He was immersed in this state and couldn't extricate himself.

At this time, his whole body was glowing.

Like the scorching sun.

The exercises in his body began to work uncontrollably.

Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, Immortality Jue, Virtuous Righteous Qi Jue.

Zhao Yang has mastered many exercises, but most of them are just supernatural powers.

There are three kinds of original exercises.

These three exercises, Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, are the exercises of the Emperor Realm, Immortality Art is the peak of the Emperor Zhun, and Haoran Zhengqi Art is only the exercises of the Holy Realm.

However, under Zhao Yang's deduction, Haoran Zhengqi Jue has already crossed the threshold of Emperor Zhun.

At this time, the Haoran Righteousness Art has reached the high level of Emperor Zhun.

But the quasi-emperor's high-level is still tasteless to Zhao Yang, so Zhao Yang has never used it in these years.

And when these three kinds of exercises were running, Zhao Yang subconsciously let these three kinds of exercises blend together.

That's right.


Before that, it was the fusion of Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu and Immortal Art.

At this time, Zhao Yang made Haoran Zhengqi Jue also integrated into the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Yang opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes unexpectedly burst into bright flames.

The temperature here soared countless times in an instant.

Fortunately, there are restrictions in this room, otherwise the room would be burned to nothing.

"As expected of the strongest emperor." At this time, the magnificent woman sighed and said.

This woman looks about 27 or [-] years old, but women of this age have more taste.

Zhao Yang glanced at it and felt his heart skip a beat.

But he was not an ordinary person after all, so he calmed down quickly.

"My lord, you are joking, I can't be called this." How could Zhao Yang accept this title?

This means that Zhao Yang doesn't take the emperor's children seriously.

"You first defeated Qiongqi from Fierce Beast Ridge, and then you defeated the judge from Yan Luo's lineage, Huang Qingming from Xianting lineage, Wu Yan from Wuliang Mountain's lineage, and this time you defeated Green Demon from Demon's Nest." The woman said. He smiled slightly, "You have already defeated the five emperors."

"Luck." Zhao Yang said modestly.

"Luck is also a kind of strength." The woman said with a smile.

"The sound of the piano just now seems to have led me into Taoism?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

"I'm playing the entrance song, which will allow you to enter the state of enlightenment." The woman said lightly, "How do you feel?"

"It feels wonderful." Zhao Yang said earnestly, "I would also like to thank Senior for giving me the opportunity."

"The reason why I help you is also selfish." The woman said frankly, "I hope you can lend a helping hand when the Hundred Flowers Holy Land is robbed in the future."

"Isn't the Emperor standing behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land?"

"The Hundred Flowers Holy Land does have an emperor, but in the next catastrophe, the emperor will not be able to transcend the world."

"What catastrophe?"

"It's not convenient to tell you about this at the moment."

Zhao Yang replied after being silent for a while, "If Hundred Flowers Holy Land does not do anything that harms my human race in the future, and I happen to have that strength, I will definitely not stand by and watch."

"Hundred Flowers Holy Land has been married to the restricted area these years, but Hundred Flowers Holy Land just wants to protect itself." The woman looked into Zhao Yang's eyes and said, "I hope you don't misunderstand my Hundred Flowers Holy Land."

"Senior, I was joking." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

How could it be possible to trust the Palace Master of Hundred Flowers Holy Land?

But since someone offered an olive branch, there is no reason for him to refuse, right?

"The Hundred Flowers Conference is about to start. At that time, many flower fairies will show their strength to the outside world. I wish you more beauties here."

"I am looking forward."

After finishing talking with the woman, Zhao Yang returned to Shaoyao's courtyard.

"Palace Master, what did you do to me?"

"Your palace master talked about an introductory song."

"Enthusiasm song?" Shao Yao exclaimed, "The palace lord thinks too much of you."

"What do you mean?"

"The Taoist song needs the cooperation of the Taoist Qin, and the Taoist Qin can only be played once in a hundred years." Shao Yao looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "Does the Palace Master have something to ask for?"

"When the Hundred Flowers Holy Land is robbed in the future, I need to lend a helping hand."

"It's okay." Shao Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I'm at a loss."

"How do you say it?" Fairy Snow Lotus asked in confusion.

"Behind your Hundred Flowers Holy Land is a powerful emperor standing, not to mention you are still connected with the restricted area. Do you think your Hundred Flowers Holy Land will not be able to handle it in the future? Could it be a simple matter?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Fairy Shaoyao was startled.

The things involved at that time are absolutely monstrous.


"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Zhao Yang changed the subject, "How many days until the Hundred Flowers Conference starts?"

"There is still half a month." Fairy Shaoyao replied.

"Call me in half a month, I want to learn something." Zhao Yang said softly.

After arriving at the room arranged by Shao Yao, Zhao Yang quietly realized it.

Under the influence of the entrance song, the combination of Immortal Art and Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu became more intimate, and at the same time Haoran Zhengqi Art was also involved.

Zhao Yang could feel that he was stronger than before.

But Zhao Yang was not satisfied with this.

He is going to get stronger.

"If Haoran Zhengqi Jue can be raised to the peak of Emperor Zhun, it may increase my strength by [-]%." Zhao Yang murmured.

The figure of [-]% is already terrifying.

"Then deduce it." Thinking of this, Zhao Yang opened the time domain.

With the help of the time domain, it took Zhao Yang ten years to deduce the Haoran Zhengqi Art from the high level of Emperor Zhun to the peak of Emperor Zhun.

How happy would Chu Haoran be if he knew that Haoran's Righteousness Jue had been deduced to the peak of Emperor Zhun by Zhao Yang?

After deduction to the peak of Zhundi, Zhao Yang started the fusion of the three martial arts.

After Zhao Yang drank a cup of Enlightenment Tea, it took him five years to meld these three exercises.

After the fusion, the Pure Yang Wuji Jue became even more terrifying.

On this day, Fairy Shaoyao knocked on the door of Zhao Yang's room.

"The Hundred Flowers Conference is about to begin."

Zhao Yang pushed open the door.

When he appeared in front of Fairy Shaoyao, Fairy Shaoyao was startled.

"Why do I think you have improved again?"

"The combat power has indeed improved a bit." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Fairy Shaoyao didn't know what to say.

After reaching Zhao Yang's level, he has reached the limit that can be achieved at the same level.

But Zhao Yang's fighting power has actually improved a bit.

"I think you should restrain yourself a bit." Fairy Shaoyao said softly.

As soon as Zhao Yang's mind moved, the breath in his whole body suddenly subsided.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Fairy Shaoyao took Zhao Yang's arm.

"Is this okay?" Zhao Yang asked in a daze.

"I'm telling those guys clearly that I've already found my wife." Fairy Shaoyao said with a smile.

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