Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 980 Defeating the Bones

There are a total of one hundred saintesses in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

Each saint has a special seat.

Therefore, when the flower fairies appeared in the audience, the eyes of the monks present were straightened.

They have never seen such a scene of competing for beauty in their life, have they?

"The hibiscus fairy is here."

"Fairy Hibiscus is indeed the fourth-ranked fairy."

"Fairy Hibiscus has a delicate figure, so she looks so cute."

"I heard that Fairy Mujin is in love with Huang Qingming."

"Didn't Huang Qingming fall in love with Fairy Jasmine and Fairy Begonia before?"

"These two tore each other in public half a month ago and slapped Huang Qingming in the face severely. Do you think Huang Qingming will choose them?"

"Do these two have a choice now?"

"Fairy Haitang chose Tongyou from the Soul-devouring Beast Clan. As for Jasmine, I haven't heard of it yet."


"I heard that Tongyou is scary."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Tongyou is the emperor's son."

"Where is the No. [-] Peony Fairy?"

"Peony Fairy didn't show up this time."

"Could it be that Peony Fairy is not going to choose a husband this time?"

"It's possible."

"Among the top ten fairies, Shaoyao ranked second, Snow Lotus ranked third, Gardenia ranked ninth chose Emperor Zhao Yang; Hibiscus ranked fourth chose Huang Qingming, Haitang ranked sixth chose Tong You, Peach Blossom ranked seventh chose Gutong, the emperor of the ancient clan, Rose ranked eighth chose Judge, and Lanhua ranked tenth chose Qiongqi."

"In that case, Jasmine is the only one who hasn't made a choice right now."

"Yes, there are still bones of the emperor's son of the Bone Race that have not been found here?"

"Which fairy do you think dares to marry the Bone Race? It looks so intimidating."

Both Judge and Qiongqi can be transformed into human form, but the Bone Race is born with a skeleton.

Who is not afraid?

While the monks in the field were discussing, Fairy Shaoyao appeared here holding Zhao Yang's arm.


What no one expected was that the supreme skeleton of the Bone Race appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

There was a deep luster in his eye sockets.

"Did you do the thing about the Tyrant Sword Clan?"

"Are you questioning me?" Zhao Yang asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's okay if you understand it that way." The skeleton said as the flames in the eye sockets became darker.

Zhao Yang took a step forward and slapped towards the bones.

"What are you? You dare to question me?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly.

The skeleton was furious.

What did this guy Zhao Yang do?

He actually slapped himself in full view.

It's just that when the skeleton wanted to move, it found a vast force trapped its whole body like shackles.

"Is this the trend of heaven and earth?" Bonke's expression changed involuntarily.

And at the same time that he shattered the power of heaven and earth, Zhao Yang's slap had already been slapped on his face.

He staggered back a few steps, a crack appeared in the bones of his face.

"Zhao Yang, I'm going to kill you." The skeleton was enraged.


We are all emperors.

You slapped me in full view?

How can I mess around in the future?

At this time, the monks in the audience were also shocked.

No one thought that Zhao Yang dared to slap the bones, and they didn't even think that Zhao Yang really did.

"The origin is one, kill." Zhao Yang scolded in a low voice.

The moment he swung his fist, the three techniques of Pure Yang Wuji Jue, Immortal Jue, and Grand Righteous Qi Jue instantly merged into one.

Three very different forces merged into a new energy.

This energy has the pure yang power of the pure yang Wuji Jue, the immortality of the Immortal Jue, and the awe-inspiring righteousness of the Noble Righteous Jue.

The whole body of the skeleton glowed with a jet-black luster like ink, like the doomsday.

He swung his fist and punched Zhao Yang.

And the moment the two fists collided, the skeleton felt a stormy wave rolling towards him.


Two steps!

Three steps!

The skeleton stepped back seven or eight steps in a row before barely stopping.

He glanced down at the bones.

The bones even ooze blood.

"You... how could you be so strong?" Bonke looked at Zhao Yang with an incredulous look in his eyes.

At this time, the expressions of the judge and the emperor's son became serious.

"He's stronger than he was half a month ago." Qingmo murmured.

"Is there no limit to this guy's combat power?" Huang Qingming said with an ugly face.

In Huang Qingming's view, the human race only needs one emperor.

The appearance of Zhao Yang obscured his brilliance.

"Am I destined to live in this guy's shadow?" Qiongqi said unwillingly.

"Could it be him who will be the emperor in the future?" The judge couldn't help clenching his fists.

The fairies present looked at Zhao Yang with brighter eyes.

What these Dizimen can think of is what they can think of.

"My son, I don't know if I have a chance to be your wife?" Fairy Jasmine walked up to Zhao Yang at this moment and said expectantly.

Fairy Jasmine is also stunningly beautiful.

Facing Fairy Jasmine, Mao recommended himself and Zhao Yang took her hand and said, "It's an honor."

Immediately, a look of surprise appeared on Fairy Jasmine's face.

Just now she was nervous.

She was worried that Zhao Yang would refuse.

Because if Zhao Yang refused, she would have no chance to choose another emperor.

And choose another evildoer, is she willing?

"I'll take you to the VIP seats." Fairy Jasmine said tenderly.

Fairy Ruoxi in the audience pouted when she saw this scene, "Don't be ashamed."

"Miss, you have to work hard." The old woman said with a smile.

"This guy is too fiddly." Fairy Ruoxi said angrily, "He wants four out of ten flower fairies."

"The identity of the flower fairy is destined not to go with him." The old woman said with a smile, "You have to figure this out."

Fairy Ruoxi's eyes lit up immediately, "Why did I forget this?"

Every girl in Baihua Fairy has a talent show.

Some dance, some play the piano, and some sing.

This is a feast.

Let the evildoers present enjoy an audio-visual feast that is difficult to appreciate in this life.

Zhao Yang also let go of his body and mind rarely.

"My lord, these girls are very talented." Zhu Ya said sourly from the side.

Zhao Yang pinched her face, "You are no worse than any of them."

"Then why didn't you accept me?" Zhu Ya asked abruptly.

Zhao Yang was stunned, then smiled and said, "I can't break my body until the pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is not completed."

"Then what about Shaoyao and the others?"

"Talk to them then."

"The question is when will the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu be completed?"

"I don't know either." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile, "What I know is that it won't work even in the Quasi-Emperor Realm."

"What if you reach the Emperor Realm?"


"Have you ever thought that the reason why your master doesn't stay with Senior Bi Luo is because you can't break your body even when you reach the emperor's realm?"


"What if that's the case?"

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