving your cultivation, you will also improve your own background."

"It's hard to improve your background."

"That's what worries me too."

On the second day Zhao Yang went to Fairy Snow Lotus' room, on the third day Zhao Yang went to Fairy Jasmine's room, and on the fourth day Zhao Yang went to Fairy Gardenia's room.

Zhao Yang explained the reasons for his body to Zhizi.

Gardenia expressed understanding.

"Where did you get the sacrificial skills before?"

"Why are you asking this?" Zhi Zi's expression changed involuntarily.

"I want to see."

"That place is too infiltrating, and it's vaguely ominous, why don't you go?" Zhizi hesitated for a while and said softly.

"I won't make fun of my life." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have enough cards."

Zhizi thought for a while before telling Zhao Yang the address.

"You must be careful, I think the one sitting on the throne is more terrifying than the palace lord."

"I see."

Zhao Yang thinks this is normal.

How can someone who can come up with the Emperor Realm Kung Fu be an ordinary existence?

For the next year, Zhao Yang accompanied the four stunning women all day long.

And after staying in Hundred Flowers Holy Land for a year, Zhao Yang bid farewell to them.

"I have to go now."

The faces of the four women showed reluctance.

They get along with Zhao Yang day and night, and their love has long been deeply rooted.

Zhao Yang suddenly said that he wanted to leave, and they felt very uncomfortable.

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