Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 933 Opening the Sky Bow

Hu Duan immediately realized that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

He staggered and rolled down the high steps.

It rolled all the way to Zhao Yang's feet.

"Don't blame me if you don't answer the face I gave you just now." Zhao Yang said condescendingly.

" are...?" Fox Duan asked tremblingly.

"This small world is mine, so do you understand?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Fox Duan's pupils shrank.

Over the years, the master of this small world has appeared several times, but the master has not interfered with anything in this world.

They think they can keep doing whatever they want.

But only now did he realize that the master had begun to meddle in the affairs of this world.

In other words, the previous system is about to fall apart.

"I have seen the master." Hu Duan hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang.

"Take me to the treasury of the dynasty." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Please." Hu Duan said hastily.

Hu Duan's cultivation was at the high level of the Holy Realm, but in front of Zhao Yang, it was not enough.

He realized that Zhao Yang was definitely in control of the world.

In other words, whoever he lets live lives, and whoever he lets die dies.

After arriving at the treasury, Zhao Yang found that there were more than 2000 pieces of various materials for the Holy Land in the treasury.

"Is the dynasty's treasury owned by the top ten powerful clans or...?"

"The treasury of the dynasty is owned by the top ten powerful clans. If you want to use the resources of the treasury, you need the consent of the top ten powerful clans at the same time." Hu Duan changed his voice when he said this, "Of course you are an exception."

"Are there any materials for quasi-emperor realm?"

"We don't know much about the emperor's realm, and of course we haven't noticed materials whose energy fluctuations exceed the Great Sacred Realm." Hu Duan replied.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "You inform the monks from the small world to come here, and I will come here to give lectures in two days."

Zhao Yang doesn't want to waste the power of the small world.

As long as they are loyal, Zhao Yang doesn't mind giving them more authority.

Then Zhao Yang left this small world.

Hu Duan stared at Zhao Yang's leaving direction for a while, and finally determined that Zhao Yang left using the rules.

"The ruler has actually gotten involved in this small world, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Hu Duan said worriedly.

"Maybe we can see what's outside the world." Hu Yan said with a smile.

"You." Hu Duan suddenly thought of something when he said this, "What do you think of the master?"

"Why are you asking such a question all of a sudden?"

"You can be the Juggernaut's maid, so that our Fox Clan can talk to the Juggernaut." Hu Duan said softly, "Besides, don't you want to marry Hu Tao? Now I will give you a chance."

Hu Yan's eyes flickered for a moment, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

Not long after Zhao Yang returned to the VIP room, a deacon from Jubaozhai came to invite Zhao Yang to the auction house.

After arriving at the box, the deacon said softly, "I'll be watching at the door, if you need anything, just say hello."

It didn't take long for the auction to officially start.

I have to say that the items auctioned by Jubaozhai are all very valuable.

Almost all of them are quasi-sacred and holy.

There are not many in Golden Wonderland.

"The next thing that will be auctioned is a feathered arrow." When the auctioneer said this, a dusty feathered arrow appeared in front of everyone.

This feathered arrow looks like it has a long history.

But I didn't feel how strong the fluctuation was.

"The fluctuation on this feather arrow has just reached the quasi-sacred state?"

"Why do I feel that I don't even reach the Quasi-Holy Realm?"

"What is the value of this feathered arrow?"

"I also want to know."

While the audience was discussing, the voice of the auctioneer rang out, "The history of this feathered arrow can be traced back to the Heavenly Court period. There are some special runes on this feathered arrow. Unfortunately, we also I don’t understand.” At this point he paused, “The starting price for this feathered arrow is [-] drops of holy liquid, and each increase in price must not be less than one drop of holy liquid.”

"One hundred and one drops."

"One hundred and two drops."

"110 drops."

At this time, the spirit of Purgatory Mirror appeared beside Zhao Yang, "This feathered arrow seems to be the feathered arrow of Kaitian Bow."

"Open Sky Bow?"

"It is rumored that the Heavenly Bow is the original magic weapon of the Heavenly Court Arrow God." Purgatory Mirror said in a deep voice, "The Heavenly Bow has three feathered arrows in total, and each one is priceless."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang shouted without hesitation, "Two hundred drops."

"Two hundred and one drops."

"Two hundred and two drops."

"Three hundred drops." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Three hundred and one drops."

"Three hundred and five drops."

Zhao Yang realized that if he continued to increase the price like this, God knows how much the price would be increased, so he directly raised the price to [-].

one thousand?

Many monks present fell silent when they heard this number.

"Two thousand." Just when Zhao Yang thought he could take down the feather arrow, an unhurried voice sounded from the box not far away.

"Three thousand." Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

"Four thousand, the Tang family will order this feathered arrow."

"Tang family?" Hearing the change of color of the young man in the box here, "My lord, the Tang family is one of the holy places of the human race, and its strength is not weaker than that of the four holy places."

The boy knew very well that Zhao Yang had thick thighs that couldn't be thicker.

Zhao Yang didn't drive him away, so he licked his face and followed.

"Who is speaking at this time, do you know?"

"I don't know if it's Tang Yun, the young patriarch of the Tang family?" the boy said uncertainly.

"Five thousand." Zhao Yang hadn't called the price yet, another voice sounded from the box not far away.

This time it was a girl's voice.

"I don't know who it is? It turns out to be Xu Qianqian, the saint of Sifang Shengdi." Tang Yun gave up the auction after recognizing the other party's identity. "A gentleman does not take away people's love, so I will let it go to Miss Xu."

"Thank you." Xu Qianqian's pleasant voice resounded in the audience.

"Six thousand." What Xu Qianqian didn't expect was that Zhao Yang started bidding again.

"I said, are you looking for death?" Tang Yun said in a bad tone, "I gave it up to Ms. Xu, what do you mean by bidding?"

"This is the auction site, the one who competes for the highest wins." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Okay, okay, I want to see how much money you have? Seven thousand." Tang Yun was irritated by Zhao Yang.

"Eight thousand." Zhao Yang said without hesitation.

This is the Feather Arrow of Kaitian Bow.

No matter how much money Zhao Yang had, he had to take it.

"Nine thousand." When Tang Yun said this number, he was stopped by the guardian around him, "Young master, we can't waste so much money on this."

Only then did Tang Yun realize that he had raised the price so high.

And when he found out that Zhao Yang didn't increase the price immediately, his heart gradually sank.

"Nine thousand for the first time." The auctioneer said, looking around the audience.

"Nine thousand for the second time." After three breaths, the auctioneer shouted again.

Tang Yun's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

He thought he was dumped by Zhao Yang.

And just when the auctioneer was about to speak for the third time, Zhao Yang's voice resounded in the audience.

"Nine thousand and one."

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